Climate Democrats
Climate Democrats - Join us

Starting a party! Climate Democrats

of $6,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 14th Feb 2019 at 1:55AM.

Start a Party this summer: Climate Democrats.

Strong, fair Climate Change policy for a liveable future.

And better politics generally.

Do you want to achieve something important for this country's future?

You can do that, right here, right now.

Let us tell you a story...    Please watch our video...   Then please read on...


  • The mission of the Climate Democrats is:
  • To be the party of the sensible centre of Australia striving for the improvement of this country and the Australian community, in the present and in our long term future.
  • To achieve this, our main focus is to do everything we can to limit Climate Change so that we, those younger than us (and those who will follow us) will have a liveable future in a society as we know & enjoy now.
  • To be the party of choice in Australian politics by:
    •  respecting & engaging with, and working for all parts of Australia’s diverse community & all socio-economic groups
    • acting openly and honestly with the electorate for the good of  the nation ahead of personal or party gain
    • working with other political parties with good will on all issues to achieve our goals
    • partnering with community organisations that share our values and goals
    • working constructively with business as appropriate
    • valuing our members and making membership of the party a fulfilling and worthwhile experience
    • setting best practice behaviour standards for our politics and within the party.
  • To be the party of choice for the nation’s future leaders who share our values and goals.
  • To be a party that adopts evidence-based policies; that calls out dishonesty, evasion & propaganda, and other poor behaviours in Australian politics; and opposes populism, short-termism and extremism.


"Strong, fair Climate Change policy" is shorthand for policy STRONG enough to keep temp rise to the +1.5 to 2 deg liveable range, and FAIR so disadvantaged are better off not worse off during a "just transition", and so the economy as a whole is better off, not put at risk.

Australia's current Climate Change policy setting is a recipe for a disastrous +3 to +4 degree temperature rise future.

Scientists advise that it is not possible to adapt to a +4 degree future and still  enjoy the type of society we have now.

The current federal government is in denial on doing what is required to limit Climate Change. Australia is a LAGGARD on Climate when we need to be a LEADER, to lift the level of global action to the Climate Emergency level required. 

"For the sensible centre." We are a party for the CENTRE of the electorate rejecting the political extremes and the drift to populism - SENSIBLE refers to common sense adoption of science & evidence based policy.

The governing Coalition disregards Climate science and ignores the electorate and all the sectors of society that are demanding urgent & consistent Climate Change policy.

They are hostage to the far right and threaten to block future Climate Change initiatives.

Unfortunately this means consensus on Climate Change policy is very unlikely to be reached in this coming crucial period.

So Climate Democrats will be the party to make sure there are majorities in the Parliament to achieve the best possible Climate Change legislation and regulation, always raising the bar to the level required for real outcomes to safeguard our future’s liveability.

"And for better politics generally." Australia's politics is in a very poor state. Poor standards & behaviour; self-serving decision-making; the major parties rarely able to find common ground; internal vendettas; invisible lobbyists and factions & power groups within parties not representative of the electorate & wielding unjustified power... - this sorry list feels endless.

Honesty, integrity & openness with the public not spin & evasion; long term thinking, not short-termism; evidence not emotions & egos - Climate Democrats will be a new party with new blood in Parliament having a fresh look at all the key issues of the nation, and willing to work tirelessly, with others in Parliament to achieve outcomes to better the Australian community and its future.


So the moral of the video story is that our future is "cooked" if we go on with "politics as usual".

Our future is “cooked” if Australia does not do enough, quickly enough, about Climate Change.

The best strategy for Australia's self interest in having a liveable future is to be a LEADER on Climate Change, not a LAGGARD, and by being a LEADER pull other countries up.

The only way Australia’s future can be safeguarded against the worst Climate Change Scenarios is for the nation

To Act Locally and by doing so Act Globally.

Our video story focusses on Climate Change as this is the biggest national threat with the biggest political gap. But Climate Democrats will not be a single-issue party - we will work to achieve outcomes on the whole range of responsibilities that our members and the electorate expect.

