Michael Cordover

EasyCount FOI request AAT Review

of $948 targetyrs ago
Successful on 23rd Jul 2014 at 1:41AM.
Somebody SometimesIt's so awesome and important that you're doing this. Besides cash for legal help you deserve cash for the time and effort you've put into this. I've only skimmed through the documents on your website but the enormous amount of time and painstaking effort you (and those helping you) have put in is very evident and utterly laudable. Thanks from all of us who give a damn about the public interest.11y
RobertGood luck with the case. I really don't understand why noone in government seems to work for the good of the country anymore. Always covering their arse. It seems like laywers and money are all they understand.11y
Shane KingVery very interesting project - I love it11y
Christopher NeugebauerHi Michael, This pledge was made on behalf of Linux Australia, Inc. It is minuted as follows. To consider the GRANT REQUEST proposed by CHRISTOPHER NEUGEBAUER to support the efforts of MICHAEL CORDOVER to have the Senate voting software ‘Easycount’ released under FOI request, funded through crowdsourcing platform, Pozible, to a cost of $AUD 150. Council noted the strong community support for this campaign, and noted that this is an excellent opportunity for Linux Australia to seek the release of source code from government. Noted that this action is generally in line with our values. Council did discuss the distinction between open government and open source, and noted that the chances of the code being released under an open source license are remote. Council noted the relationship between this work and trade secrets. MOTION proposed by JOSHUA HESKETH on behalf of CHRISTOPHER NEUGEBAUER (abstaining as GRANT REQUESTOR) MOTION SECONDED by KATHY REID MOTION CARRIED unanimously with one abstention ACTION: CHRISTOPHER NEUGEBAUER to work with FRANCOIS MARIER to arrange payment11y
Michael JAMESKeep up the good fight, this encroachment of closed source into transparency needs checks.11y
Myk DowlingDamn good idea, if only to set a precedent that software used for elections should be accessible and open. Electronic voting bypasses scrutineers completely, and it's coming.11y
JimbobBest of luck. Faith and trust in democracy deamnds mechanics of our electoral process be open and verifyable to the public by default.11y
Penny SharpeOur democracy needs transparency. Good luck with this case. And shame that we no longer have a Federal Information Commissioner.11y

Every little bit counts! You'll have my gratitude but at this level I can't afford to give you anything else.

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Est. delivery is Jul 14

Regular updates! I'll provide regular updates by email, including electronic copies of everything I receive. You'll also get a thanks at the bottom of the mini-site.

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Est. delivery is Jul 14

A personalised, creative thank you! You'll get regular updates and a public thank you, plus a personal thank you note from me. I'll try to make these creative and personal: a hand-written letter, a rambling email or maybe a Spotify playlist. Let me know the sort of thing you want and the sort of thing you're into.

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Est. delivery is Aug 14

Some of my time! You'll get a personalised thank you plus about an hour of my time. You can ask me to do pretty much any reasonable task. What are my skills? Research, computing (including coding) and writing. I think of this as you ask me a question (or two, or six) and I'll find the answer. Alternately it could be proofreading, letter-writing, policy development, debugging or anything else. NB this does NOT include any form of legal advice or services.

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Est. delivery is Aug 14

Above-the-fold thanks with logo and link! All the stuff above, plus the thanks on the mini-site can include an image of your choice (100px square) with a fancy hyperlink. This will appear just under the header on the mini-site. Links and images must lawful and tasteful. Ultimately this is subject to my discretion and I'll refund you if we can't agree.

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Est. delivery is Aug 14

Banner ad! You get the banner at the top of the mini-site (roughly 768x100), an hour of my time, personal thanks and updates. Links and images must lawful and tasteful. Ultimately this is subject to my discretion and I'll refund you if we can't agree.

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Est. delivery is Aug 14