Country Sisters

Country band from the heart of Europe
Jablonec nad Nisou

Bring the Country Sisters to Texas

of $6,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 29th Sep 2019 at 10:00PM.

Dear fans and Friends,

We are a girls band called Country Sisters and we play American country music. Apart from playing and singing we also enrich our performances with special choreographies and fancy costumes. All the girls are singers and mullti instrumentalists. 

We make music to make the audience happy.

Our band was chosen to represent the Czech Republic at a large international parade of bands from all over the world - Texas Sounds International Country Music Awards in the USA (Texas) in Octobre this year. 

We were invited to perform as a headliner during the main programme. 

Since this is a non-profit event, we do not claim any financial reward for the performance nor for the travel costs. We partly pay for the costs ourselves but the total amount exceeds our financial possibilities.  We are raising funds to cover the travel expenses for the whole band. Our total budget is $ 12,000 and in this campaign we would like to raise $ 6,000. 

We have a lot of fans from the USA who have been waiting all their lives to see the Country Sisters perform live in the USA.  And we look forward to meeting our US fans personally.

For us it will be great honor for us to play in Texas because it will be the very first time in the USA in the 46-year-history of the Country Sisters

We thank all those who support us with all our heart. 

Let´ s make this dream come true. Thank you for your being with us!

Yours Country Sisters

Sonia, Andrea, Maggie, Michelle, Pattie and Petris

Budget Overview

The overall budget is $ 6,000.

. The money will be used for:

  • Covering the travel costs (flight tickets, getting around in the US) and other fees
  • Funding the accomodation & facilities
  • Renting some of the musical equipment

We appreciate your support and thank you for it with all our hearts!


Country Sisters

Sonia, Andrea, Maggie, Pattie, Michelle, Petris

Texas e-Package

What´s in? * Personal Thank You certificate with your name on it. * Special compliation of Czech songs recorded over the years, some of which have never been published. Most of the lyrics were written by the founder of our band - Sonia Kociánová. * Special compilation of 5 solo project songs of the contemporary members of the band. * Surprise - special private "fans" funny video clip. * Your name will be published on the Wall of Fame - the list of those who contributed. * Many other surprises. All will be delivered electronically.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 18

All in e-Package

* Compliation of historical videos "on the stage" from the first years of the band playing abroad. * Special greetings and wishes to our 45th anniversary from former band members and friend bands. * Surprise - special funny clips. * Videos with a contemporary lineup * Your name will be published on the Wall of Fame - the list of those who contributed. * Almost 60 minutes of videos All will be delivered electronically.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 19

3 Solo CDs + 3 Special Videoclips + Signed Poster

You will receive 3 solo project CDs of the contemporary members of the band, 3 special videoclips - "fans" funny videoclip, one historical videoclip and one actual. In .pdf you will receive an originally signed Thank You poster with your name on it. Your name will be published on the Wall of Fame on our websites. If you wish to get the CDs and the poster physically, chose the shipping option. The video clips will be sent electronically in any case.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 19

Signed T-shirt + Keyring + Video Clip

A signed T-shirt with the photo of the band and a branded keyring. The package includes shipping costs. By email you will receive a special "fans" funny videoclip.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 19

Private Party with Dinner

Spend the whole afternoon/evening with the Country Sisters! We will organize a private party with barbecue dinner and drinks for you. The party will take place in our home town Jablonec nad Nisou. Apart from the party and dinner we will play 3-5 acoustic songs just for you. The term of the party must be agreed in advance by both sides in written form.

0 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Sep 19

Private Concert of the Country Sisters at your Home

A 60min private performance of the Country Sisters at your place. The date and time must be agreed in advance by both sides in written form. Locations out of the Czech Republic will require extra travel costs paid by the pledger. This is really a unique opportunity and we decided to release only 3 chances to get our band to your place for such a bargain :-)

0 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Oct 19