The Climate Democrats will fill the missing part of the political puzzle for Australia to put itself on the right path regarding its role in dealing with climate change.

In Australia, virtually everyone is ready, willing & able to act on Climate:

  • A very strong majority of the Australia’s people and the electorate.
  • Those who can see the effects of Climate Change most clearly: our younger generations: farmers, doctors, charities that work with the vulnerable, the science community, and Climate think tanks, activists & community groups.
  • Business in general and particularly the renewables energy & greentech sector, the insurance industry, as well as the investment community including our superannuation funds.

<i>However the significant, big gap that stops us moving forward on Climate at this crucial time: Our politics, our leaders.</i>

<i>We do not have a majority in both houses of the Federal parliament that will support good Climate Change policy.</i>

<i>Climate Democrats' mission is to fill this crucial gap.</i>

The climate science is increasingly warning us that effective policies to achieve strong emissions reductions cannot be delayed further. The technologies and the policy tools are available. Business is calling for policy certainty.

The electorate expects all in government to act and will reward those that do.


Join us at this launch of the Climate Democrats.

Commit to action by signing up now as a Foundation Member

Achieve something this summer.

For more info see our FAQs below...

<i>...and when you have read enough</i>

<i>and if you agree with us that Climate Democrats can make a real difference </i>

<i>and is a fit with your values - JOIN US.</i>

Thank you for your time and consideration. Have a great summer (but let's hope this one is not too hot)!

Here’s another video to break up things before you start reading more below…

For FAQs and more info, please keep reading below...


...and when you have read enough

and if you agree with us that Climate Democrats can make a real difference 

and is a fit with your values - JOIN US.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Have a great summer (but let's hope it doesn't get too hot)!

P.S. Please share the message and the Starting a Party link

as widely as you are able. Thanks again.<

For FAQs and more info, please keep reading below...


Q. Why do we need the Climate Democrats, another political party?

  • To achieve strong, fair Climate policy at the earliest opportunity and deliver better politics generally.
  • There is a huge gap in the political spectrum of Australian politics for a centrist party with the goal to improve the standard of government in Australia
  • Most of the recent additions to the ballot paper are on the pretty-far Right. This means there is an imbalance that a successful party of the centre can re-balance.
  • And particularly the strongest recent additions are of the climate-denier bent. This certainly does not reflect the electorate.
  • We need Climate Democrats to oppose Climate Deniers and Climate Do-Nothings.
  • Some of the minor parties’ support is due to dissatisfaction with the major parties but we would say those votes are wasted on poor-quality and destructive parties. Climate Democrats will be a much better quality party achieving very constructive outcomes.
  • Poor leadership on Climate has meant that some parts of the electorate have swallowed anti-Climate propaganda, for example the untrue conflation that more renewables is increasing power prices and decreasing reliability, when actually new coal generation is out of the question if only because it is too expensive. This can be countered by Climate Democrats’ commitment to educating the electorate on Climate and calling out dishonesty.
  • To call out the misinformation on Climate, and improve the awareness of Climate in the electorate
  • To avoid the stalemate on Climate that will remain if the "same old" mix keeps getting voted in
  • To give choice and representation to the sensible centre of the electorate, compared to the current over-representation of the hard Right
  • At the very least, a successful Climate Democrats would have the Senate numbers to avoid the scenario where the Liberals if in Opposition try to block action on Climate Change.

