welcome to the cold island…
It's time. Here I am, for you: Tilley. Singer. Musician. Songwriter. Improviser. Artist. Lover.
Lover of life, lover of art, lover of people; people like you. People who I want to be a part of this very special project!
My first album - songs from a cold island. An album from past me, to new me, for you! And only with YOUR help can I make it happen.
This is SUCH an EXCITING TIME to be an artist! The game is changing. The generic path that musicians have been taking for so long, to try to get themselves 'discovered' and signed to a record label, is becoming progressively less appealing. More and more artists are taking their work into their own hands, making their projects happen on their own terms, rather than be pressured by someone else's deadlines and restrictions.
Crowd-sourcing the funds for a project, aka 'crowdfunding', through sites like Pozible and Kickstarter is a new and refreshing way to make the money required to make an idea into a reality. In return, those supporting the project receive the results (i.e. essentially ordering the product before it comes out…) as well as other goods, services, & in-person experiences!

Gone are the days of the media speaking for performers while they remain in their ivory tower. We're taking away the veil of aloofness and separation, and reaching out to our fans. Lady Gaga loudly and frequently proclaims her love for her "little monsters" and posts candid photos on Twitter to express her respect for these people who make her career possible. Amanda Palmer's recent Kickstarter success, raising over $1 million for her newest album, is a testament to the value of an artist remaining connected to their fans, respecting them, showing interest in them, giving freely of her own time, energy, and music in return for their loyalty and support when she asks for it.
Come with me into this new era of artistic independence, direct connection between artist and audience, a genuine give-and-take that removes the need for a middle-man. I'm here to give of myself to you, and make something truly special which I hope will be of value to your heart and soul. I'm so excited that you can be a part of this by supporting my campaign and spreading the word to all your friends. I can't wait to get started! Let's GO!!! <3
the album
This album has been two years in the making, and longer! It will include newer songs written in my 21st year, as well as songs developed & polished from the rough-hewn pieces of old songs which I've written over the past 7 years. My 21st year was a significant one (as it often tends to be for many people), for me as a person, a musician, and an artist. I made a lot of changes, had a lot of amazing experiences, met some incredible people, and started on this unexpected journey as a solo artist.
Thus, songs from a cold island is about acknowledging where I've come from - both literally (it is winter in Tasmania right now and I can't feel my fingers!) and metaphorically... giving these songs their space to breathe, and then moving on towards where I'm evolving musically, as a person, and even physically as I prepare to finish my Bachelor of Music at the end of 2012, and leave Tasmania for the grand old US of A in 2013!
In the last two years I've found my self, found my voice, found the ukulele, and found a new and exciting road to go down. I hope you'll skip along it with me!
the journey
A big part of this project, from crowdfunding to completion, is sharing the journey with all of you! 'Like' me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, tumblr and Soundcloud, (and my soon-to-be website!) and I will be posting regular updates about the process of finishing the songs & finalising the selection, recording, and everything else that goes along with it. Expect news, photos, and videos from the studio - even maybe some sneak previews of songs as they come together! As my comrade Tom Dickins said during his awesomely successful Pozible campaign - "This is OUR album!" You guys are the ones making this possible for me - and so you guys get to be involved in the process as much as possible!
Why do I do what I do? It's partly because I just simply can't help but make music - it happens whether I like it or not. But it is also because of the other thing I love most in the world - people! I love to CONNECT and I find my most rewarding connections through making music with other musicians as well as giving my music to those who enjoy listening to it.
the goodies
Check out down the right hand side of the page. If you pay $1, for example, you get the single, before anyone else. For $5, you get the DIGITAL DOWNLOAD PACKAGE before anyone else, which includes the ENTIRE ALBUM and other goodies. For $30, you get the limited edition Pozible backers only version of the physical CD!
When I release songs from a cold island, it will be for $5 download on Bandcamp.com… in an attempt to minimise the impact on the environment, I will be aiming to primarily sell the album digitally - you will only be able to get the physical CD if you pre-order it here through Pozible, or if you come to see me at a gig!
The digital package will have a "booklet" of usual liner notes - lyrics, photos & other art, and more! The physical CD will not have a booklet - to keep costs down (so that it's cheaper for YOU!) it will be a beautiful but simply-packaged product. Everyone who orders the physical CD through this campaign will receive the digital download as well. And what's more, as I said, your version of the CD will be a special Pozible backers only limited edition version of the CD with some SPECIAL art.
The higher rewards range from simple physical products (thankyou card, photos, drawings, prints of my past art) to in-person experiences (a singing lesson, a house party, I come play you the songs from the album live, even a crazy fun photoshoot where you're the star!) to the somewhat silly (want me to prank call someone for you? Ask someone out for you in song? Bring you cupcakes? LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN!) I will even write a custom song just for you.
Check out all the reward levels on the side, and feel free to suggest something to me if you have a great idea or want something specific!
