Mitchell Steed

Alchemy Magazine Issue 04

of $1,500 targetyrs ago
Successful on 20th Jun 2015 at 2:25AM.

Alchemy Magazine is an independently run publication focusing on both male & female fashion and the creative industries.

With the successful completion of my third Pozible campaign I'm still finding there's a little while to go before the publication will being to fund itself, just a small hurdle but it keeps life interesting.

Issue 04 has been about pushing creativity and raising the standard of the magazine. I'm so proud of the content I have generated with my small team (my assistant Mel Collins and my Contributing Fashion Editor Jess Jacob). Now the focus is about maintaining that standard and getting the publication out to more people. Reaching that wider audience rests on your help, our Pozible supporters, who have made the first three editions possible (THANK YOU).

Help us spread the magazine and showcase some great Australian talent.

How The Funds Will Be Used

All financial support gained from this campaign will be going towards the production cost of printing Alchemy Magazine Issue 04.

The last three Pozible campaigns have only covered half the production costs involved and I've paid for the remaining expenses from my own pocket (currently working 7 days a week to keep afloat)

As the profile of the mag has risen quite significantly it's important for us to keep the publishing dates on track. Issue 04 is running directly on time, it's now a matter of funding. Sadly we lost some sponsorship money due to conflicting publishing dates, thus the late running of this campaign.

Current production costs (majority covered by my personal funds):

* Printing - $16 per copy + $15 postage in AUS (postage cost added as each copy is sold)
* Shipping - $102 (bulk sent to my studio)
* Editorial production - $855
* Studio hire - $1000
* Total - $5,957 (not including postage as that is added as each issue is sold)

Image retouching thankfully was a time donation from contributors.

Everyone who pledges money will be rewarded in his or her own right, most importantly those who contribute $20 or more get a physical copy of Alchemy Magazine Issue 04 along with rewards mentioned under each category.

The Challenges

The major challenges for this project are all financially based. Having the ability to produce a fourth issue will add to the reputation I have already built for the magazine as being "one to watch".

Now I am in the process of trying to find advertisers for the magazine to keep production steady and also relieve the financial strain I am under to keep producing high quality work.