Kookaburra Kookaburra
The Book
Beginning January 2017 my book will be available to buy through my online shop - www.bridgetfarmer.com.au
You can still pre-order the book here -PRE-ORDER
Who, What, How and Why?
My name is Bridget Farmer, I am a printmaker, a mum and a bird lover and this book project has brought all three together. Kookaburra Kookaburra is a children's book full of original linoprinted illustrations of much loved Australilan bird species and short rhymes that will help children engage with the birdlife around them. It consists of 36 pages with 12 birds featured:- the Kookaburra, Superb Fairy Wren, Australian Raven, Willy Wagtail, Yellow Robin, Red Wattlebird, New Holland Honeyeater, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Australian Magpie, Spotted Dove, Welcome Swallow and the Boobook Owl.
A flick through the sample book.
Like every parent who has read bedtime stories to their little one, I thought "Yeah, I could make one of these." So two years later, with the illustrations all complete, the words written and Adobe InDesign learnt through youtube videos, my book is ready to print.
I am offering the book (and other rewards) for pre-order to raise the funds to get it printed. I have decided to self publish because I like the control I have over it. I sell a lot of my other work online and through artist markets so I have a platform to sell the book myself. I also have a number of bookshops already interested. I want to print 1000 copies. I feel I will be able to move this amount and also the higher the quantity the lower the cost of production.
Making the Illustrations
Each illustration is hand made by carving into lino. It is then inked up and placed on my printing press with paper and rolled through. The image is printed from the lino onto the paper. Many of the illustrations are multi-layered or 'reduction' lino prints. This is done by carving into the lino, inking up and printing, then carving again into the same piece of lino, inking up in a different colour and printing over the top of the previous print. This process is repeated for as many layers and colours as needed. The video below shows how I made the kookaburra illustration.
Accompanying Work
I have also used these illustrations to make a card game of the same name, somewhat similar in play to 'Happy Families' or 'Go Fish.' Again with the intent to help children (and adults) familiarise themselves with the names of birds and what they look like.
I am also bringing out affordable posters of the illustrations. I want to offer children art that isn't too cutesy or cartoony. Of course the images are equally suitable for everyone, as long as they like birds!
My Other Work
Birds are a constant theme for me. I exhibit my dry point etchings in many galleries in Melbourne and Sydney as well as throughout regional Victoria.
I have illustrated books in the past. Examples include "100 Australian Poems You Need To Know" published by Hardy Grant, Melbourne. But this is the first time I have made a complete book myself.
My website - www.bridgetfarmerprintmaker.com
How The Funds Will Be Used
All funds raised will go towards paying for the printing of the book and card game. The total cost exceeds what I am asking for but I thought I'd start off with a lower target and anything extra will still go towards this and future projects.
Breakdown of costs
$5300 - Printing the book and card game.
$2000 - Shipping and customs
$1350 - Printing posters
Total - $8650
The Challenges
Really, the hard part is over. I have made all the illustrations, written all the words and designed the layout and cover. I just need to send the files to the printers, give the proofs the OK, raise enough funds to pay the printers and await the arrival of 1000 books on my doorstep!
My main concern is the weather. I really want these books to be ready for sale in good time for Christmas and if bad weather slows down the shipping I am worried that I will not have them in time for my big artist and design markets in late November early December. Taking this into concideration In am planning on air freighting a limited number so I will also definitely have some available for my 'express shipping' reward options.
The Card Game
The Kookaburra Kookaburra card game that accompanies the book. It is played like Happy Families or Go Fish except with the book's bird illustrations.
The Book
The book signed by me. These will be posted to you as soon as I can but I can't guarantee that it will get to you before Christmas, sorry!
Express Christmas Delivery
The book, signed by me, posted by express post within Australia to get to you before Christmas. I can also write a personal message in the book if desired.
The Book and Card Game
- One book signed by me - The card game
The Book and Poster
- The book signed by me. - An A4 poster of your choice of one of the illustrations
Two Books
One for you and one for a gift! Again, while I'll try my best to get these out before Christmas I cannot guarantee it. Sorry!
The Trio
- The book signed by me - The card game - An A4 poster of your choice of one of the illustrations from the book.
Fran's Request!
-Two books -Two card games -EXPRESS post to get to you by Christmas!
Christmas sorted
One for each of the grandchildren/ nieces/ nephews/ friends! FOUR books, signed with personal note (if desired), express posted within Australia to get to you before Christmas.
Do It Yourself
Come to my studio in central Victoria for an afternoon's printmaking. I will teach you how to make your own linoprint or dry point etching. Plus - The book - The card game - An A4 poster of your choice
The Real Deal
One of the ORIGINAL lino printed illustrations of your choice. These original lino prints measure 70 x 50 cm (paper size) Please note these editions are limited and numbers are few. Unfortunately the Kookaburra, the Raven and the Owl are not available. Choices will be delivered on a first come first served basis. PLUS - The book, signed by me - The card game - An A4 poster of your choice
The Real Quartet Set
A set of FOUR original lino printed illustrations of your choice. These original lino prints measure 70 x 50 cm (paper size) Please note these editions are limited and numbers are few. Unfortunately the Kookaburra, the Raven and the Owl are not available. PLUS - The book, signed by me - The card game - An A4 poster of your choice