GYENNO Technologies

GYENNO Cup for a healthy lifestyle

of CNY¥10,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 31st Jul 2015 at 1:57AM.
Humans are constantly on the move, busy with work, family, leisure, and more. As a result, we often forget our basic needs such as water. Based on numerical studies, large percentages of the population oftentimes forget to drink enough fluids on daily basis. This can pose serious health problems.
The GYENNO Cup is designed for leading a healthy lifestyle by reminding users to keep their bodies hydrated. Users can also access essential information such as weather, calendar, current time and tips for how to drink in a healthy way – these are always shown on the screen for your convenience.


繁忙的办公室一族,常常因为饮水不及时或饮水量不足为原本健康的身体埋下隐患。为了让办公室一族重启健康生活,GYENNO Cup诞生了。水杯是生活的必须品,无论在办公桌上还是拿在手里,往往都能拥有与人恰到好处的视觉距离,这也是我们引入屏幕的原因:让常用信息一瞥既得,让智能水杯与使用者的交流更加直观。我们希望GYENNO Cup不仅能够帮助办公室一族培养健康饮水的习惯,还能成为他们办公桌上时尚炫酷的装饰品。


GYENNO Cup,是全球首款专为办公室一族设计的信息可视化智能水杯。GYENNO Cup既是你的健康饮水管家,也是你的专属生活资讯平台;它不仅让你引领健康时尚,还能搭起你和TA相互关心的桥梁。为了全方位保障饮水健康,GYENNO Cup还成为了全球首款添加了瑞士著名抗菌材料Sanitized®的水杯,能够防止细菌滋长,并且有效去除异味。


* 夏普Memory LCD屏,低功耗,纯粹而透视的视觉享受
* 康宁三代大猩猩玻璃,玻璃表面防指纹处理,使玻璃光洁如新

* 当水温到达设定的温度时,水杯将会主动提醒
* 可以指定提醒水温,不再错过你中意的温度
** GYENNO Cup会根据你的设置以震动和呼吸灯的形式推送提醒,图文形式更加直观

可在App上查询到对方的饮水信息, 并提醒对方及时饮水,对方的水杯便能收到你的饮水提醒

GYENNO Cup会以震动或呼吸灯形式警告你注意杯中 : 
* 放置已久的水
* 温度过高的水
** 可以定义水的过期告警时间

* 全球首款添加Sanitized®材料的水杯,有效抑制细菌繁殖,保持水杯清新无异味,能够明显抑制:
1. 金黄色葡萄球菌
2. 大肠杆菌
3. 肺炎球菌
* Tritan外壳,不含BPA,通过美国食品药品管理局FDA认证, 欧美地区婴幼儿用品指定材质

采用磁性吸附设计的充电接头能够快速与GYENNO Cup进行对接,而与此同时,又能充分保护其在充电时不易因电线拉扯而绊倒。即使不慎发生拉扯情况,磁性接口能够自动断开而不会牵动水杯本,避免对其本身造成过多影响。此外,磁性接头设计能有效减少充电接头处磨损的产生。

GYENNO Cup和手机端GYENNO Health App结合,共同构建出你的数字图像

GYENNO Cup 符合生活防水要求,并且可以内外冲洗,但不建议对水杯外壳底部猛烈冲洗,不能将水杯放入水中浸泡



我们在2014年4月开启GYENNO的第一个项目:GYENNO One运动手环的众筹。这个项目不仅是我们的第一个项目,亦是Pozible在中国开启的第一个项目。这个项目曾取得了辉煌的成就:获取了总价100余万的众筹款,目标达成率高达10443%。






用户服务: [email protected]
渠道合作 :[email protected]

Facebook/ Google Plus: GYENNO Technologies
电话: %2086 0755 2391 7859


Along with displaying the aforementioned essentials, the GYENNO Cup also features:
–Sharp Memory LCD for optimal display with low power consumption
–Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3, which, through the anti-fingerprint technology, makes the screen much clearer than ever.

The GYENNO Cup never forgets to remind you of the drinking events you set up according to your own preferences, alerting you via vibrations, light and a message on the screen.

–Customise and monitor your drinking plan: daily drinking target and the interval time between each drinking period.
–Smart reminders keep you hydrated during a busy day.
–Never miss your favourite temperature for drinking.

Show your care for your loved ones anywhere and any time through the integrated app (GYENNO Health) . You can find out  your loved ones' drinking status remotely and send intimate reminders for the benefit of their health.

The GYENNO Cup warns you in some cases via strong vibrations, flashing lights and screen alerts to prevent you from any harm. Warning may occur in the following cases:
–Water is too old to drink, please do not drink.
–Water is too hot to drink, please wait for a while.