Q. Why would I want to join a political party? And why Climate Democrats?

  • In our society, we do not have high regard for most politicians. But if you think you can do better, join a party and make it happen.
  • Climate Democrats will be a party for these times, using the tools of online groups and social media how they were set up to be used – to facilitate connection and communication - and as a great way to organise offline meetups and events, where we hope you will join us for social enjoyment mixed in with our party activities.
  • If you agree with the Climate Democrats mission and want to contribute to it, you should join Climate Democrats.
  • If you want to personally do something about Climate Change, joining a Climate-focussed political party is how you can. You can help achieve real, significant national outcomes.
  • Being a member of Climate Democrats can be in addition to your activities on Climate and/or other environmental issues. We welcome members from for example, Get Up, AYCC, local Climate Action Network groups, Farmers For Climate Action, Greenpeace, WWF, the Wilderness Society, ACF, FOE, Wilderness Society, Lock the Gate, Doctors for the Environment, community solar groups – Love your work! – your membership of Climate Democrats will be valuable to forge symbiotic links. Together we can achieve more.
  • If you have an interest in politics generally, have maybe considered joining a party but have not been attracted by any existing party, now HERE WE ARE. Join us if your values align with ours.
  • Clicktivists welcome! If your activism or community engagement to date has been done with your index finger or mouse, now is the time to join a real, live organisation. Your skills will be welcomed. In fact - use them now - to Share the Start a Party link on all your social media accounts. Climate Democrats will be a virtual and real party equally!
  • You may not see Climate Change as a standout issue necessarily, rather just one of a number of key issues. That’s fine – if our mission statement aligns with your values, please join us.
  • You may be active in community groups or charities as a volunteer. Membership of Climate Democrats can complement your community work and your input will be welcome to bring grass roots issues and feedback to the notice of the party, plus your community group may benefit from your experience as a member of Climate Democrats.
  • Climate Democrats expects that more than half its candidates will be women to reflect the electorate. So the more women members the better to help us in-source and reach out to good, potential women candidates utilising the networks of the membership. If necessary positive discrimination or quotas will be used to ensure this target is met.
  • You can choose how active a member you are. Climate Democrats welcomes all voters who share our aims and values. As a minimum, being a member means that you will receive regular updates on the key issues & the work the party is doing on them, and that your views and suggestions will be sought & welcomed and will inform the direction of the party.
  • If you are of the younger generations - act now out of self-interest! If you are of the o older generations - here's your chance to give something of yourself to those younger and yet to come (as well as your share of self-benefit).
  • We are confident being part of Climate Democrats will be an enjoyable and fulfilling part of your life, should your values align with us & you decide to join us.
  • And a challenge, so if you love a challenge, definitely join us. Our goals are achievable but the task is a challenging one.

Q. What sort of party would the Climate Democrats be?

  • A centrist party with strong, fair Climate Change policy as its core reason for being, along with its wider mission (see our Mission Statement).
  • Members would be encouraged to form and join local branches where branch meetings would give the opportunity to share, learn and contribute to Climate Democrats' agenda.
  • All members will have access to Members-only online groups to the same end.
  • Members will be encouraged to join local Climate Change groups & events, and to connect with & learn from the numerous Climate Change organisations and online resources, and to feed back to the party any useful learnings.
  • Climate Democrats will have rules and vetting procedures to ensure it is always a centrist party focused on Climate.
  • Climate Democrats will have a best practice Code of Behaviour and party rules that will guide how members will be expected to act and interact with each other and others, to make the party an attractive community organisation to be part of.
  • With its solid mission and values, and a strong membership focussed on Climate and representing the sensible centre of the electorate, Climate Democrats will be able to attract and nurture quality candidates both from the general Australian community and from those with some experience in politics at some level. This will make Climate Democrats a successful, thriving political party.
  • Climate Democrats aims to be the party of choice for the best potential leaders of this country - and by attracting great candidates and future leaders (and members!) Climate Democrats will be able to become a key player in Australian politics.

