The Dearly Departed Cabaret
Working together in Inclusive Community Arts practice, we support the needs of others to create and find their inner artist., often forgetting or not giving time to nurture our own practice.
Myf, Geoffrey and Rachel with City of Voices
Sharing this thought, Rachel and Myf decided to get together each week to make music and have fun.
Firstly inspired by the music of others, particular of those departed, we discovered a mutual attraction to the subject of death. Sharing our experiences of loss, we discovered we had both produced the memorials to our own fathers. This idea spawned 'The Dearly Departed Funeral Parlour' and the characters of Harmony and Gracie were born.
Into the mix came Geoffrey, a triple threat of musician, writer and actor offering the character of Graham to complete the troupe.
Performing as The Dearly Departed at Roarstage
For a year we have developed the characters, storyline, script and original music of this quirky, black (yet colourful) comedy. Exploring themes of love, loss, jealousy, sibling rivalry and unrequited love.
The compelling combo of pyschopathic seductress, ditsy bombshell and nerdy heart-throb, was not this show.
Instead we work with what we have and need your help!!!!
We might do this for love but can't expect other professionals to!
So, we need money to hire some of the most inspiring and talented folks to help bring our show to life.
The Inspiring and Talented Folks:
Emily Barrie, as Designer, will bring a wealth of brilliance and award-winning artistry. Currently designing for Circus Oz, Moomba, Ilbijerri Theatre Company and recent Green Room Award winners, Rawcus (to name but a few), Emily is crucial to bringing our vision to life. You can discover more about Emily here. She's awesome!
Bronwyn Pringle, as Lighting Designer/Illuminator Extraordinairè, offers exceptional pedigree to frame and bring light to this production. A freelance Lighting Designer, Theatre Maker and Green Room Award winner, she has worked with companies such as Polyglot, Chambermade Opera, Black Hole Theatre and Speak Percussion. Find out all about Bronwyn here. She's awesome too!
Budget Overview
Putting on a show is expensive! We are self-funding with a total (modest) budget (not including our own time) of $10,000.
Reaching our target amount will cover the cost of:
The Designers: $3,000
Anything raised over our target will help to contribute to the following:
A Dramaturg: $1,500
The Props (ie Coffin)/Costumes: $1,500
Lighting/Sound Technician: $1,500
Publicity/Documentation: $1,500
As Inclusive Arts Practitioners, we would like to make our show as accessible as possible by providing an Auslan interpreted and audio described performance:
Auslan and Audio Description: $1,000
The Warm Fuzzies
Warm fuzzy feelings and a shout out on social media
Special Edition Fridge Calendar
Special Edition, Dearly Departed Fridge Calendar, a shout out on social media plus those warm fuzzy feelings.
Signed Framed Photograph
A signed framed photograph of the Dearly Departed member of your choice, shout out on social media and those warm fuzzy feelings.
Special Choice
Your choice of: A Date with Graham, A Makeover by Gracie or a Mystery Reward with Harmony plus Acknowledgement in the program, a shout out on social media and those warm fuzzy feelings.
Dearly Departed Gig
A 1 hour performance by The Dearly Departed at your event or function, Acknowledgement in the program, a shout out on social media and those warm fuzzy feelings.
Theatre and Music Workshop
A 3 hour Inclusive Theatre and Music based workshop, tailored to suit your needs, Credit as Contributing Producer on the program, shout out on social media and those warm fuzzy feelings.
Special Edition Mugs
A special edition, Dearly Departed Mug Collection, Acknowledgement on the program, a shout out on social media, and those warm fuzzy feelings.