The Kraken Submarine

of $5,200 targetyrs ago
Successful on 22nd Aug 2016 at 1:59PM.

Project Update: August 24th

Ahoy Kraken Submariners!


The mighty Kraken Sub is funded! We have been blown away by your generous support, donations and love. This project would literally not be possible without every cent that people put in – YOU have made the Kraken Sub come to life!


Thanks to your support we can put our welding goggles back on, crank the tunes and get the Kraken Sub ship-shape and seaworthy! We’ll buy more materials, cover the Sub in a beautiful skin and install the power, lights and sound system. This beast is going to hit the paddock fully loaded!


We want to give you the best tokens of love and appreciation. Our tank of trained octopuses will now print your stickers, dye Submariner bandanas and etch Krew Member Mugs for delivery to your eagerly waiting hands.


However, the greatest expression of our love is to bring YOUR Sub to life. The Kraken Sub is a gift from all of us to Burning Seed and beyond. We can’t wait to welcome you onboard to dance up a storm, flirt with the Krew and bring the Kraken Submarine experience to life!


With love and thanks,

The Sub Sub-Committee

The Kraken Sub

In the dark corners of Kamp Kraken's infamous Slippery Tentacle, a dastardly crew of wretched seafarers are creating a bizarre and mysterious sea vessel. They will navigate the dark caverns of the sea, and emerge in a spray of water upon the shores of Burning Seed. Behold! The mighty Kraken Sub!

The Kraken Sub (KSub) is a 6m long, 3.5m high heavily modified ute built with a frame and skin to look like a submarine. It will be fitted with sound and lighting equipment, a small internal room, a deck capable of holding up to 10 people and a bar to facilitate mobile parties and performances. Plus, while we thought about building a boat, Kraken’s live under the water, not on top of it. The Kraken Sub combines all that Kamp Kraken holds dear, a nautical themed performance and party space with a subtle nod to a kinkier side.

We need your help to raise the remaining $5200 to make this project a reality.

Kamp Kraken

Kamp Kraken is a collective of eccentrics, creatives, artists and lost souls who gather at arts and music festivals in Australia and abroad to create beautiful terrestrial aquatic experiences. We provide sanctuary, healing, education, titillation and fun as our gift to the wider Burner community. Last year we invited you into the Slippery Tentacle tavern - our hedonistic lair of rum-soaked parties and playful workshops. 

Captain's Journal

The Sub began with a conversation about a small trailer sound system and evolved into the full blown Mutant Party Vehicle that it has become. In fact, the very first concept of the KSub looked like this...

The Kraken Sub has evolved into an interactive mutuant vehicle with a DJ booth, pumping sound system, spectacular visuals, a dancefloor and chillout lounge.  Designed and built to hold 30 party goers at a time, the KSub now provides a larger space for performances and interactions.  

Thus far on the journey from dream to reality, a base vehicle has been disassembled and the Sub structural frame has been welded to the Ute chassis. 

From here with continued efforts of the core krew and beyond, the Sub will take Burning Seed 2016, and you, to new depths of depraved ecstacy. Sway like seagrass to the mesmerising beats that surround the KSub. Climb on board through the hatchway and become intimate with lovers and Burners in the Captain's quarters. Ascend to the Main Deck to tower above the revellers below. Witness the glory of the DJs as they raise the beast of a mighty Kraken party from the Sonar Deck!

Design & Engineering

Safety is the most important aspect of any project, especially considering the unique conditions of a Mutant Vehicle.  The structural frame has undergone months of design and engineering to ensure a safe load carrying capacity.  With the help of Benny our Structural Engineer, we designed and refined a structural frame that can safely load the KSub full of people without collapse or tipping over.  

Core Team

The Sub is a labour of love from a crew of inspired and talented artists, writers, engineers, designers, welders, and dreamers led by Nathan Power and David Fedyk.  

Project Leads

Nathan Power has a background in Computer Science and brings his festival and project management experience to the Ksub. 

David Fedyk works as an Architectural Model Maker/Fabricator/Designer, and has dreamt of building an Art Car ever since his first Burning Man.

