Ryan Winter

Save OR Shave Ross for POSSC Girls

of $2,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 28th May 2016 at 9:59PM.
The Pembroke Old Scholars Soccer Club has a proud history of self-sacrifice for the betterment of our collective. In short our history, we have fought for trophies, for our grounds and for each other on and off the park. 

In recent years, we have been proud to welcome the Pembroke Old Scholars Girls Soccer Club as a sister organisation, sharing our goals of community, competition and friendship through soccer. Our Girls have put in endless hard work on and off the field to establish themselves, but their development is limited by available funds for fundamental things such as new kits and training equipment.

In moments such as this, it takes a leader to step up to the plate and show us how it's done. That leader (whether he wants to be or not) is our fearless A Grade Coach and club icon Ross Callow. 

For as long as he has been at the club (in fact, probably since birth) Ross has sported a fetching soul patch on his chin, which wiggles proudly as he imparts tactical wisdom. To kick-start the next step towards the future of the Girls Club, brave Ross has put the future of his beloved Lower-Lip-Mascot in the hands of POSSC members. Will you vote with your wallet to preserve 'The Flavour Saver' on his stately chin? Or will you pay to see his sacrifice for the good of the Girls Club?

Save? Or Shave! #RossBeBrave

How The Funds Will Be Used

The Pembroke Old Scholars Girls Soccer Club needs new playing strips, training equipment and balls as they begin their 2016 season and beyond. We could raise a smaller amount and tackle these challenges one-by-one, but that's not the POSSC style!

For glory and the success of the club, we want our Girls' teams to have access to EVERYTHING they need to achieve their goals!

The Challenges

Our club has over 120 registered players across 8 teams (6 mens and 2 womens) in 2016. While most players are happy to dip into their pockets to put $10 towards such causes, we want everyone to raise the bar!

Whether it's asking friends, partners, family or employers to support our Girls Club, or fronting up that little bit extra yourself, the challenge is to every individual who lives for Park 17 on the weekend - can you step up and do your part? This target is very achievable and all it will take is the determination of the members of POSSC to support our own success. Our aspirations mean more and go beyond the dollars raised.

The other challenge, as we see it, is convincing Ross (because we haven't told him about this yet). We're sure he'll be fine with it though.