Bob Irwin Wildlife Foundation


Croc Camp: Keeping the Dream Alive

of $8,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 31st Aug 2014 at 12:56AM.

G'day, my name is Bob Irwin. My life's work, together with my late son Steve, was in pioneering crocodile research in Australia. This month I turned 75, and while the word 'retirement' is not yet on the cards, I am mindful that I won't always have the opportunities that I currently have at my fingertips to ensure that this work continues long after I fall off the perch. 

It is my hope to take a group of dedicated young Australians into my world of conservation for a field trip with what will be the next generation of crocodile experts. Our croc camp will see the team take part in observational research and scope out opportunities for a long-term, scientific study of crocodiles and their habitat. My vision is to later develop this into a broader wildlife expedition that will focus on a number of 'at risk' species in the areas of Far North Queensland.

My ultimate goal is to continue the legacy of my son Steve and instill his passion for wildlife conservation into the next generation. Our shared dream is to ensure that up to date, welfare-based research is available to policy makers so that in the future, our findings may be used to educate and collaborate regarding a) best possible crocodile management practices and b) the safety of those who share their environment. 

Please support stage one of this project in order to help keep this dream alive. The biggest loss, that I see, is if this all stops with me. I would like now, to help inject my lifelong passion for this important species into the future leaders of wildlife management in this country. There is so much work to be done, and currently so few of us to do it. The  future survival of our unique Australian wildlife is in their hands.

| "My Dad, just the legend of the universe. When I was the tiniest little kid, I'd look up at my Dad and he was larger than life. He was just like this action hero. He was everything I wanted to be. And all I've done in my life is follow in his footsteps, mimic him and try and be him. Nowadays, I just try to make him proud, mate." | -Steve Irwin.

I gain strength from him, I get inspiration from him, I still have the passion and the drive that he and I both had. I sincerely hope that you will support our team in making this project a reality.

Thank you.

Final Thoughts from Bob

I have always known there will never be another person quite like Steve. He was one person who was changing the world. Unfortunately that task is now too great for any one person and this is why it has become so important for me to establish a team of conservationists to continue this work. With this team in place, we intend to dedicate our time to helping to protect and conserve not only crocodiles but all of Australia's most important species through education, awareness and habitat protection all supported by the most accurate science we can develop. Our work will be available for all to share and hopefully we can ensure the survival of our endemic Australian wildlife for generations to come.


| "I just can't express what it means to me to have Bob's support. To me, he's just the world's most gentle soul, ultimate conservationist, and just to be with Bob and around Bob, is just a great honour." | - Jennie Gilbert, Co-Founder, Cairns Turtle Rehabilitation Centre.

| "The support we have received from Bob has been invaluable. Bob's reputation, wisdom and network of contacts has opened up many doors to our fledgling facility. Because of Bob, many others now know about us and our beloved tree kangaroos and we can't thank him enough." | - Dr Karen Coombes, Director, Tree Roo Rescue and Conservation Centre Ltd.

| "Bob's passion for the Reef and commitment to its protection is inspiring. It's an honour and absolute delight to work with Bob, and thanks to his involvement I know we will be successful." | - Felicity Wishart, Great Barrier Reef Campaign Director, Australian Marine Conservation Society.

|  "When we set out to save an orphaned elephant calf in Indonesia, it was Bob's name and his foundation that gave us a platform to successfully do so. He reached out to his network of wildlife supporters from around the world who got behind us and enabled a life-saving operation for little Bona. We now have a very chubby, cheeky little elephant who is testament to this." | - Amanda French, Co-Founder, Save Bona the Elephant Campaign.

How The Funds Will Be Used

Photograph by Christian MillerEagerly led by Bob Irwin, a team of dedicated young Australians who have been working in the field of crocodile management, will have the opportunity to attend an expedition in Far North Queensland. Here, these "students" will have the chance to learn almost everything Bob has learnt through his 40 years of working with the world's largest living reptile and other wildlife inhabiting these areas. The team are top of their game, wildlife professionals from across Queensland. 

An opportunity has presented itself to our team to gain access to an important wildlife haven in Cape York. This private property, where it is intended for the research to take place, is well off the beaten track and unfamiliar to the team; it therefore requires a thorough, collaborative investigation for its research value. The location, adjoins a number of other  highly valuable neighboring properties in the area  that are rich and diverse in a number of critical wildlife species. It will be the team's focus to establish a relationship with such property owners to gain access to their properties for the purpose of research and conservation.

