Jac Tomlins

A New Book for Rainbow Families

of $10,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 4th Jul 2017 at 12:30AM.

I want to self-publish a manuscript I've written and create a fantastic book for the kids in our commnuity. I've published books with mainstream publishers before (New Holland and Allen & Unwin), but I want to do this one myself. It's personal. This is about my family and my community. 

I want kids to read 'The Curse of Grandma Maple!' and smile and laugh and plead, 'Can we do that?! Pleeeease! Can we do that?!' (Like my ten year old daughter did). But more than that, I want kids in rainbow families - like mine - to see a family with two mums.  

Now, 'The Curse of Grandma Maple!' is NOT a story about having two mums or being a rainbow family, far from it. It's a story about a bunch of kids who leave the adults behind and head off to test themselves against the Canadian wilderness. It's about challenge and fear and how sometimes you have no choice but to face that fear. It's about wanting to do the right thing, but sometimes stuffing up. It's about family and having each other’s back.

And, coincidently, there are two mums hovering at the edges of the story just doing what mums do - you know, worrying, interfering, being annoying - but occasionally coming good by saying 'Yes!' when it really matters. Mostly, they're kind of ordinary, sort of mum-like, and everyone else in the story thinks they're ordinary and mum-like too. The fact that there are two of them doesn’t really bother anybody. These are the real mums, but don't stress, the mums in the book are way cooler. (I know. I agree. Wouldn't be hard.)

And these are the real kids. They're actually pretty cool.

I reckon 'The Curse of Grandma Maple!' is perfect for upper-primary age kids. But, be warned! This book contains no nuts or electronic devices.  (Well, almost none. One laptop did sneak in but, trust me, it didn't last long.)

How The Funds Will Be Used

This book will be edited and designed to exactly the same standard as my earlier books published by mainstream publishers, and it will have an imprint page and an ISBN number. In order for that to happen, I need to do the following:

  • A book needs a cover. I've asked the fantastic LGBTIQ ally and brilliant cartoonist, Matt Glover to provide illustrations - for the front and back cover and the start of each chapter - and to create a map of the kids' adventure. I think Matt's drawings will really bring the book to life. (Those are Matt's drawing, by the way.)
  • Cara King of Caratoons has agreed to design the cover using Matt's drawings. Cara designed the gorgeous cover for Roz Hopkins and Natalie Winter's: 'Mummy and Mumma get Married'.
  • Naomi Murphy will edit and proof-read the manuscript which means I can send it off to print entirely confident that there won't be a single typo, or a comma out of place. (Naomi edited my 'Resource Kit for Rainbow Families'.)
  • Carlie Jennings will design and format the text for the printed, hard copy version, and manage all the ePub requirements so the book can be downloaded onto kids' iPads. (This means all the digital and technical stuff will work properly.)
  • Once that's all done, I'll need to cover the costs of printing, promotion and a mega mail out! And if all that goes to plan I'll organise a launch too.

Some of you may recall I've done this crowd-funding business before. Last time, I hooked up with Rainbow Families Council (now Rainbow Families Victoria) to successfully raise $10,000. That campaign resulted in this (if I say so myself, but lots of other people do as well) fantastic Resource Kit for Rainbow Families, which has been used extensively by rainbow families and service providers alike.

If you want to check out more about me - my work, my advocacy or my writing - have a look at my website.

If you are in a position to support this crowd-funding campaign, that would be great. I'd really appreciate it. Thank you. If you can share it, that would be fantastic too. I'll keep you posted.



The Challenges

Once the book's been published, the biggest challenge will be getting it out into the community. I reckon our networking is pretty good though and I'm confident 'The Curse of Grandma Maple!' will find its way into the laps of kids everywhere!

Everyone gets a book!

I will send a signed copy of 'The Curse of Grandma Maple' from the very first print run to everyone who supports the campaign.

92 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 17