Dave Warneke

Gloveless Finger Palm Coolers

of $10,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 15th Jul 2018 at 1:59PM.
Brodrick HenryI really REALLY need these Palm Coolers. I work outside lifting things and my palms do get all a sweaty. 7y
Fuckles The EchidnaThis product has the potential to not just change the way we think of hand fashion, but the way we think of anything.7y
Connor dyballPlaying in the cold winters of Canada as child was always so much fun, but I was faced with a big problem on the white fields of my elementary school. Making the perfect snowball without getting my fingers cold. For any advanced snow ballers out there you’ll know what I’m talking about. To make the perfect snowball you need the warmth of your hands to melt the snow in such a way it becomes more compatible and malleable. To do this you need to remove your gloves which leaves your vulnerable fingers open to the elements. I always yearned for a solution to this problem until recently when listening to the great podcast Do Go On. Gloveless Fingers Palm Coolers, won’t just cool your palms... but they’ll warm your fingers. Just as Dave has warmed my heart with a solution to my life long problem. Thank you Dave and thank you Gloveless Finger Palm Coolers.7y
Chase StanleyWhile Dave was getting ridiculed for this on the pod, I was driving down the road on a hot summer day, I had my A/C blasting away! I thought to myself my fingers are quite chilly as they are in the blast zone from the air but my palms of which are driving are perfectly fine, if ONLY I had a great product to help! So glad I’m not missing out on this opportunity! 7y
Adam Stamford I just couldn't let such an incredible product slip through my frozen fingers & past my sweaty, sweaty palms.7y
mark balcombeOnly a visionary like Mr Warneke could have come up with this 7y
Joe McNallyFinally, my chilly chilly fingers can be toasty warm whilst providing relief to my poor overheated palms7y
Drew PeisnerJust think in a few years when gloveless fingers are everywhere and Jess is reluctantly doing a report about how they got started, we will be the reason they got started. #GlovelessFingers4Ever7y
Daniel SmithPeople laughed at Apple when they proposed mobile phones worth hundreds of pounds. I'm not saying that these will be as successful as an iPhone, but people will laugh at you. Good luck though7y

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1 chosen

One pair

One demo pair of Gloveless Finger Palm Coolers By Do Go On. (Every demo pair comes with a certificate of authenticity, signed by the creator Dave Warneke).

23 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 18

Two pairs.

Two demo pairs of Gloveless Finger Palm Coolers By Do Go On. You and a friend (or enemy who loves cold fingers) will have warm fingers all year round. (Every demo pair comes with a certificate of authenticity, signed by the creator Dave Warneke).

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 18

Five pairs.

Five pairs of demo Gloveless Finger Palm Coolers By Do Go On. You can your four closest buddies will never suffer from dreaded sweaty palms... Or you can wear a different pair to work every weekday. (Every demo pair comes with a certificate of authenticity, signed by the creator Dave Warneke).

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 18

10 Pairs.

Ten demo pairs of Gloveless Finger Palm Coolers By Do Go On. If you happen to be in the cast of this Summer's hottest blockbuster 'Ocean's 8' then you'll have enough Gloveless Fingers for yourself and your seven co-stars... AND, you can look really generous onset by giving two lowly extras a pair as well. Go you! I loved you in the film 'Speed.' (Every demo pair comes with a certificate of authenticity, signed by the creator Dave Warneke).

0 chosen / 10 available

Est. delivery is Sep 18

100 pairs.

One hundred demo pairs of Gloveless Finger Palm Coolers By Do Go On. If you come from a very large family (Question, do you know what's causing it?), then at your next family reunion you can all enjoy a good old fashioned BBQ, without getting your fingers dirty. Of course you'll still have crucial access to your palms and can grip kitchen utensils and avoid accidents. (Every demo pair comes with a certificate of authenticity, signed by the creator Dave Warneke).

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 18

1,000 pairs.

One thousands demo pairs of Gloveless Finger Palm Coolers By Do Go On. Hello insane billionaire. Thank you for your custom. You have the power to silence the haters and fund this project with one click. (Every demo pair comes with a certificate of authenticity, signed by the creator Dave Warneke).

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 18