From Frontline to Freedom
Wagga Wagga
Film & Video

From Frontline to Freedom - A Doco

of $65,000 targetmths left

No Reward

I choose to have no reward for my pledge.


1 chosen

Receive a Credit in titles

Receive a credit in the film's end title sequence as a finanical contributor to the project


0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 25

Deluxe Edition

Receive a digital copy of the film, extra material including full interviews, podcasts, transcripts and behind the scenes footage, and a credit in the film's end titles as a financial contributor.

$100 OR MORE

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 25


Receive the Deluxe package plus receive a signed T-Shirt from Frosty and the Director Adam Drummond, and receive an invitation to the opening night screening in September 2025

$250 OR MORE

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 25

Exclusive VIP Experience

Receive everything from the above PLUS, front row seats at the premiere screening (must make own way to location TBC of Premiere), pre-film dinner and drinks package before the official screening, Executive Producer credit in titles of film, verbal thank you at event screening.

$1,000 OR MORE

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 25

No Reward

I choose to have no reward for my pledge.


1 chosen

Receive a Credit in titles

Receive a credit in the film's end title sequence as a finanical contributor to the project


0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 25

Deluxe Edition

Receive a digital copy of the film, extra material including full interviews, podcasts, transcripts and behind the scenes footage, and a credit in the film's end titles as a financial contributor.

$100 OR MORE

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 25


Receive the Deluxe package plus receive a signed T-Shirt from Frosty and the Director Adam Drummond, and receive an invitation to the opening night screening in September 2025

$250 OR MORE

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 25

Exclusive VIP Experience

Receive everything from the above PLUS, front row seats at the premiere screening (must make own way to location TBC of Premiere), pre-film dinner and drinks package before the official screening, Executive Producer credit in titles of film, verbal thank you at event screening.

$1,000 OR MORE

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 25