Redeemed Clothing Initiative
Welcome to our story.
My wife and I have worked hard in the professional world for many years. She is a nurse and I am a teacher. Business plans and proposals couldn’t have been further from our minds until we were convicted by a moral obligation.
It was the confronting sexual images found on big brand apparel that called us into action.
With our hearts set on protecting the innocence of men, women and children we were forced to ponder on what we could do.
I did something bold. I quit my teaching job and contacted a well-known business coach to help me on this journey. The last 10 months I have committed myself to learning business and the ins and outs of the industry I want to change.
I began distributing other people’s clothing brands but after a while I realised this was not my passion. My initial desire was to design my own apparel.
I have chosen to design and manufacture men’s clothing to begin with as it is men’s brands that have really become the billboard for pornography in the last few years.
The name Redeemed is our whole story in one word. We are redeeming fashion, we are redeeming the future of innocence and we are welcoming others to join in the redemptive story that we want for our brand.
Join us as we redeem fashion forever.
Ps. So we like to be risky.
Pozible is set up as an all or nothing crowd funding campaign. This means if we don’t reach our target goal of $3600 we won’t receive any funding at all. You won’t be charged and we won’t receive your pledge. It’s a risk we’re willing to take as we believe in Redeemed.
Please help us reach our target so we can make Redeemed become a reality.
Caleb & Steph
1. White Eagle Feather - This is the original and first design we will be making from the Pozible campaign.
Future Redeemed designs - Below are designs we will be manufacturing in the near future.
1. Black Eagles Feather
2. Deer (We are still finalising this design)
3. Bears (concept design only)
How The Funds Will Be Used
This is the business start up costs for making 130 t-shirts (plus promotions and advertising).
Design cost and templates $350
2 x Samples manufactured + delivery $150
130 t-shirts + delivery $1650
Swing tags (minimum quantity order 1000 units) $150.00
Hem Tags (minimum quantity order 1000 units) $100
Wrist Band Promotion (ordering 200 units) $160
Sticker Promotions $150
Postage $300
Advertising $500
Pozible $90
All pledges that take us above and beyond our monetary target will automatically go into the manufacturing of 130 black Eagle Feather t-shirts, and the sampling of the Deer tshirts.
This is the first design we are making:
These are the design templates for the tags.
Hem Tag
Swing Tag
The Challenges
The biggest challenge is the social media support and marketing our vision.
These challenges are far harder than designing and manufacturing.
We need people like you to carry the burden of changing the future of fashion for our children and our children’s children. It really comes down to us and the decisions we make for their future.
We need social media support, the sharing of Facebook posts, liking, comments and general giving awareness to this mission.
It begins with this Pozible campaign. We need to see 100% completion of the budget so that we can use the funds to start the journey.
Be a part of the vision, journey and mission.
Check us out on Facebook, Instagram and on our Website and give us a shout out, and a thumbs up :)
Join us at Redeemed – Redeeming the future of fashion.
Caleb & Steph
Thank you
Eternal Thanks from the Redeemed crew. You're a real blessing
Socially Stoked + Band and Sticker
Social media shout out for your amazing support as well as a special edition wrist band and Redeemed sticker
Shouting, Stickers, Tees and a Band
A shout out on social media, a Redeemed sticker, a special edition wrist band and one of our very first... hot off the press men's white Eagle Feather t-shirts.
Lots of Shouting, Stickers, Bands and 2 Tees
A big shout out on social media plus 2x Redeemed stickers, 2x special edition wrist bands, 2x original wrist bands and 2 x men's Eagle Feather t-shirts.