The objective will be to collaborate and develop a long-term research project driven by these future conservationists focusing on a number of identified 'at risk' species. It will not only give a platform for our wildlife to have a voice, but a platform whereby young Australians working in the conservation arena, can collaboratively support our wildlife. It is a platform for them to learn, contribute and make a difference. 

By supporting this project, you are directly supporting the Bob Irwin Wildlife & Conservation Foundation Inc give guidance to the next generation to protect and provide advocacy for our wildlife. 

Your support will enable the trip by covering basic transportation and ground costs;

Fuel expenses for our volunteer team to travel from across Queensland to remote areas in Far North Queensland;
Food expenses for our team while on location;
Basic camping equipment to accommodate our team;
Basic recording equipment to document and scope out the research area;
Expenses for travel from Brisbane to Cairns for planning with the team;
Development of a dedicated website and blog for the project;
Project logo design;
Purchase tickets and provide training for 3 of our team to attend an upcoming wildlife conference in Cairns with a focus on 'crocodile conservation';

NB: **Participation is considered a donation from the staff who will attend the field trip. No funds at this stage of the project will be utilised to pay wages to any attending parties whatsoever.**

STAGE TWO of this project, to follow at a later date, will see research equipment purchased for the proposed long-term study together with our university partner. Operation Croc Camp will be established in 2014 to commence plans for a long-term scientific study of endemic 'at-risk' species, with crocodiles being the flagstone species of this project. 

The Challenges

Challenges and setbacks will surface upon the unsuccessful amount of funds being raised for this initial field trip. However, it is our team's collaborative belief, that this work is too important to dismiss when considering the rate of diminishing wildlife species throughout Australia, particularly in Far North Queensland. Therefore if this particular crowd- funding campaign is unsuccessful in reaching its target, we will continue to look at other grants and avenues available to assist us in establishing this important project. This however will delay the project and commencement of research on these properties which we do have a small window of access to outside of the wet season. We therefore hope that you will get behind this project to get it off the ground as soon as possible. 

'Croc On' Project Sticker Receive a limited edition sticker thanking you for your support of this important project that'll keep Bob croccin' on.

15 chosen / 185 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

5 pack of Bob Irwin Wildlife Foundation Greeting Cards You'll receive a 5-pack of Bob Irwin Wildlife & Conservation Foundation Inc greeting cards. The cards capture some of Australia's most iconic wildlife species, in the wild. What you get: •5 Greeting Cards per pack (with C6 size envelope) •Full-colour product with gloss varnish •High quality card

0 chosen / 34 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Croc Reflection Print, Autographed by Bob Irwin An autographed photographic print (8x10") by Bob Irwin of the award-winning 'croc reflection' photograph by Queensland-based Underwater Photographer Christian Miller. You'll also receive a letter outlining what went on behind the scenes and some of the observations from our research team.

8 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Whale Shark Canvas You'll receive a 60cm x 25cm canvas print of this whale shark photograph captured by wildlife photographer Gregory Johnstone. Greg is a volunteer at the Bob Irwin Wildlife & Conservation Foundation Inc.

0 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Koala Canvas, Autographed by Bob Irwin You'll receive a 60cm x 25cm canvas print of this koala photograph captured by wildlife photographer Gregory Johnstone. Greg is a volunteer at the Bob Irwin Wildlife & Conservation Foundation Inc with a big focus on koala conservation. The canvas will be personally autographed by Bob Irwin.

0 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Croc Reflection Canvas, Autographed by Bob Irwin You'll receive an autographed canvas print (24"x30") by Bob Irwin of the award-winning 'croc reflection' photograph by Queensland-based Underwater Photographer Christian Miller. You'll also receive a letter outlining what went on behind the scenes and some of the observations from our research team.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 14

A Personal Video Message from Bob Irwin and Team On location, Bob Irwin and our team will personally thank you for your contribution with a personalised video message from behind the scenes at croc camp. You can see some of what went on behind the scenes with a video message directed for you, your family or business. You'll receive a private link to the video for you to watch online.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 14

A Personal Phone Call from Bob Irwin Receive a personal phone call (via VOIP), anywhere in the world, from Bob Irwin himself to hear more about the project and to thank you for your generous contribution. You'll also receive an autographed canvas print (24"x30") by Bob Irwin of the award-winning 'croc reflection' photograph by Queensland-based Underwater Photographer Christian Miller. You'll also receive a letter outlining what went on behind the scenes at Operation Croc Camp.

0 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Limited Edition Operation Croc Camp T-shirt Only 10 t-shirts will be printed with the project name and design. You'll not only be one of ten people world-wide with one of these t-shirts, but it will be a feelgood message to wear around.

10 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14