HOPE Community Foundation

by & for people of asylum seeker background

Hope Kiosk seed funding

of $26,000 targetmths ago
Successful on 19th Apr 2024 at 1:00PM.

Seeking asylum in Australia:

People who sought asylum in Australia by boat over 11 years ago have, on top of the extreme challenges of their asylum journey, been excluded from almost all support in Australia. Although most are finally receiving permanent protection, the trauma, harm  damage caused by over a decade of exclusion, fear and uncertainty does not just disappear. It is vital that people find opportunities to connect with the wider community, so that they can share and further build the many skills and cultural richness they bring. 

Dilini and Riya

(Dilini cooking at a Hope Co-Op community weekend)

(Dilini cooking at a Hope Co-Op community weekend) 

A few young asylum-seeking people, such as Dilini, have been hardworking and lucky enough to find their way into school and then university. But even if they came with their families, their family members have oftten been left behind with , no access to education or meaningful employment. This exclusion has been hardest on women, and especially mothers, like Riya. 

Riya is a wonderful Sri Lankan woman, with more grit, determination and resilience than most, and extradinary cooking skills. But she needs connection, learning and economic opportunities to be able to join in, benefit from and contrbute to Australian community, and to build her future. 

Coming together to launch the Hope Kiosk:

(Our draft Hope Kiosk social media logo: 
Representing community care, connection and growth)

Together, and with the help and support of the HOPE Community, Dilini and Riya can work as a mother-duaghter team to set up a small worker-owned social enterprise, Hope Kiosk.

The Hope Kiosk offers the best of community participation and action, where local level networks of solidarity give birth to new ideas and collaborative projects that strengthen the social cohesion, diversity and resilience of our community.

(Dave, Riya and Jill: 
Earthworker, Trades Hall and HOPE people in solidarity ).

More, Hope Kiosk is part of the Earthworker community of co-operatives, and aims to become a key partner and distribution point for ethically, co-operatively sourced coffee from Timor-Leste, eventually through theTimor-Leste Australia Earthworker Cooperative, 'Keep the Change'.

The Hope Kiosk will be launched with a celebration event on May Day (May 1st), at Victoria Trades Hall in Carlton. Riya and Dilini looks forward to serving Trades Hall staff and visitors with good coffee and snacks, and a vibrant, welcoming smile.

Thank you for being part of this!

Budget Overview

We have already successfully raised funds to help with insurances, initial administration support, software and IT. However, we need seed funding to financially support Riya and Dilini in the early stages of the Kiosk's operation, until it is bringing in enough to cover their wages. This funding will help purchase initial supplies and equipment, including a small display fridge, a second hand coffee machine and some moveable signage. 

Give a hoping hand

$50 No material reward, but our heartfelt thanks!

Tax Deductible

24 chosen

Hope Helper - $10 or more

$10 - $99 Receive a free coffee for every $20 donated, and our real gratitude.

Tax Deductible

11 chosen

Hope Friend

$100-$499 Receive our personal thankyou email, 10 free coffees, and join us for the launch event.

Tax Deductible

29 chosen

Hope Supporter

$500 - $999 Receive our personal thankyou letter, 2 months of coffee vouchers, join us for the Hope Kiosk launch event.

Tax Deductible

2 chosen

Hope Partner

$1000 - $2499 Stand in solidarity, have your name/logo on our webpage, a framed personal thankyou letter, and join us with your family for the Hope Kiosk launch event

Tax Deductible

3 chosen

Hope Angel

$2500 or more Receive 6 months of daily coffee vouchers for Hope Kiosk, acknowledgement on our Kiosk Webpage, a framed personally signed thankyou letter, and attend our Kiosk launch dinner.

Tax Deductible

2 chosen