Q. What policies will Climate Democrats have on Climate Change?

  • Climate Democrats will set emissions reduction targets guided by the Paris Agreement commitments including that the targets are in accordance with the best available science to achieve the goal of keeping temperature rise to the 1.5 to 2 degrees liveable range.
  • Climate Democrats will set its policy guided by what is achievable while having a just transition, that the economy grows & is not put at risk, and recognising the role of government in our mixed market economy.
  • New targets are due in 2020 so these must be set in the next Parliament. The Coalition policy is to put forward the same 26-28% 2030 reduction target which was always low and is hopelessly out of date as a new commitment. Labor’s emissions target is 45% by 2030, while the Greens is zero emissions by 2040 or earlier. Note these are all-sector emissions, not just from the electricity sector which is only about 35% of total emissions.
  • Climate Democrats has work to do to finalise its emissions targets based on the latest science to ensure our future is liveable. They are likely to be stronger than Labor’s, and may be as strong as the Greens but only if the targets can be reached while applying our principles that policies be fair and that there be a just transition.
  • Climate Democrats aims to have 2030, 2040 and 2050 reduction targets to give stakeholders policy certainty, but with regular updates to reflect updates from the climate science.
  • Climate Democrats will work to ensure any future changes of government do not result in backsliding on Climate Change policy. This will be a key role for Climate Democrats and one reason why Climate Democrats will need to perform well to achieve & maintain good numbers of members in the Senate.

Q. What other policies will Climate Democrats have besides those on Climate Change?

  • Climate Democrats has work to do to form its general policy platform. Policy areas will be prioritised to focus on the most key issues first.
  • Policies formulation will be guided by our mission & values, our membership, and candidates.
  • As an example there are the twin issues of housing affordability and homelessness, both key issues vital to have the best policy settings. Climate Democrats will look at the twin issues with fresh eyes & explore innovative options that may present for more people to have a chance of owning their homes and for tenancies, and whether government will take a role in regulation or law to achieve these outcomes. To address homelessness we will work with community organisations to find proven ways to reduce the causes and impact of homelessness, and to promote the expansion of programs that are working. Admittedly early days here but Climate Democrats will work to develop policy, and later work across Parliament to achieve outcomes.

Q. What is Climate Democrats’ strategy?

The strategy to establish the party is as follows:

  • First step, create a grand party mission and outline a rock-solid party structure that will define the party. We hope you agree that what you see in this launch document delivers this step.
  • Next, focus on generating as large a foundation membership as possible, targeting those sectors of society where our values and mission align. This is where you fit in. A strong membership signed up to a grand mission with the outline of a strong structure means the key elements of a successful party are in place.
  • “The rest”* will flow from the membership, mission & structure. For example, some of Climate Democrats’ future candidates will come from within its initial membership, or via contacts of members or nominations or suggestions from members. And Climate Democrats will get *“The rest” being a long list of tasks – see below FAQ “What are the next steps for Climate Democrats.”
  • While we are not actively fundraising yet, any donations will be gratefully accepted and well-used, for example to promote this membership drive/launch.
  • And if we happen to get the attention of a benefactor or two during this launch that will be a bonus. (Shout out to @mcannonbrookes and his friends & followers!)
  • Early-joining Members & Supporters will be asked to Share the launch campaign as widely as they can on all their platforms to keep the ball rolling through the duration of the Pozible campaign. (You can do this now, please!)

Climate Democrats’ ongoing strategy is as follows:

  • On Climate Change set the best targets guided by what is need for a liveable future according to climate science, working with policy experts.
  • Work down to a raft of Climate Change policies that will achieve these targets across all the sectors.
  • More generally, find the best policies by partnering with the best policy experts & think tanks and civil society groups on each issue.
  • Borrow laws and regulations from other countries and states if appropriate, and adapt them to Australia, particularly where they are proven as effective, to avoid re-inventing the wheel.
  • Find the best candidates by crowd-sourcing from the membership itself & their contacts, and by approaching potential candidates directly.
  • Seek candidates to run for office in all levels of government to achieve better politics in all the levels and because all levels of government need to participate in achieving a liveable future.
  • Have an effective vetting process for potential candidates to ensure all candidates share our values.
  • Workshop likely sources of funding for the party and put resources to achieving a level of funding that will optimise Climate Democrats’ ability to achieve its election goals.
  • Maximise use of the resources available within its membership in as many ways possible.
  • Have a high level of engagement and sharing of ideas, etc, between the party executive and the membership.
  • Continue to grow the membership.

