The Holey Colander
Hi, I'm I.G. McSporran
I've been touched by the Flying Spaghetti Monster's noodly appendage, and have been given a mission, to bring The Holey Colander, and with it, his noodly blessings, into the kitchens, homes and lives of the world's Pastafarians.
The Holey Colander, a fusion of the Noodly One's divine image and the sacred colander, will radiate a supernatural noodilicous force, creating a world of tastier sauces, fragrant herbs, mature cheeses, fine drink, hearty meatballs and al-dente pasta.
As well as the divine image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, filling your kitchen with his noodly presence, the Holey Colander celebrates all aspects of our deity, with sacred meatball feet, and noodly appendage handles, making straining pasta a joyous celebration of his noodly essence. Made from the Holey Alloy (food grade 304 stainless steel), with mechanically fixed handles, the ruggedly constructed Holey Colander, will serve you in the kitchen for decades.
When I was touched, I also learned, that the Flying Spaghetti Monster finds people wearing colanders, very pleasing.
But when he scans the interwebs, feels that people with large bits of kitchenware balanced precariously on their heads, at odd angles, lack the style and practicality that a Pastafarian should carry. So I've created a small Holey Colander, so you can show your Pastafarian style in comfort, with form fitting Holey Headwear. You can see I.G. and his friends in Melbourne, showing their noodly style here
Ensure a noodilicous future for yourself, friends, and family, order your Holey Colander today.
After all, who doesn't want tastier sauce ?
About I.G.
I'm a fictional being who lives in the mind of John McKenzie, a guy from Melbourne who had an idea, that he thought Pastafarians would find very appealing, and set about designing and building proof of concept pieces.
As he's not really a social media guy, has a relatively common name, had never taken a selfie, let alone posted one, and wouldn't be caught dead wearing a colander around every day, he thought it best to create me, who loves that stuff, to bring this idea out to the world.
John has worked in a variety of fields, primarily as a network engineer, but has also painted, sculpted and has trained as a jewelery designer. He has long wanted to develop and produce his many ideas and designs. He choose this project as his first to crowd fund because of it's simplicity, and his ability to market it in the real world. With this project he's hoping to establish himself as "the colander guy", and create a platform to bring his other clock, gizmo and poster ideas to the world.
How The Funds Will Be Used
One of the best things about this project is it's simplicity.
The design is complete and tested. (very simple; "must leak rapidly, through many small holes", not a high mountain to climb)
We have no certification, licensing, or component availability issues, and there is currently a surplus of engineering capacity in Australia due to a decline in the mining industry. We are using one readily available material and mature technologies and processes (punching, deep pressing, investment casting, riveting, spot welding and bead blasting) to produce the units.
I'm planning to contract one Australian firm to completely handle the manufacture, ensuring that we produce high quality items in a reasonable time frame. I'll be ready to start manufacture as soon as the funds are received, and expect to be completed in an eight week time frame,
International distribution to fulfilment centers will take about 30 days, and possibly another 30 days until they are delivered, depending on the country receiving the goods. I'm planning to have the Holey Colander delivered to my fellow Pastafarians before International Talk Like a Pirate Day, September 19th
The Challenges
As I outlined earlier, this is technically quite a simple project, and most of the challenges have been resolved.
It is now basiclly co-ordinating the production and delivery of the Holey Colander.
Distribution is the major challenge, as the units are quite large (300 x 300 mm) shipping individual units is expensive.
I'm hoping that my fellow Pastafarians will work with their friends and acquaintances to set up mini distribution networks, allowing them to purchase several colanders to be included in the same shipment, bringing shipping costs down per unit.
As the Holey Colander is 95 % empty space, they stack well, and I'll be able to ship many for the same price as shipping an individual unit.
I'm planning on using the fulfillment services of the crowd funding "ecosystem", for international distribution. I've not yet finalized these details as they will depend on the scale this project achieves , there are many reliable, established, services to choose from, that will ensure timely delivery of international orders.
Personalised Pastafarian Street Preacher Photo
Provide a message* and I.G. will send you a photo of him spreading it to the world** Have the world's most devout*** Pastafarian giving his nodilicous seal of approval to your chosen message, ideal for wedding proposals, job applications, party invites or birthday greetings.
Small Holey Colander
Like it's bigger sibling, the small Holey Colander is rugged piece of kitchenware, perfect for pasta for 2, but is also designed as a comfortable, practical head wear for those who choose to show their Pastafarian cred to the world.
Lets get this sauce simmering
Free shipping for the first 25 Small Holey Colanders ordered.
Large Holey Colander
The large Holey Colander, serious kitchenware that will bless your kitchen with The Flying Spaghetti Monsters divine image. Ruggedly built with a 30 cm diameter, 7 litre capacity, it will drain pasta for six, and serve you for decades, while filling your kitchens, homes, and lives, with his noodilicous blessings.
Lets get this Pasta boiling.
Free shipping for the first 25 Large Holey Colanders ordered.
Holey Colander Duo
Both large and small Holey Colanders. For the Pastafarian who wants to be close to his Noodliness while straining, and also have stylish, Pastafarian head wear, that actually fits.