Leah Slater

Send Leah to manage waste in India!

of $1,600 targetyrs ago
Successful on 2nd Jan 2014 at 12:00PM.
Susan UnsworthThanks for making the world a better place. Have a safe journey Leah. I will be thinking of you. Love to you - Susan x11y
Erica FullerLeah, you are just amazing! We hope that our small contribution helps in some way! Keep up the fantastic work you do xxx Love Wayne & Erica11y
Claire WeaverHave a great time in India, Leah! Look forward to hearing all about it when you get back :-)11y
Sally StallLeah this is such a great thing you are doing and I am so impressed with your big heart. Prayers for a smooth and fruitful trip! - Sally Stall11y
Jen HarfordGooooo Lady! Much love - Jen, Juzzy & Paige xxx11y
Maya StattonGreat times!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. xx11y
Erwin TaalLeah, Hoping that you have a most wonderful and rewarding experience over in India. Love, Marwin11y
Darren NobleGreat work Leah. I love how you take action, instead of most who just talk about it. Way to go girl!11y

You will be invited to a slide night presentation about the trip (will likely include dinner) at CERES, upon our return.

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 14

Leah will send you a postcard from India! Plus you will be invited to the slide night presentation about the trip (will likely include dinner) to be held at CERES, following our return.

19 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 14

Leah will make you a jar of home-made Indian chutney or pickle. Leah will also send you a postcard from India, Plus you are invited to the slide night presentation about the trip (likely includes dinner) to be held at CERES following our return.

4 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 14