Rachel Huf

Unconscious Volcanoes

of $3,200 targetyrs ago
Successful on 8th Aug 2018 at 7:33AM.

Unconscious Volcanoes is a Contemporary Dance work choreographed by Rachel Huf, and Tahlia Klugman, recent graduates of the Victorian College of the Arts and emerging artists. The work will be performed alongside Sade Brown, Momoko Nanri and Emily Shoesmith.
Hidden within the depths of our unconscious, our repressed desires are as potent and active as though they assailed every second of our conscious thinking. How much of your thoughts are foreign to your personality? How many of these thoughts do you successfully repress? Do they leak out as symptomatic actions, psychoneurotic symptoms or dreams?

Have you ever had a dream that is disconnected from reality? Or that feels so unlike you, you can’t understand how that came from your unconscious? We have! Our dreams are so intertwined with who we are, they can reveal repressed desires and what our subconscious is really thinking and feeling, does your subconscious seem to have a mind of its own? Society constructs social etiquette innately dictating how we are allowed to behave. Your subconscious however is free from these constraints and runs rampant in dreams, here anything is possible and everything is acceptable.

Unconscious Volcanoes will premiere in the 2018 Melbourne Fringe Festival at Dancehouse on the 27th of September.

We really appreciate your support and consideration. It’s an exciting endeavor to make our first full length dance work together and we couldn’t do this project without kind donations from people like you.

Stay tuned, watch this space!

Budget Overview

We would be incredibly grateful of your support for Unconscious Volcanoes.

Donations will help to cover the cost of this production. Funds will go directly towards rehearsal venue hire, performance venue hire, costumes, lighting, and advertisement and marketing.

1. Rehearsal Venue Hire

$150 of donations will go directly towards the fees of the wonderful rehearsal spaces at Dancehouse

2. Performance Venue Hire

$2,500 of donations will go towards materials / hires and equipment costs associated with the performance

3. Costumes

$200 of donations will go towards the design and creation of show costumes, thank you to the amazing Victoria Fatouros!

4. Lighting

$200 of donations will go towards our lighting design and operation

5. Advertising and Marketing

$150 of donations will go straight to the cost of printing and designing the posters, flyers and programs for the performance

Thank you for you all your help

Potential Challenges

Unconscious Volcanoes is Rachel Huf and Tahlia Klugman's first professional endeavour outside the confines of a tertiary institution. As emerging artists this project is entirely funded by the choreographers themselves so any outside help is warmly welcomed and greatly appreciated. 

An enormous amount of time and energy is spent trying to get performances like this one off the ground and presented to an audience, but we're hoping it will be all worth it once our creative vision comes to fruition. 

Your contribution doesn't have to break the bank, every little bit helps!

Many thank you's!

Thank you in show program

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 18

Multiple thank you's!!

Hand drawn thank you card and a mention in the show program

6 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 18

Millions of thank you's!!!

Signed poster and a thank you in the show program

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 18

Billions of thank you's!!!!

Complimentary tickets on a date of your choosing and exclusive footage of the animation video made by local artists and a thank you in show program

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 18

Trillions of thank you's!!!!!

A copy of the full show, a copy of exclusive animations made by local artists, a complimentary ticket on the date of your choosing and a thank you in the show program.

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 18