Reef and Beef (feature film)
Package 1 - Special thanks on our online presence and a signed postcard of our cast and crew.
Package 2 - A certificate of sponsorship and support. Special thanks on our online presence. A copy of the DVD upon release.
Package 3 - A 'special thanks' credit in “Reef and Beef”. Double pass to the world premiere and after-party of the film in Brisbane. A certificate of sponsorship and support .A copy of the DVD upon release.
Package 4 - A 'special thanks' credit in “Reef and Beef”. A place to advertise your business on the film’s online presence, including a link to your website (or a website of your choice). Four tickets to the world premiere and after-party of the film in Brisbane. A certificate of sponsorship and support. A copy of the DVD upon release and. Any international and domestic exposure that the film attracts.