In a positive, industrious studio - full of goodwill - good things happen.
Please help Wallace Rockhole Pottery, Northern Territory, central Australia continue in 2016.
I established the Wallace Rockhole Pottery in 2011 to pass on the joy of working with clay to those less fortunate to access ceramic tuition. I ask for no remuneration from this small Aranda Aboriginal Community or their Primary School for my skills as a pottery teacher or for the equipment and materials I supply.
The pottery is a place of respect and pride wherein great things happen. My aim is for the potters to be inspired, creative, self-sufficient and confident with their skills; believing that a good outcome is achievable. In this happy and creative environment, each person, young or old, male or female, are encouraged to work on their own projects independently, allowing their individual styles to emerge. The pottery studio is open free of charge to anyone from Wallace Rockhole and the surrounding out-stations.
The school children love their participation in the pottery classes which take place on a weekly basis with their school at the pottery studio. They are also welcome to drop in outside school hours, the pottery helps fill a void in their young lives. Sadly the children have to leave the community and board away from their homes to attend secondary school.
How The Funds Will Be Used
The Wallace Rockhole Pottery is still dependent on my fundraising for materials and equipment and for me to continue with this project, I also need financial support as my personal funds are limited. I am solely reliant on my aged pension to cover the cost of maintaining my home in Tallebudgera Valley plus covering my living expenses whilst l am away. All of the funds raised will be used for the fulfilment of this project.
Each year I have been travelling from my home in Tallebudgera Valley, Queensland, towing my little van to the Northern Territory usually being away for five months, but this year this journey has to take a different route. My twin sister has recently been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, Stage IV (the final stage) and I am supporting her in tackling this insidious disease. To help keep my project, The Wallace Rockhole Pottery ticking over, I have decided the best way to do this is to take a quicker "fly in, fly out" journey of only five weeks and hire a 4WD vehicle in Alice Springs. Five weeks is the maximum that I could take away from Kathi but it is also the minimum that I would like to spend at Wallace Rockhole. I shall certainly make the most of this time and can already see it developing into an intense, creative, crazy and mad-cap visit.
Projected studio material and pallet load freight cost $1500
Projected equipment cost $ 200
Kiln firings $ 500
Rewards including packaging and postage $1500
Fuel $500
Travel $1000
4WD Hire $2600
Contingency expenses $ 500
Accommodation $ 200
Insurances $ 650
Total = $ 9250 (a 5% Pozible fee and a 2.4% Financial Institute fee is taken from raised funds).
Your support brings joy to everyone at this little overlooked, red dusty community, well off the beaten track, nestling in the foothills of the James Range, out Hermannsburg way, 120kilometres from Alice Springs in central Australia.
The Challenges
There are two challenges that I face, the first is not reaching target as l am already financially committed by gathering materials and placing orders for the pallet load being freighted out to the pottery. The second challenge is if my twin sister has a medical emergency whilst I am away. Both are events that I will surmount if either one eventuates. All of the other problems that could arise I have already faced during the past five years of running this pottery and l managed to sail through them all with a smile; accumulating a mass of serious and/or hilarious tales.
You too are a very important part of this journey. I email updates to my friends, supporters and any interested folk, it gives you a little insight into the challenges the good people of Wallace Rockhole face in a daily way. The happiness and wonder as they realise that they too have value and by working hard at this project, their work can stand equally beside any ceramic item produced anywhere.
For over thirty years I have been a ceramic artist, teaching pottery and sculpture to both adults and children. Studio ceramics has given me a wonderful, creative way to express my artistic ability and through this I have led a happy, fruitful life. Now in retirement, my wish is to simply pass on the joy of working with clay and the pleasure each new discovery brings as the potter's knowledge of this wonderful medium grows. To give this experience to those whose possibilities of having this is limited, brings me great fulfilment.
Emailed newsletters
All supporters will receive a regular emailed newsletter full of updates, stories and pictures as this year's journey to Wallace Rockhole unfolds.
A Wallace Rockhole Postcard, plus emailed newsletter.
Ceramic Fridge Magnet
Made by Glenys Porter at the Wallace Rockhole Pottery plus postcard and emailed newsletter.
Ceramic Key Ring
Made at Wallace Rockhole Pottery by Glenys Porter plus a postcard and emailed newsletter.
Pottery Workshop in Qld or NT
Five hours potting with Su at either Wallace Rockhole, NT, on a date to suit you in August 2016 or in her home studio at Tallebudgera Valley any time before May 2017. This includes materials and pot firing. Plus postcard and emailed newsletter.
Eagle Rock
One of five similar wheel thrown Eagle sculptured containers made at Wallace Rockhole by Su Brown, plus postcard and emailed newsletters.
Parrots at the Rockhole
A wheel thrown ceramic container featuring a pair of parrots drinking from a rockhole. Made by Su Brown, similar to this photo. Plus postcard and emailed newsletters.
Rockhole Bunyip
A sculptured wheel thrown ceramic container by Su Brown, made at Wallace Rockhole. Plus postcard and emailed newsletters.
Rock Love
A ceramic container (similar to photo), creating a story about loving rocks to be made by Su Brown. Plus postcard and emailed newsletters.
Group Pottery Workshops
Group workshops for 6 people, at either Wallace Rockhole Pottery, NT, in August 2016 or at Su's studio in Tallebudgera Valley, Qld. Includes materials and firing of pots.
Ceramic Fridge Magnet
Made at the Wallace Rockhole Pottery plus a postcard and emailed newsletter.
Ceramic Quandong Dish
A small hand-made ceramic dish made at Wallace Rockhole plus postcard and emailed newsletter.
Princess Parrots
A wheel thrown ceramic container featuring a pair of Princess Parrots drinking from a rock hole, by Su Brown. Plus postcard and emailed newsletters.
Rock Hugger
A sculptured wheel thrown ceramic container by Su Brown, made at Wallace Rockhole, NT. Plus postcard and emailed newsletter.
A sculptured wheel thrown ceramic container by Su Brown, made at Wallace Rockhole. Plus postcard and newsletter.