Adam Roach


Roach & Weyden Album

of $4,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 14th Nov 2021 at 9:00AM.

Hi there. We are Adam Roach and Phoenix Van Der Weyden.

Also known as "Roach & Weyden".

We both live on either sides of the world, Adam in Melbourne, Australia and Phoenix in Brazil. 

During the whole pandamec in 2020 we collaborated in various projects on Youtube including a cover of "Don't Stop Believin", "Let It Be", tributes to Van Halen and 1 original song.

We have come together this year, 2021,  to collaborate on an album together of 11 original tracks that we have spent all year on writing and putting together whilst we are still in lockdown that feature various guitarists and vocalist from around the world.

Some of the artists include Jennifer Batten (Michael Jackson/Jeff Beck), Nili Brosh and Jack Thammarat plus many more.

If you love 80's/90's rock then you will love this album.

We wanted to go for a different concept for this album so we are having guest vocalist sing the pre-choruses and choruses while the guitars play the verse melodies and solos.

Budget Overview

Being in a world of lockdowns and no travelling we both have lost our gigs and rely solemnly on our teaching for our funds so thats why we have started this campaign to ask for your help for the following costs:

As it is a very special project for both of us and really want to get the best quality for you the listeners and for oursleves.  So we are getting the album mixed, mastered and produced by a top engineer in France.

We also have to pay for these amazing guests we are having on the album.

We already have paid for alot of it ourselves but just need the extra $4,000 to help get the album out by christmas.

With any extra funds we might get it will go towards doing a few film clips of the songs from the album.

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CD - Album

Receive a copy of the album. Name on the booklet inside the CD.

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Est. delivery is Dec 21

Album & course

Copy of the album Name In the booklet Free access to the BaGT online Guitar Course "Roach & Weyden" guitar picks

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Est. delivery is Dec 21

Master Class

Copy of the album Name on the booklet Bagt Online Guitar Course "Roach & Weyden" picks 1 x half hour online Guitar Master class BaGT book 1

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 21

But wait there's more!

Copy of the album Name on the booklet Bagt Online Guitar Course "Roach & Weyden" picks 1 x half hour online Guitar Master class BaGT book 1 Copy of Phoenix's CD "Eyes On The Prize" Digital Copy of Adam's album "No Distraction"

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 21

The Total Package

Copy of the album Name on the booklet Bagt Online Guitar Course "Roach & Weyden" picks 2 x half hour online Guitar Master class BaGT book 1 Copy of Phoenix's CD "Eyes On The Prize" Digital Copy of Adam's album "No Distraction" T-shirt 4 adverts on the BaGT podcast 1 x half hour private lesson

23 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 21