Artist as Family

Art & Craft

Free Food

of $3,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 24th Oct 2013 at 1:00PM.
Artist as Family will spend a year bike-camping along the east coast of Australia extending our knowledges of foraging, hunting and bartering for food, gathering material to compile a new book on wild edibles called Free Food. The publication will include botanical illustrations, photographs, recipes, ecological, nutritional and cultural information, and other AaF 'discoveries' along the way. With more Global Financial Crises looming, as well as peak oil and climate change contributing to food scarcities we want as many people as possible to know how to feed themselves and travel outside the industrialised food and energy grid.

The Challenges

While there is always risk in life, especially while riding a bicycle in a car-enculturated country, Artist as Family are not flaky souls. We pride ourselves on being there 'til the end, making sure that each project more than meets ours and others' expectations. Failing being hit by a truck or having a tree fall across our tent, we will deliver a concise, pragmatic and inspiring book enabling people to start foraging for free food and reclaiming the commons.

If you pledge $20 or higher your name will be acknowledged in the book, unless of course you prefer to remain anonymous.

25 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 15

If you pledge $100 or more you will receive a signed copy of the book 'Free Food'.

22 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 15