VLF LLB 2023 - Fundraising for WAM

VLF - Supporting better justice

VLF LLB 2023 - Fundraising for WAM

of $1,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 17th Feb 2023 at 12:59AM.

This year the Legal Laneway Breakfast is fundraising for Women and Mentoring (WAM)

WAM offer a unique, early intervention program that supports women in contact with the legal system by matching them with a supportive mentor. The volunteer mentors are trained and resourced to provide appropriate support to the program participants, to share their skills and to contribute to the wider community.

WAM began operating in the City of Yarra (in Melbourne) working with the Neighbourhood Justice Centre in 2009. In 2015 they received funding from the Melbourne Women’s Fund to replicate the program in the Sunshine Magistrates Court precinct and this year they are expanding to Ballarat.

We encourage all attendees, colleagues, and friends to make a donation

Budget Overview

We encourage all attendees, colleagues, and friends to make a donation

Legal Laneway Breakfast 2023

Donate $1 or more to Women and Mentoring

Tax Deductible

1 chosen

Legal Laneway Breakfast 2023

Donate $20 or more to Women and Mentoring

Tax Deductible

6 chosen