
of $6,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 24th Jul 2021 at 12:00PM.

This project aims to collect funds that will go towards purchasing and distribution of kits for rough sleepers that will provide increased warmth and protection from the cold and wet. The target area is primarily around the Port Phillip municipality, but depending on the number of kits we're able to purchase, the wider Melbourne area also. 

(Actual product may vary)

We're aiming for a target of $6000 which we hope will facilitate roughly 40 Packs; Swag, thermal sleeping bag, socks, laundry credits and info cards. 


While Swagger isn't providing a solution to homelessness, it is hoped the kits will bring increased comfort and dignity for those sleeping rough - particularly members of the community who are reluctant to access government and local support services.

(Picture Source: Unsplash: Jon Tyson) 

(Alleyway Picture Source: Unsplash Hin Bong Yeung) 

Budget Overview

Registration & Administration expenses.

Purchasing the packs.

No Reward

Thank you! We are excited for these kits to be rolled out! We hope to offer bigger variety of rewards for future Projects!

0 chosen

Good Feels PLUS a 'Swagger My City Info Pack'

We're thankful for large contributions. A Swagger pack with info on setting-up a project like this in your neighbourhood will be sent to you. (photo source: unsplash Ethan Wilkinson)

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 20