Bi Bi Baby

A friendship between two young gay men is tested when one reveals his bisexuality.

Bi Bi Baby

of $2,100 targetyrs ago
Successful on 19th May 2023 at 4:00PM.
Sol Kochi CarballoANTS 2y
FrederikReally hope the goal is reached and can't wait to see the movie if it does reach the goal2y
James Van EssenLooks great so far! killin it as usual J-vas !!2y
Metro GroupAll the best for a great show. 2y
Josh OldershawThis was from a friend of mine who asked me to say "There you go, have a sandwich on me"2y

No Reward

No reward needed! I'm just in it for the love.

8 chosen


A shoutout on social media. Come visit us at one of our live events for a pride-themed decal sticker!

10 chosen

Est. delivery is May 23

Dance Floor

A digital Bi Bi Baby poster, plus rewards from the previous tier.

8 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 23


Enjoy behind-the-scenes photos and a digital poster signed by the cast and crew. Plus all the rewards from the previous tiers.

10 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 23

Tequila Shots

You'll get to see the whole film with a digital link after its completion! And rewards from all the previous tiers.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 23

Rock Hard Abs

The abs of your dreams! Get a supporter credit at the end of the film, and the rewards of all the previous tiers.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 23

Hot Kisses

You'll get a behind-the-scenes video, a link to the Bi Bi Baby soundtrack, plus rewards to all the previous tiers.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 23


Sponsor our festival run so that we can participate in queer film festivals around the world! You'll get a "Special Thanks" credit and tickets to the film premiere at the Luna Palace Cinemas in Leederville.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 23

All Access Pass

A sponsorship arrangement with joint social media publicity and logo placement in the credits. A behind-the-scenes tour of the set for you and your guest.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 23