Tears, Laughter, Champagne

of $7,520 targetyrs ago
Successful on 10th Nov 2017 at 12:59PM.


On 18 January 2003, four bushfires that had been burning in the Brindabella mountains for more than a week combined and roared into Canberra’s south-western suburbs, destroying 500 homes and claiming four lives.

Have you ever wondered what happened to the people behind the headlines? 

Nine women forged an unbreakable bond in the weeks and months following the fires, brought together by the one thing they had in common, loss. These are the Singed Sisters.

In this cookbook come memoir the Singed Sisters recount their fifteen year journey from the day the fires changed their lives. Share in their story of recovery through the recipes that gathered them together and celebrated the milestones of rebuilding what was lost.

From tea and tears in the months following the fires to champagne and laughter as they moved into newly built homes, this book is the story of that journey and the recipes that helped along the way.

The Book

As devastating bushfires become part of life for so many communities around Australia this book will serve as a reminder of the enduring nature of friendship, good food, and great champagne in tough times.

Tears, Laughter, Champagne is a full colour, soft cover cookbook/collective memoir featuring recipes and interviews with the Singed Sisters. The book is divided into chapters based on the phases of their journey, from Devastation to Celebration. The accompanying recipes reflect these phases, from the healthy and hearty essentials that kept their families fed in the days immediately after the fire to the sweets and indulgences that helped them to warm rebuilt homes.

The Cause

This book is also a chance for the Singed Sisters to pay forward the charity and kindness they received in the aftermath of the fires. All profits from the sale of this book will go to YWCA Canberra - chosen by the Singed Sisters because of their work in housing support, early learning education and family counselling as well as their advocacy on gender equity and women in leadership.

Project Timeline


  • Pozible fundraising campaign
  • Editing, proofreading


  • Photography
  • Design, layout, typesetting


  • Printing
  • Launch event
  • Distribution by Christmas 2017

How The Funds Will Be Used

To make this book a reality there are some upfront costs to cover such as photography, design, layout and printing and mailing of reward copies. All profits from the continued sale of Tears, Laughter & Champagne will go to YWCA Canberra.

We are using a print-on-demand model for publishing so our initial costs are modest. 


INCOME (from Pozible campaign)          $7520

EXPENSES                                                   $7520

  • Photography ($1600)
  • Design, layout & typesetting ($1200)
  • Printing of 200 initial copies ($4720)

The Challenges

The Singed Sisters have been talking about this book for over a decade now - we are ready to make it happen. And with just a little bit of help it will.

Tears, Laughter, Champagne is being produced by Canberra-based independent publishing start-up Obiter Publishing and publisher Karen Downing, herself one of the Signed Sisters. Obiter has the expertise to manage the production, distribution and marketing of the book meaning that the challenges of this project are limited primarily to finances.

Producing a cookbook with high production values, quality photography, and design that ensures it will remain a treasured kitchen companion for many years, does not come cheap. That's why we need your support.

The funds raised through this campaign will go directly to production costs and maximise the profits that can be donated to YWCA Canberra.

Print copy of Tears, Laughter, Champagne

A beautiful colour hard copy of the book delivered to you door (Australia only). RRP $49.99

64 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 17

Signed copy of Tears, Laughter, Champagne

Your printed copy of the book signed by all nine Singed Sisters and delivered to your door (Australia only).

42 chosen / 58 available

Est. delivery is Dec 17

Gift Pack: Two signed copies

Two signed copies of the book. One for you and one gift wrapped for a friend. Both delivered to your door (Australia only).

25 chosen / 25 available

Est. delivery is Dec 17

Signed book + dinner with the Singed Sisters

Bring a friend and join the Singed Sisters for dinner. We'll cook you some of the recipes from the book. And send you home with a signed copy.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Dec 17

Signed copy of book + launch invitation

A copy of the book signed by all nine Singed Sisters + an invitation to our book launch party for you and a friend. Book delivered to your door (Australia only).

5 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 17