Structural Leads

Benny Flips is a Structural Engineer and Ksub 'Hype man' who is extremely excited to see this structure come to life. 

Heather Dessel is a metal fabricator who has designed and built multiple large-scale sculptures for Burning Man and other festivals.

Fundraiser / Marketing Leads

Rob Murray leads our Fundraising efforts with his talents in Marketing and whip-cracking.   

Nishadee Liyanage provides her creative linqustic skills to help spread the word of the Ksub.   

Interior Design Lead

Erica Mcginniskin Founder of, Erica brings her fashion and interior design talents onboard the KSub.

How The Funds Will Be Used

The build team from Kamp Kraken have been sweating into their safety goggles as they spend every spare minute cutting, grinding and welding the mighty Kraken Sub! The next stages will involve purchasing more materials, wrapping the sub in its skin, installing the power, lights and sound system. Once this terrifying dragon of the sea is complete it will be transported to Seed for Burners to bask in its glory. Huzzah!

Kamp Kraken is determined to bring this beast to life, and have pledged $8,000 to build the Sub. We're looking for generous and wonderful humans to collectively contribute the remaining $5,200 we need to make this happen. 

Breakdown of Costs:

$2200        Vehicle Purchase and Modifications

$3550         Construction Materials

$1700          Workspace & transporting Sub to Seed 

$1000         Power 

$3500         Sound System

$560           Lighting Components

$275            Driving Assistance System

$275            Interactive Components 

$200           Marketing

$13,260      Total Cost

$8,000       Kamp Kraken Pledged Funds

$5,260        Remaining Cost 

Your generous contributions will provide a driving assistance system, epic sound system, lighting, power and interactive elements. Money raised above our target will go towards next year's modifications of purchasing a trailer for transport, an updated skin, and improved sound and lighting. 

The Challenges

We have so many interactive and beautiful elements planned for the final version of the Ksub, our biggest challenge is to curate which aspects are essential components for this year. 

Beyond Burning Seed

The KSub is a multi-year project, with up to three years required to realise the dream that we have, and an expected life span of 5-6 years. It will go beyond a piece of art to become infrastructure for Kamp Kraken.

Beyond it's expansion and maturing, there is potential for the KSub to adventure to many other festivals and events. We see the KSub utilised for the Rainbow Serpent Festival, White Night Melbourne, The Town, or the Melburner's Family Fun Outing for example. These events are to further the enjoyment of Kraken Krew and expand our reach to ever wider audiences.

Cabin Boy

+ Kraken Sub Sticker + Love You'll receive a fabulous Kraken Sub Sticker! Like kisses from a tentacle's suckers, place your stickers anywhere you like. With love of course.

7 chosen / 33 available

Est. delivery is Sep 16

First Mate

+ Kraken Sub Sticker + Custom Designed Submariner Bandana Join our Krew, wear our colours with pride with your very own, custom designed Submariner Bandana. On the paddock, around your neck, as a blindfold- hell, use it to arrest any stowaways you may encounter (Ask first! Consent is sexy yeah? #kampkrakenkares). At Seed or all year 'round - show your support and love for the Kraken Sub.

33 chosen / 67 available

Est. delivery is Sep 16


+ Kraken Sub Sticker + Custom Designed Submariner Bandana + Krew Member Steel Drinking Vessel, Huzzah! Aye aye Captain! Every Captain is rewarded with a Krew Member Steel Drinking Vessel. We'll fill your cup if you fill ours! An essential on the paddock, your stainless steel, laser engraved mug will be by your side all the time.

37 chosen / 63 available

Est. delivery is Sep 16

Rear Admiral

+ Sticker, Bandana, Mug + Chance to win a fabulous prize You'll be placed in a draw to win a fabulous prize to help you relax and unwind after all that dancing on board the Sub! Grand Prize – Kraken Post-Seed Bliss Package for 2! We'll pamper you at home with a private yoga class, a deluxe Massage and a fancy Krew cooked meal!

18 chosen / 22 available

Est. delivery is Sep 16