The GYENNO Cup is the first cup designed with built-in antibacterial material to ensure you drink safely and without worry. Sanitized® is a leading Swiss brand that produces lasting antimicrobial treatments that upgrades the value of GYENNO Cup by bringing freshness, comfort and protection. Sanitized® is effective in preventing bacterial reproduction, especially for
1.  Staphylococcus aureus
2. Escherichia coli
3. Pneumococcus
Please note: the GYENNO Cup's lining and shell are made from Tritan™ ,  BPA - free, heat resistant and chemical resistant material.

The GYENNO Cup has been physically styled to have a geometric and streamlined appearance, expressing a new concept of design for healthy lifestyle by integrating traditional items with fashionable hi-tech elements.

The magnetic connector of the cable is providing a safe and convenient charging solution. To keep it safe, the connector is held in place magnetically so that if someone tripping over the cord, it will pull out of the socket without damaging the connector or the power socket, and without pulling the cup off the surface on which it is located. In addition, the magnetic designed is prevent the connector from fraying or weakening over time.

The GYENNO Health app builds your digital profile by connecting a series of GYENNO products in order to show your or your loved one‘s health status and provide you necessary advice.

The app is also designed to manage your health independently – even without GYENNO products.

The GYENNO Cup is splash and water resistance but not waterproof. You can wash the GYENNO Cup inside and outside, but flushing the outside bottom of GYENNO Cup is not recommended, and submerging GYENNO Cup is not advised.


Postage, packaging and delivery

For international customers (outside China), your GYENNO Cup will be shipped directly to your door with an estimated delivery time of 20 business days from dispatch date. We estimate to dispatch by July 2015. On top of our shipping fees, there may be import taxes for some countries.

We'll keep you posted on our progress. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

About us

Founded in Shenzhen in 2013, GYENNO Technologies is a team of professionals originating from some of the world’s top 500 companies. We are committed to applying the latest technologies to solve healthcare problems, aiming to improve our customer’s lives with our innovative products.

We are also a medical grade supplier of healthcare devices and services. Performing our R&D activities in-house, GYENNO Technologies innovated a series of healthcare devices and intelligent end-to-end healthcare system solutions. These require deep integration between multi-subjects including medical science, electronic information, automatic control systems, computer science, communication, big data processing, etc.

Contact us

Skype: gyenno.service
Service: [email protected]
Cooperation:[email protected]
Weico: GYENNO臻络科技
YouTube: GYENNO Technologies
Facebook/ Google Plus: GYENNO Technologies
Tel:%2086 0755 2391 7859
Address: Room 201, Building B, Shenzhen Institute of Industry-University-Research, Nanjing University, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057


1. 产品结构
GYENNO Cup的屏幕给产品内部结构设计增加了一定的困难。团队在研发的一年中不断调整产品的内部结构,优化产品及完善功能,经过数十套方案的筛选,最终呈现在结构与外型完美的GYENNO Cup。此外,水杯外壳与内壁之间嵌入的温度传感器与不绣钢传导一体化,使水温测量变得更快速并精准。经过算法优化将温度更新推送到屏幕中,及时了解杯中的温度变化。

2. 动态自适应计量算法

3. 设计
在外型设计上,历经设计师近两个月的精雕细琢数十次不断修改,才完善确定最终的方案。磁吸杯盖的设计在方便的日常使用的同时,在美观上与机身嵌为一体,纯白无染。 GYENNO Cup延续了GYENNO一贯执行的极简设计,杯身曲直相间,浑然天成。

How The Funds Will Be Used

The funds we raise via the Pozible campaign will be used to bring the GYENNO Cup from trial production to mass production. Funds will also be used for the development and optimisation of software applied to future generations of the GYENNO Cup, as well as funneled into research on a series of this kind of product.

The Challenges

1. Product structure
The development of the screen brought difficulties to the design of internal structure. Our R&D team worked on adjusting the internal structure of the cup for several months. The structure has to fit not only for the outer appearance but also meet our manufacturing standards.

It caused a lot of problems when the temperature sensor and stainless steel conduction were embedded between the shell and inner wall to measure the water rapidly and accurately. But in the end, we solved all the problems and the GYENNO Cup's functionality is perfect.

2. Dynamic adaptive metering algorithm
We worked to develop the cup's ability to measure water weight by a dynamic adaptive metering algorithm while the cup is in your hands. The algorithm solves the delay on metering the water in GYENNO Cup.

3. Design
Our designer revised several drafts over nearly two months in order to create a perfect product. The integration between traditional items and fashionable hi-tech elements makes our product better than ever.


Thank you for your support

31 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Early supporter

Thank you for your support! As an early supporter, you will receive one GYENNO Cup at a special price. Free shipping to mainland China. International shipping attracts a shipping fee of CNY¥130.

104 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Distributor supporter

Thank you for your support! Especially for businesses or individuals interested in distributing the GYENNO Cup! As a distributor supporter, you can purchase a package that includes 50 GYENNO Cups at a exclusive price. Free shipping to mainland China. International shipping attracts a shipping fee of CNY¥5, 000.

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15