Nelly Thomas
Comedian, Author, Stirrer.

Some Brains

of $22,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 25th May 2019 at 8:30AM.

SOME BRAINS: a book celebrating neurodiversity

Written by Nelly Thomas

Ilustrations by Cat MacInnes

SOME BRAINS is the third in a series of progressive children's books in the SOME KIDS SERIES by Melbourne comedian and author Nelly Thomas. All three of these books have been crowd-funded to ensure complete creative integrity, sustainable production and fair pay for all.

The aim of SOME BRAINS is to celebrate neurodiversity.

Nelly has a close and beloved family member on the Autism Spectrum and loathes the idea that they are "disordered" or need to "overcome" Autism. 

Rather, while there are very real challenges faced by neurodiverse people in a society set up by and for neurotypicals, Nelly's approach is one of honouring and working with difference, not pathologising it. 

IN SHORT: we do not need any more books about Autism focussed on weaknesses and challenges - let's celebrate what these kids CAN do, as well as their unique skills and talents.

My brain thinks like this,

And his brain thinks like that.

Some brains are strong at the front,

And others at the back!

(and others at the side – that’s just a fact!)

When Nelly's family member received an Autism diagnosis, she started searching for books for kids that were positive and affirming but wasn't satisified with what she found. Most of the the books seemed to focus exclusively on problems rather than strengths; and others were downright depressing. So, she decided to write one herself!

SOME BRAINS doesn't shy away from some of the challenges faced by kids on the Autism Spectrum but it doesn't make them a "failing" or a "horror" either. 

And it certainly doesn't make those challenges THEIR FAULT.

School can be HARD,

But sometimes it’s ok.

Grown-ups are confusing,

And make me WAIT ALL DAY!

Noise makes me tired,

And I go home like this.

I groan, “It’s so loud and smelly!

Why can’t I give it a miss?!”

I see letters fall from the page,

Leah knows everything about the Ice Age,

Jan sees numbers swirling in circles,

And can even smell purple!

SOME BRAINS also uses Nelly's trademark wit and humour - and beautiful illustrations by Cat MacInnes - to entertain and inform at the same time. It is a book that all kids will love, and most adults will learn from.

For example, a lot Autistic kids get repeatedly told off for being "fussy eaters" or "too picky" when in fact, they have very little or no control over it. For some, their senses are so heightened that asking them to eat a food they don't like would be the equivalent of a neurotypical person having to eat dirt.

My cousin eats all meals,

I’m more fastidious.

Jacob only eats white food,

Alice says, “Red fruit is hideous!”

SOME BRAINS was written with Nelly's family and with feedback from a few Autistic kids, a couple of health professionals working in the area and one adult who is a proud Aspie.

Nelly says: 

"I hope you can help me bring this book to life so we can stop telling these kids there's something wrong with them! I want all kids know one main thing..."

People have been different,

For ever and ever.

That’s why we built bridges,

So we can all get together!

My family says,

“We love you just as you are,

And in every single way.

Would we ever change you?

No way, José!”

(but my name is not José)




Budget Overview

I have been a self-employed comedian and writer for 17 years. This is my third crowd-sourcing campaign (after the success of SOME GIRLS and SOME BOYS). 

I choose to self-publish my kids' books for the following reasons:

  1. Creative autonomy means no watering down of key messages
  2. No-one works harder for you than yourself - especially if you're motivated by love!
  3. I can guarantee the sustainability and environmental responsibiity of the printing process
  4. Proper remuneration for all involved - especially the creatives

The funds from this Pozible campaign will be used to:

  • Pay illustrator Cat MacInnes
  • Pay designer Annie MacIness
  • Pay publicist Emma Noble
  • Help fund the first print run (note that the books are being printed locally in Australia - no orangutans losing habitat! - on sustainably sourced stock)
  • Pay for the website
  • Get the books into hundreds of low SES (disadvantaged) kinders and schools for free where they are needed most

If there is any shortfall in funding, I will personally fund the campaign myself. 

This a genuine labour of love.

Order a copy of SOME BRAINS

A copy of the SOME BRAINS will be sent to your home (free postage anywhere in Australia). It won't be out in the shops until March 2020 but you'll get your copy in mid 2019!

274 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 19

Signed copy of SOME BRAINS

A signed copy of SOME BRAINS will be sent to you anywhere in Australia. It won't be out in the shops until March 2020 but you'll get your copy in mid 2019!

38 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 19

International Pledgers

One personally signed copy of SOME BRAINS will be posted to you anywhere in the world. It won't be out in the shops until March 2020 but you'll get your copy in mid 2019!

13 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 19


You will receive a copy of all 3 of Nelly's books: SOME GIRLS SOME BOYS SOME BRAINS They will be posted to you free of charge, anywhere in Australia

42 chosen

Est. delivery is Apr 19

Limited Edition Hard Copy of SOME BRAINS

Receive one of only 100 hard copies of SOME BRAINS. All hard copy editions will be personally numbered and signed by Nelly - and posted to you anywhere in Australia. No hard copies will be available in shops or anywhere else. This is a special deal for Pozible supporters only.

22 chosen / 78 available

Est. delivery is Sep 19


Sprinkle some neurodiversity awareness pixie dust around your neighbourhood! I will send SIX signed copies of SOME BOYS: Two will be sent to you at your home + Two to a local kinder (based on your postcode) + Two to your local primary school (based on your postcode)

10 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 19


REALLY SPREAD THE LOVE AROUND. FIVE Signed copies of SOME BRAINS will be sent: One will be sent to you at your home! + One to your local kinder (based on your postcode) + One to your local primary school (based on your postcode) + One to a low SES (disadvantaged) kinder in Australia + One to a low SES (disadvantaged)school in Australia

11 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 19


You are the best. You are buying a copy of SOME BRAINS for yourself PLUS 40 copies for kids in Australia and overseas. Includes: One personally inscribed copy of SOME BRAINS sent to you at any address in Australia + Twenty signed copies of SOME BRAINS sent to charities and disadvantaged groups in Australia. + Twenty signed copies of SOME BRAINS sent to charities and disadvantaged groups in internationally.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 19