The 9pm Brisbane Podcasts 2019
[UPDATE: Alas, we didn’t make it. But life goes on. Read more.]
Hello, I’m Stilgherrian. It’s time to record my inappropriately-named podcast The 9pm Edict in Brisbane. Why? A Queensland visit has just been added to my work schedule, I’ve put myself at your disposal in Brisbane on 1 to 4 June.
I’ll organise my plan of action and any guests over the next few days, and I’ll post the details here. For now, here’s a few sample episodes for those who have yet to experience the, um, experience.
The most recent episode was The 9pm Arch Window of the Unlwaful Use of an Egg, recorded just before Australia’s federal election. It’s also on Spreaker and SoundCloud.
Earlier in the year I put together The 9pm Recycled Edict 1, a least-worst-of compilation from the very first episodes back in 2010. It’s also on Spreaker and SoundCloud.
And on 5 May I did the The 9pm Minor Party Policy Filibuster, a terrible 4-hour live reading of minor party election policies, while drinking. It, too, is on Spreaker and SoundCloud, but don’t listen to it.
A Note on the Rewards
These are more or less the now-standard rewards I offer for podcast recording projects. Further rewards may be added as the campaign progresses. Suggestions welcome.
Everyone who pledges to support the project will get access to a secret stash of photographs and audio outtakes, to be posted during and after the journey.
Budget Overview
Your contributions will help defray the costs I’ve already incurred, and help provide me with an income while producing the podcast(s) or other media objects.
I’ve set the initial target at $2100 assuming I’ll produce two episodes. It’d be even more wonderful if I could generate some actual income from this work, so when I hit that I’ll set a suitable stretch goal.
The Fine Print
In recent Pozible campaigns, I’ve put in a production fee for each “nomal” episode of The 9pm Edict, and The 9pm Probe interview episodes, at $520. Each Public House Forum episode is double that at $1040.
Each normal episode of The 9pm Edict takes roughly a day to research, prepare, present, and post. Each Public House Forum episode takes two days all up.
As usual, I base my calculations on the MEAA award rate for casual freelance journalists, about $960 per day. As a casual rate, that already includes allowances for superannuation, leave, WorkCover and the like, as well as equipment costs. I’m discounting that by 30% to $650 per day because a lot of the work involves copying and uploading files and other mechanical tasks, so I can do other things at the same time. And I’m discounting it even further by another 20% because I love you.
I’ve already booked accommodation in Brisbane to take advantage of discounts, and I’m good at estimating the fixed costs. Pozible’s fees, bank fees and other administration costs take about 9% of any total funds raised. On top of that there’s 10% GST.
If you want to see my working, check the numbers (version 01, PDF).
Basic Tip
Be listed on the podcast website as a MEDIA FREEDOM CITIZEN for contributing to the continuing production of quality media + access to a secret stash of photos and audio outtakes + my sincere thanks.
Slightly Less Basic Tip
Score a shout-out on the podcast as a FOOT SOLDIER FOR MEDIA FREEDOM + website listing + secret stash + my sincere thanks.
One Trigger Word
Choose a word, to be combined randomly with two others and thrown into the conversation + shout-out + website listing + secret stash + my sincere thanks. (You can choose the word later, once we've confirmed the quests.)
Three Trigger Words
Choose three words to be thrown into the conversation, together, or separately with two others chosen at random + shout-out + website listing + secret stash + my sincere thanks. (You can choose the words later, once the plan is confirmed.)
Conversation Topic
Have your question discussed during one of the podcasts + shout-out + website listing + secret stash + my sincere thanks. (You can choose your question later, once the plan is confirmed.)