Q. Does it matter what emissions Australia has? Because we are just a small country.

  • Yes, it matters. It matters a lot!
  • The answer to this question is key because the answer guides our strategy on Climate.
  • We are in the top twenty highest emitting countries, and in the top five highest per capita emitters. And we have the 2nd highest wealth per adult of all nations. There is absolutely no excuse for not doing our share in reducing emissions.
  • How can global emissions be reduced if every country said our own emissions doesn't change anything?
  • Importantly, by being a LEADER not a LAGGARD on Climate, other countries can be encouraged and have confidence that strong emissions reductions can be fairly achieved. This is the best way to achieve the necessary global reductions in time to save Australia's and all countries’ climate future.
  • Also as one of the LEADERS in the energy transition, Australia would benefit from opportunities in terms of jobs and industry growth & renewal.
  • And finally, it is the right thing to do. Australia and its citizens should be able to be stand proud on Climate rather than be seen as a Climate pariah.

Q. Won't a new party such as the Climate Democrats just be another micro-party? 

  • Climate Democrats will not be a single-issue party but will work in Parliament to be active contributors on key issues and to get the best outcome for Australia on all issues that come to Parliament, guided by the party’s values and those of its members.
  • Politics is a numbers game at least in one sense. We estimate there is potential 25% of the electorate who would consider voting for a centrist Climate-focussed party.
  • For the number-nerdy here is the detail:
  • Polling shows 70-75% want effective Climate Change policy. (This is a very strong majority of the electorate remembering that there is never or very rarely 100% or even 90% agreement on anything, plus that not everyone is engaged on Climate and given that current government does its best to divert attention, spreads lies & evades questions on Climate Change.)
  • 2-party preferred there is traditionally roughly a 50/50 split between the Coalition and Labor sides.
  • This means there is a minimum 20-25% of the electorate who are Coalition-leaning voters who want effective Climate policy. That’s a minimum, so say the range is 20-30%.
  • Add to this, say 5 to 10% of the Labor-leaning voters who may prefer to vote for a centrist Climate party rather than the Labor or the "left" Greens (so that would be another 5 to 10% of the 50% = 2.5 to 5% of the electorate).
  • So the range is from (20% + 2.5% = 22.5%) up to (30% + 5% = 35%). If 22.5-35% is the estimated range, a figure of 25% is a safe bet of how many would consider voting for Climate Democrats as either a first or second preference vote.
  • For the Senate, if a reasonable percentage of this potential voter group can be successfully converted to votes, the Climate Democrats would likely win a number of Senate seats, with the outcome that Climate Democrats would be a significant force in the Parliament, able to work with other parties and independents to achieve strong, fair Climate Change policy.
  • Climate Democrats is confident of being able to attract party funding from various sectors to use to achieve its goals in elections. Having a large, quality membership is one way to demonstrate success - sign up, encourage others to do so, and use your social media to promote this membership drive.
  • In the House of Representatives, strong centrist candidates (the likes of Kerryn Phelps) may consider running as Climate Democrats rather than as independents. While it may be hard to win and hold lower house seats, the existence of a strong, centrist Climate party with candidates in key electorates would influence who gets into the lower house, and improve the current situation where there are too many opponents of Climate action.
  • Climate Democrats' general preferencing policy will be to preference other parties and candidates mainly based on how their Climate Change policies and performance rate, and so influence outcomes towards the candidates with the best Climate Change credentials.
  • The take-out point is that Climate Democrats does not see value in adding to the list of micro-parties - Climate Democrats can be a significant, successful Australian party - as it must be to fill the current large gap in Australian politics, particularly regarding Climate Change, and so protect our future.

