The Squid, the Vibrio & the Moon
A handwritten thank-you card from the Ailsa, Aviva and Gregory
OZ Single Reward: 1 signed copy of the storybook sent to you in Australia
Worldwide Single Reward: 1 signed copy of the storybook sent to you worldwide
OZ DoubleUp Reward: 2 signed copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia
OZ Hatchling Reward: 1 signed copy of the storybook sent to you in Australia + your child’s name on the supporters’ page in the book
OZ Hat-trick Reward: 3 signed copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia
OZ HighFive Reward: 5 signed copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia
WORLDWIDE HighFive Reward: 5 signed copies of the storybook sent to you worldwide
Art-Lovers Reward: A signed limited edition print of an Aviva Reed artwork from the storybook (your choice from 4/5 selections we will make available in early December) - sent to you in Australia
Melbourne Reading Reward: A reading of the book at your local school in early 2014 (Melbourne only) plus 2 copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia.
A handwritten thank-you card from the Ailsa, Aviva and Gregory
OZ Single Reward: 1 signed copy of the storybook sent to you in Australia
Worldwide Single Reward: 1 signed copy of the storybook sent to you worldwide
OZ DoubleUp Reward: 2 signed copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia
OZ Hatchling Reward: 1 signed copy of the storybook sent to you in Australia + your child’s name on the supporters’ page in the book
OZ Hat-trick Reward: 3 signed copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia
OZ HighFive Reward: 5 signed copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia
WORLDWIDE HighFive Reward: 5 signed copies of the storybook sent to you worldwide
Art-Lovers Reward: A signed limited edition print of an Aviva Reed artwork from the storybook (your choice from 4/5 selections we will make available in early December) - sent to you in Australia
Melbourne Reading Reward: A reading of the book at your local school in early 2014 (Melbourne only) plus 2 copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia.