Thanks for your support! We love you!! Your name will be up in lights on our website for the rest of time.
For your contribution, you will directly receive the finished copy of I Dream of Gina in the form of a digital download. It will be playable on all your devices, get excited. Plus your name will be up in lights on our site.
Alright guys, this is the real deal. The postie will deliver an actual DVD of I Dream of Gina, right to your doorstep! Plus we'll send you a digital copy as well, just in case you're into that sort of thing. And, as always, your name will be up in lights on our site!
You're an inspiration to us all. So you are going to get a DVD and digital download of the film, as well as your very own *~*LIMITED EDITION*~*~ IDOG poster (featuring an original Rinehart stanza)! Surely it will reside on your mantle for years to come. As if that isn't enough, you'll get a film credit! Yes, in the credits of the actual film, you're name will appear as a contributor! NICE
Now we're talking big bucks, and big rewards. You'll receive an original IDOG stubby holder! Fight rising world temperatures by slipping it onto you beverage of choice! And you can enjoy said beverage while enjoying your DVD and Digital Download of the finished film. AND you'll be credited in the film! YES AND AND we'll give you a personal Facebook shout out, so the whole IDOG community will know just how awesome you are!
YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE Along with every perk above (DVD, Digital Download, sweet poster, stubby holder, film credit, FB shout out), we're going to tell your future! OH YEAH you'll receive a tarot reading from our very own team psychic! You'll get a half an hour session, one-on-one. If you're not Sydney based, this will be via Sype. ****The IDOG team will not be held responsible for any financial, romantic or automotive disasters that were not foreseen in this session****
You'll be the proud owner of the ONE AND ONLY framed I Dream of Gina artwork from Sydney artist Samantha Lee. It's the face of our doco - the logo, the legend! A word from Sam: There are common threads woven richly between place and people across time and space. Fascinated by symbology, surrealist animation and nature, I explore the permeable balance between conscious and unconscious worlds through a playful, organic aesthetic. Check out:
FANCY YOURSELF A MAGNIFICENT TEAM OF FILMMAKERS? Liz and the IDOG team will produce a 3-5 minute video on your subject of choice. This could be a business promo, a cheesy video for your mum's 50th OR perhaps we could make your short film script come alive! You're welcome and encouraged to be on set to witness the raw genius and unadulterated hilarity of this incredible team. Extra production costs not included.
EVER WANT TO OWN A MOVIE THEATRE? That's nice, but we're not actually giving you one with this reward. Although we will be brining a pop-up cinema to your living room, backyard or pub for a special screening of I Dream Of Gina! This will include exclusive screening rights, meaning you can sell tickets to the event and make some $$. You will also receive an Associate Producer credit on the film, go you!
YA DONE REAL GOOD. Your generous contribution is an enormous help. In return you will become an Executive Producer of I Dream of Gina! Your name will be featured in the film's opening title sequence! You'll be able to slap it on your IMDB page! AND ABOVE ALL you'll sleep soundly knowing that you helped in getting this film made. Of course you'll only be Executive Producer by title, you won't be legally responsible for our editorial decisions.
Thanks for your support! We love you!! Your name will be up in lights on our website for the rest of time.
For your contribution, you will directly receive the finished copy of I Dream of Gina in the form of a digital download. It will be playable on all your devices, get excited. Plus your name will be up in lights on our site.
Alright guys, this is the real deal. The postie will deliver an actual DVD of I Dream of Gina, right to your doorstep! Plus we'll send you a digital copy as well, just in case you're into that sort of thing. And, as always, your name will be up in lights on our site!
You're an inspiration to us all. So you are going to get a DVD and digital download of the film, as well as your very own *~*LIMITED EDITION*~*~ IDOG poster (featuring an original Rinehart stanza)! Surely it will reside on your mantle for years to come. As if that isn't enough, you'll get a film credit! Yes, in the credits of the actual film, you're name will appear as a contributor! NICE
Now we're talking big bucks, and big rewards. You'll receive an original IDOG stubby holder! Fight rising world temperatures by slipping it onto you beverage of choice! And you can enjoy said beverage while enjoying your DVD and Digital Download of the finished film. AND you'll be credited in the film! YES AND AND we'll give you a personal Facebook shout out, so the whole IDOG community will know just how awesome you are!
YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE Along with every perk above (DVD, Digital Download, sweet poster, stubby holder, film credit, FB shout out), we're going to tell your future! OH YEAH you'll receive a tarot reading from our very own team psychic! You'll get a half an hour session, one-on-one. If you're not Sydney based, this will be via Sype. ****The IDOG team will not be held responsible for any financial, romantic or automotive disasters that were not foreseen in this session****
You'll be the proud owner of the ONE AND ONLY framed I Dream of Gina artwork from Sydney artist Samantha Lee. It's the face of our doco - the logo, the legend! A word from Sam: There are common threads woven richly between place and people across time and space. Fascinated by symbology, surrealist animation and nature, I explore the permeable balance between conscious and unconscious worlds through a playful, organic aesthetic. Check out:
FANCY YOURSELF A MAGNIFICENT TEAM OF FILMMAKERS? Liz and the IDOG team will produce a 3-5 minute video on your subject of choice. This could be a business promo, a cheesy video for your mum's 50th OR perhaps we could make your short film script come alive! You're welcome and encouraged to be on set to witness the raw genius and unadulterated hilarity of this incredible team. Extra production costs not included.
EVER WANT TO OWN A MOVIE THEATRE? That's nice, but we're not actually giving you one with this reward. Although we will be brining a pop-up cinema to your living room, backyard or pub for a special screening of I Dream Of Gina! This will include exclusive screening rights, meaning you can sell tickets to the event and make some $$. You will also receive an Associate Producer credit on the film, go you!
YA DONE REAL GOOD. Your generous contribution is an enormous help. In return you will become an Executive Producer of I Dream of Gina! Your name will be featured in the film's opening title sequence! You'll be able to slap it on your IMDB page! AND ABOVE ALL you'll sleep soundly knowing that you helped in getting this film made. Of course you'll only be Executive Producer by title, you won't be legally responsible for our editorial decisions.