Bring a Novel to Life II

I have now written the next book of the Echo Falls series and my longest novel ever: Dark Echoes.
Dark Echoes started out as "oh, you have to write a third one" comments from people who have read my previous books. After turning over many ideas - many done in the comfort of the car on long road trips - I finally grabbed at the beginning threads of the next story.
I always knew that I wanted to write a book about Lily from Fading Echoes. She had so much emotional upset due to the events of that book, but she didn't get a lot of time in the spotlight (so to say), because the the book belonged to her older sister. Dark Echoes takes place five years after Fading Echoes and features Lily in her search to find answers, save her best friend, and, in the process, find her fate.
You've seen them out there - the books with more colours than a paint factory and enough images to make an art collage. Or the books with the misspelled word here, misplaced comma there... What I want for Dark Echoes is the same as what I wanted for Fading Echoes. I want to continue on with the cover artist and editor that worked behind the scenes to make Fading Echoes into what it is.
About the Postage Thing...
One thing about living in Australia - and one of the things I learned the hard way - is that it takes a lot of money to send pretty much anything anywhere. Even a letter. So when I ask for people to tack on postage along with donations, it's not that I don't want to pay postage. I really do. But if I did, I would then end up using a lot more of the donations on shipping.
I don't know about you, but I am assuming that anyone donating is doing so because they want to see my book published - not because they want to pay for freight.
I don't want to have to do it, but it's there. I'm sorry. I would create a scene at my local Australia Post, but I don't think it would make a difference other than to my fashion accessories. I never did look good in handcuffs...
So please understand this when you see the 'add postage' thing. The cost of the times...
How The Funds Will Be Used
Money! Where does it all go?
*Ebook and Print covers from Cohesion Editing and Proofreading (see their work below!)
*Professional Editing and Proofreading
*Print copies of Dark Echoes (plus shipping)

(Cover of Fading Echoes by Cohesion Editing and Proofreading)
The Challenges
Through trial and error, I have found an editor I know and trust. I am also lucky enough to have another editor I know and trust who will help should something happen to the first. No chances taken this time!
I also learned a lot about print runs and timelines with those. However, I also learned that LightningSource Melbourne has *amazing* customer service and people who are willing to help you get what you need. Big love to them!
The risks you take in doing this are:
1. If I die (bummer), it'll take you longer to get your rewards and to get the book out. But it will still be published. (I do actually have a plan for this.)
2. If something happens along the way - my editor loses her hands or something (goodness forbid) - then there might be delays. However, I've spaced things out so they are as close to what I can see happening as possible.
3. Gnomes. They do stuff.
Where Fading Echoes may have been a big risk, you can see the proof of my dedication to my books by the fact I've written another (longer!) one.
For this, you'll receive a thank you on my website along with a link of your choice. If you already have a link on my website, you can choose to add an additional link or you can send me a 125x125 graphic to put in my sidebar that will link to your website.
You will receive an ebook copy of my first novel, Echo Falls, in a format of your choice. I will thank you in the print and ebook versions of Dark Echoes. You will also receive a thank you on my website with a link of your choice.
Get the lot with this reward. You'll receive ebook copies of all three novels, a thanks in both versions of Dark Echoes, and a thank you on my website with a link of your choice.
Get it in print! You will receive a signed print copy of Dark Echoes, bookmarks, the ebook bundle of all three novels in a format of your choice, thanks in both ebook and print versions of Dark Echoes, and thanks on my website along with a link of your choice. *Please add postage as applies to your location: US $29 / NZ $21 / JP $25 / UK $39
Limited Edition Reward! You will receive one of only ten hardcover prints of Dark Echoes. Each book will be stamped (A-J) and signed. It will also have a beautiful, glossy dust jacket for your cover art enjoyment. You will also receive ebooks of all three novels in a format of your choice, thanks in the ebook and print versions of Dark Echoes, and thanks on my website along with a link of your choice. *Please add postage as applies to your location: US $29 / NZ $21 / JP $25 / UK $39
Name a character! With this donation you get to name one (or more, who knows?) characters in Dark Echoes. You will also receive all three ebooks of the novels in a format of your choice, bookmarks mailed right to you, thanks in the ebook and print versions of Dark Echoes, and thanks on my website along with a link of your choice.