We need your help!! We need to save our local surf lifesaving club for our children and for our community. Click on the "Pledge Now" button to see membership options...
Do you want our children to be able to learn how to be safe in the water at a local surf lifesaving club? Do you want our children to learn how to rescue others and help to keep our beach safe in the future? Do you want our children to learn the values of community service and help support local families and businesses?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the campaign for you.
When the Peregian Beach Surf Lifesaving Club closed due to financial performance and safety concerns regarding the clubhouse three years ago, Noosa Heads SLSC stepped in and has been managing it for the local community ever since. They are keen for us to be able to run our club independently again. But, this time it needs to be financially sustainable.
The community would also love to have a village-sized, family friendly club which is financially sustainable. We have created the Peregian Family and Friends Association (ABN 20 948 508 678) to help negotiate on the communty's behalf for the future of the Peregian Beach SLSC and support initiaives for Peregian families. You can read more about the project at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PeregianSurfClub/
For our surf club to be financially sustainable and provide the best service to the community we need to attract and support an active surf lifesaving group of about 120 people.
We need the community, and visitors who love Peregian, to get behind a new club house. We need your support. Supporting this campaign will give you membership to the newly formed Peregian Family and Friends plus other rewards, including invitations to our members-only launch party, regular newsletters, opportunity to directly and indirectly be a part of the campaign and most importantly, to have your voice heard!
Please share the page as widely as possible with friends and family so they are able to find out more about what is happening and express their support. This may be the last chance for us to save our club, our lifesaving and our nippers programs.
Thanks so much!
Peregian Family and Friends committee and Working Group:
Budget Overview
The funds raised from this crowd funding campaign will go towards costs of:
Community Consultation process to hear the voice of the community and capture community ideas about what's important for the community and the new club house.
Various consulting costs such as geotech and land surveying, legal, engineering, enovironmental expertise etc.
Costs to do with preparing an application for a new lease for the surf club site including Development Application, town planning and design costs etc.
Operating costs of the organisation e.g. website, printing, merchandise etc.
Potential Challenges
Our challenges are many!
The main challenges we have are around local planning and funding, and really understanding what the whole community wants and needs. We do however, believe that strong community support will be the way to meet the challenges in front of us and overcome them. We have a stong core committee and supporters Group, who are passionate about delievring an operating surf club for our community and our children.
Individual Membership Peregian Family and Friends
Join our campaign as an individual member. Your membership fees go towards supporting us represent the community wishes for the return of an operating surf club, full volunteer lifesaving and nipper programs. Bonus bumper sticker included!
Couple Membership Peregian Family and Friends
Join our campaign via a couple membership. Your membership fees go towards supporting us represent the community wishes for the return of an operating surf club, full volunteer lifesaving and nipper programs.
Family Membership Peregian Family and Friends
Join our campaign as a family, consists of one or two parents, and unlimited children! Your membership fees go towards supporting us represent the community wishes for the return of an operating surf club, full volunteer lifesaving and nipper programs.
Family membership plus bumper stickers!
Join our campaign as a family, consists of one or two parents, and unlimited children! Your membership fees go towards supporting us represent the community wishes for the return of an operating surf club, full volunteer lifesaving and nipper programs. As a bonus we will include two of our collector's Peregian Family & Friends bumper stickers!
Couple membership plus two launch party invites!
Join our campaign as a couple and receive membership to Peregian Family and Friends. Your membership fees go towards supporting us represent the community wishes for the return of an operating surf club, full volunteer lifesaving and nipper programs. As a bonus we will include two Peregian Family & Friends launch party invites! Date TBC.
Family Membership + party + bumper stickers!
Join our campaign as a family, consists of one or two parents, and unlimited children! Your membership fees go towards supporting us represent the community wishes for the return of an operating surf club, full volunteer lifesaving and nipper programs. As a bonus we will include two collector's bumper stickers and two invites to our Peregian Family & Friends launch party!
Business Membership Peregian Family and Friends
Join our campaign as a business. Your membership fees go towards supporting us represent the community wishes for the return of an operating surf club, full volunteer lifesaving and nipper programs. Ask us about sponsorship opportunities.