Q. Don't we already have a Greens party?

  • Climate Democrats looks forward to working with the Greens and other parties where our aims align but there are important differences between the two parties.
  • The Climate Democrats would be a party of the centre, whereas the Greens are on the Left - this means there is currently no party with adequate Climate Change policies for centrists - moderate conservatives especially, also those who are centre left. This SENSIBLE CENTRE of the electorate see that voting 1 for Greens as voting too far to the "Left".
  • Climate Change is an issue of a size that needs "all hands be on deck". The Climate Democrats would result in more numbers in the Parliament that are committed to achieving the best possible Climate policy, and so will complement with the Greens and other players that are strong on Climate in Parliament.
  • Climate Democrats will have significant policy differences with the Greens. For example the Greens do not believe in private sector ownership in the electricity sector. While Climate Democrats does not support more privatisation we recognise the need to work with the owners of this sector to develop & pass laws & regulations that fit with Australia’s mixed market economy.
  • The Greens sometimes act on ideology, while the Climate Democrats will always be guided by the evidence.
  • The Coalition is unable to work with the Greens, while Labor does not generally work well with them either because of fear of being seen to be close. Climate Democrats will be a party that will be able to work with all three because we are at the centre of Australian politics and have the common ground with the Greens as being strong on Climate.
  • The Greens vote has plateaued at the ten percent or very low-teen levels. Compare this with polls saying that majorities above 70% of voters want action on Climate Change. These numbers suggest that a centrist Climate party would offer choice to a large part of the electorate that they do not currently have.
  • Unfortunately, the Greens have significant problems particularly toxic internal faction fighting. These make it unlikely the Greens can grow beyond there present size by being a party of choice for better politics and behaviour.
  • Climate Democrats does not have any such baggage that plagues the Greens and also all the major parties. And we can learn from the Greens’ problems and those of other parties (past and present) and so be a clear party of choice for members, candidates, and voters.
  • But note, Climate Democrats wants to see the Greens remain successful so the number of pro-Climate numbers in Parliament is maximised. And as Climate Democrats preferencing policy is to generally preference by ranking on Climate Change credentials it is likely that there will be a 2-way sharing of preferences between the parties, which would be a good example of the two parties working together on Climate Change putting outcomes ahead of self-interest.
  • Climate Democrats’ focus is on winning votes from the centre of the political spectrum, not from the Greens.

Budget Overview

This launch project is primarily a membership drive. To register the party for the next Federal election we need 550 voters who are not a member of another political party to become members. 

And to ensure we get that number and do all the process of registering we are asking you to quickly make your decision so the party can be confident of being registered on time.

So we are seeking 600 members with a membership fee of $10 each. This is our first target. Note at this stage we are not focussing on fundraising but using the Pozible platform means we have to have a "pledge" amount.

Our second target is to reach as many people as possible so everyone gets a chance to decide to join Climate Democrats.

To promote this membership drive some of the $10 member pledges and some of any donations will be ploughed back into promoting this Pozible membership drive, because we believe a wide and solid membership will provide the best foundation and pool of resources for the party.

If you want to become a member but prefer not to pledge the $10 at this time for any reason, just send an email direct to Climate Democrats ( email: [email protected] ).

After the party is established (with your help we hope) there will be fundraising activities at a later date which may include another use of Pozible to fund raise for anyone who wishes to donate.

Supporter NOT Member

Welcome to Climate Democrats! Be a Supporter if you do not want to join now as a member but do want to support & follow us, and to be on our mailing list. You will receive a Supporter form email within 24hrs. Simply fill in your details and hit send to complete & return it.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 18

Youth Wing Member

Under 18 therefore can't vote at an election? You can vote, have a voice & be listened to, here in Climate Democrats.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 18

Foundation Member

Welcome to Climate Democrats! You will receive a membership application by email within 24hrs. Simply fill in your details and hit send to complete & return your membership. If you have any doubts about eligibility do not choose this Reward - please switch to our Associate Member Reward.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 18

Associate Member

Welcome to Climate Democrats! Choose this Reward if you have any doubt about passing the Foundation Member eligibility test due to our AEC party registration requirements. You will receive an Associate membership application by email within 24hrs. Simply fill in your details and hit send to complete & return your Associate membership.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 18


Note we are not actively fundraising yet & donations are not yet tax deductible. But donations are still accepted and particularly may be useful to promote this membership drive. Thank you.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 18