Restart - Short Film

Film & Video

Restart - Short Film

of $4,500 targetyrs ago
Successful on 16th May 2023 at 7:00AM.


Check out our crowdfunding video above or use the following link!!!

Restart is an upcoming short, student-led film directed by Angus Molden and co-written by himself and Elleni Yates. It follows the story of a couple in their mid-20s, Mabel and Blake, who live in the confines of an upper-class suburban neighbourhood and struggle with their failing marriage. After a tumultuous argument, Mabel and her husband Blake find themselves exploring avenues to repair their relationship. They willingly undergo couples therapy and Mabel continues to showcase her desire to love and care, yet something seems amiss.

Project Outline

This short film is a 4th Year Swinburne Graduate Project and has been in development since the start of 2022. Combining elements from both the thriller and drama genres, the film aims to be a heart-racing, thought-provoking experience from start to finish. Driven by the two main characters, Mabel and Blake, Restart ultimately aims to explore the notion of how far someone can be pushed before they lose their sense of self

Social Impact

Not only is Restart attempting to be a captivating short film, but it is also trying to raise awareness of prevalent social issues, most notably domestic violence and manipulation. Our film presents a realistic depiction of what can happen when people in relationships are gaslighted, manipulated and pushed to their limits. We hope to empower audience members to recognise the signifiers of emotional abuse within a narrative that positions it as detrimental to the characters' downfall. 

About The Crew

Angus Molden (Director and Co-writer

Hey Everyone! My name is Angus and I'm the director of Restart. I am super stoked to be able to bring my vision to life. This concept has been developing for over a year now and as we near production week, I couldn't be more satisfied with the film's progress. I love the thriller genre and I cannot wait for you to see what my crew and I have come up with.

Elleni Yates (Co-writer

Hi! I’m Elleni and I’m the co-writer for Restart. I’ve enjoyed experimenting with the nuances of dialogue to craft complex yet relatable characters. We’ve undertaken meetings with professional psychologists amongst others in order to fully flesh out our protagonists, and characters that are gifted with a profound sense of realism! 

Daniel Shao (Co-producer

Hi, I'm Daniel and I am one of the co-producers for Restart. I’m excited to be working on this film with such an amazing team and hope to bring this thriller story to life. I was drawn to Restart because of its complex narrative and we truly believe that your support, in any way, shape or form, will allow us to make the best film possible!

Genevieve Yanko (Co-producer and Production Designer

Hey everyone! My name is Genevieve and I am co-producing and production designing Restart. I’ve been super involved with the aesthetic side of Retstart - from locations to props. I love the process of creating a world for the audience to immerse themselves in, from pre-production to post. I can’t wait for you to see how our film unfolds.

John Larkin (Director Of Photography

Hey! I’m John Larkin, the director of photography for Restart. We are hoping to create a visually captivating film that is both entertaining to watch and stimulating to try to wrap your brain around. We really believe that our focus on emotionally motivated camera movement will make you feel like you’re there with the characters, experiencing what they experience.

Jeremy Clay (Editor

Hello! My name is Jeremy Clay and I am the editor of Restart. I am so excited to work on this film. It’s going to be a challenging yet ultimately fulfilling experience editing this production into its unique story. My focus on spotlighting emotional high points whilst simultaneously maintaining a good narrative pace and rhythm will be of paramount importance!

Samuel Purser (Sound Head)

Hi, I’m Samuel and I’m the sound head for Restart. What excites me most about this project is the experimentation and distortion of sounds that I intend on executing to convey the psychology of our main protagonists, Mabel and Blake. I can’t wait for you to be drawn into the world of the characters by the rich auditory landscape that I construct.

Meet The Main Cast 

Ayesha Gibson (Mabel)

I can't wait to get started working on Restart. It's great to work on a film that gives us a chance to really see what turns someone into the “bad guy”. I’m so excited to work through Mabel’s story and explore what really pushes her to breaking point 

Max Garcia-Underwood (Blake)

I’m very excited to work on Restart. Blake is a deeply flawed character with interesting motifs for his unfavourable actions. Can’t wait to work on bringing this to life.

What we've achieved so far! 

It's been an amazing journey so far and we can't wait to see where else it takes us. Some of the things we've done to further this project include but are not limited to

  • Undertook a "Mock Shoot" which allowed us to gain insight into the important camera, blocking and auditory elements we have to keep an eye on. 
  • Connected with Industry Professional Safety Officers and Intimacy Coordinators alike, individuals who shed valuable insight into the correct procedure for a number of our scenes 
  • Build a social media following on Instagram of interested individuals that will hopefully support and connect with the project

Budget Overview

For this film, we have had to take many facets of each role into consideration. Our ideal budget would be $7500

With your support for Restart, we will be able to achieve our goals through budget items such as 

  • Casting
  • Catering
  • Location management
  • Marketing
  • Transportation
  • Props and costume sourcing
  • Equipment
  • Stunt coordination
  • Distribution

Donating to this film allows the crew to feel supported and will allow us to transport the ideas on the script to the screen! Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Please don't hesitate to contact us here or on our social media pages with any questions!

No Reward

No reward, just the knowledge of your support!

4 chosen

Copy of the FIlm

Receive a copy of the film!

10 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 23

Special Thanks

Have your name featured in the credits as a special thanks + a digital copy of the film

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 23

Behind the Scenes

Receive an exclusive BTS Video with outtakes, interviews & set walk throughs + a special thanks featured in the credits + a digital copy of the film

10 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 23

Invitation to Wrap Party

Invitation to the Restart wrap party for food & drinks! + the exclusive BTS Video + special thanks featured in the credits + a digital copy of the film.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 23

Invitation to Exclusive First Screening

Exclusive access to the 1st screening of Restart at a cinema TBC + invitation to wrap party + the exclusive BTS Video + special thanks featured in the credits + a digital copy of the film.

4 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 23

Major Sponsor Recognition

Your name listed as a major sponsor in the credits + EVERYTHING

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 23