BE SURE TO EMAIL ME FIRST IF THE PACKAGE YOU'RE CHOOSING SAYS "EMAIL FIRST". Some of the rewards are location-specific or require working out some logistics first so that we can make sure the experience is an awesome one for everyone involved! Just because you're not in Tasmania doesn't mean I CAN'T come and do a house party for you, for example - it just might take longer to deliver.
Around May/June 2013, I will be heading to the USA. It's certainly a possibility that this could be via Melbourne & other Australian cities first. And if you live somewhere in the US, or anywhere else in the world, it's possible that your location is on my to-visit list… let's work something out!
The email to contact me on is: [email protected]
more about tilley
Performing "Tiger Mountain Peasant Song" by Fleet Foxes at Kelly's Steps, Salamanca:
Performing "Why We Build The Wall" by Anais Mitchell at Miss Molly's in Melbourne:
more info on crowdfunding
Q: Why should people give you their money? You're not a charity.
A: You're absolutely right, I'm not a charity. That's why you're not DONATING your money to me. Every bit of contribution gets a reward. Especially with the $5 - 30 reward levels, you are essentially pre-orderingthe album before it is made. I'm not making any profit from this. Every cent raised goes to producing the album, the music video, and, if we get that far, touring the album. (and you best believe, if I do tour shows for it, they will be as exciting & unusual as I can make them!!)
Q: I want to help, but I have no money!
A: THANKYOU in the first place just for your support! Aside from backing the campaign, the most awesome thing you can do to help it SPREAD THE WORD!!!Post this link to your Facebook timeline, your Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest or whatever else you use (Google Plus? Does anyone use Google Plus? Well... put it there too!) Email people who you think might like my music. Point your friends in the media in my direction. Seriously, this is INCREDIBLY HELPFUL! I cannot put a dollar value on spreading the word but it is the greatest thing you can do to support an artist.
ALSO: Please see the next section below on the way that people without funds (and also BUSINESSES) can help make this project happen with manpower/brainpower/goods/services!
Q: I want to pledge $50, but I don't really want a custom photo or anything, I just want to get the album & throw some extra towards your campaign!
A: Thankyou so much! You don't have to select the $50 reward level if you're donating that amount - you can select any reward level UP TO that amount, so if you just want the album, just select the $30 level no matter what you're pledging! If you just want the digital download pack, just select the $5 reward level even if you're pledging more. Make sense?
Q: I want to pledge $150 but all the $150 level rewards are gone!
A: Wow, you're awesome, thankyou. The good news is you can still pledge $150 (or any other amount!) even if there isn't a reward level specifically for that amount. You can pledge $42.42 if you feel the urge - and, as I said in the last question, when you pledge am you can choose any reward level up to that amount.
Q: Where is the money going to go?
A: Simply put, here is a breakdown of where the money will go if we raise certain amounts:
$1000 = The campaign 'goal', aka the minimum I'd love to raise! This means an album of solo songs, with one band track.
$1500 = The album with TWO band tracks! (Yes, my band deserve to be paid for their time. Musicians have to eat just like everyone else.)
$2000 = The album, w/two band tracks, AND an amazing music video…!
Ben Folds and Neil Gaiman (in the comments) discuss crowdfunding as a business model: click here!
other support
If you would like to support my album in some way other than monetarily, I am thankful for all offers of assistance! More than money goes in to making an album. If you are able to offer any of the following things, or anything else I haven't thought of, please contact me at [email protected] ! In return I will be happy to place your logo or name on my website, in the digital album liner notes, and wherever else I can think of to thank you for your sponsorship! :)
- Printing (fliers, cards, posters, CDs, art rewards, stickers, merch, etc)
- Photography (I'm always open to more modelling for fun & imaginative shoots with new photographers)
- Advertisement space in your place of business, publication, or radio/TV show etc
- Refreshments (nibbles or drinks) for the end-of-campaign party (18th August) or the album launch (estimated early December)
- Rehearsal or recording space
- Filming (I am interested in having someone come in to the studio to film some behind-the-scenes footage for YouTube during recording, as well as maybe more day-in-the-life stuff of me promoting, performing etc… as well as filming at the end-of-campaign party and album launch)
- Your services as a musician, if you'd like to be part of my band tracks (I have players in mind for all roles at the moment but nothing is confirmed yet)
- Costumes/clothing… I love to wear beautiful & interesting outfits when performing! If you make pretty things, let your pretty things be a part of my pretty music!
- A place to live: I need to be out of my current house by 11th August (the last week of the campaign!) and I'm looking for somewhere to housesit or rent quite cheap so i can continue to save for my overseas trip! If you have a house or room you think might suit, please get in touch.
- Assistance with spreading the word through fliers, posters, driving me around to distribute said advertising
- Media contacts or other suggestions of new ways to promote the campaign & the album
The campaign video was edited expertly by Justin O'Newton, who makes The Pyrate's Movies In A Moment - check them out!
Uke performance footage also beautifully filmed by Justin, and Jared Abdul-Rahman of The Amadis Project.