New Matilda Contributor Budget
New Matilda is one of Australia's most popular independent media sites thanks to our long and proud history of frank, fearless, and intelligent publishing. We're famous for dishing out great yarns daily, on the sniff of an oily rag - but trust us, even the bittersweet smell of an oil-soiled cloth fades over time.
We don't use a paywall. We rely largely on the generosity of ordinary people like you to keep this wagon rolling. And we need your support to keep paying four of our regular writers: Amy McQuire, Ben Eltham, Liam McLoughlin, and Michael Brull.
How The Funds Will Be Used
We're asking our readers to chip in and help regenerate the sickly Australian media landscape. Those of us on the New Matilda team who are paid owe a lot of thanks to people like you, who subscribe, contribute to crowd-funding campaigns, and otherwise support independent publishing. (Sharing really does help!)
We reckon we get a lot of bang for your buck, and that we punch above our weight - but right now our contributors budget is in need of a serious boost. Your money will go towards supporting some of our favourite writers: Amy Mcquire, Ben Eltham, Michael Brull and Liam McLoughlin. As regular readers will know, they’re New Matilda staples, and some of the most incisive voices in the Australian media.
We rely on your help to make sure they keep being heard. This time we're aiming to raise $10,000 over 10 days, to fund contributions from Amy, a Durumbul woman and powerful voice on Aboriginal affairs; Ben, New Matilda's long-serving National Affairs correspondant; Michael, who writes mostly the Middle East, Aboriginal Affairs, and terrorism; and Liam, a psychology major keen on activism, who wrote his honours on climate change.
Some of the $10,000 will also go towards commissioning articles from other valuable writers. Those funds will allow us to keep paying for pieces like this from Xiaoran Shi on 'Mike Baird's soulless Sydney'; Nelly Thomas' recent effort on faux-feminist left wing men; and Ann Deslandes' piece on how Australia packed its prejudice before heading to Rio.
Most of the good folk behind New Matilda work for free, out of passion alone. We hate not being able to pay them. Writers and reporters need to know where their next pay packet's coming from too. That's why earlier this year we launched our first contributor budget crowd funding campaign, to find money to pay some more of our core crew.
Amy, Ben, Liam, and Michael are still only paid a pittance to what they’re worth. They're in it for the love not the money, to borrow a cliché.
The same can be said for our owner and Editor, Chris Graham. He hasn't drawn a wage since he took the helm more than two years ago. He's had to find other work to keep his dream alive. (Even if it's nearly killed him.) And he still finds time to file scathing reports like this one, on how the most shocking thing about the Northern Territory detention centre scandal is that anyone's actually shocked.
Our Contributing Editor Wendy Bacon isn't paid for her exceptional investigative journalism, either. Nor are many of our much-loved columnists, like Dr Liz Conor, Dr Lissa Johnson, Geoff Russell, Rod Campbell, and Ian McAuley; or our brilliant 'in-house' lawyer, Geoff Holland. To name too few of the hundreds of writers New Matilda has published.
At New Matilda, we believe independent media is vital to keeping the bastards in Canberra - and the establishment media - a little bit more honest. In Australia's highly concentrated media industry, whatever money you can spare makes a real difference to small publishers like New Matilda.
Crowd-fund contributions can be as low as $10. Every single dollar helps. If you chip in $120 or more, you'll also get a range of added extras, including subscriptions and advertising to gift to Aboriginal-owned businesses or not-for-profits. (Take a scroll along the right-hand panel for details, and get in touch if you have questions.)
Reporter Max Chalmers is still filing daily on asylum seekers, higher education, and politics, and Angela Nicholson is working tirelessly to keep New Matilda afloat as a business.
Without your help now, though, we'll struggle to keep finding funds to support the stellar work of Amy, Ben, Liam and Michael. If you're not convinced, check out their work on New Matilda by clicking on their names above. Or you might like to read Amy McQuire's recent piece on the Don Dale detention centre as 200 years of trauma through a CCTV lens; Michael Brull, on Andrew Bolt's dangerous anti-Muslim rabble-rousing; or Liam McLoughlin, on whether left-wing populism can save Australia from Pauline Hanson.
Please consider helping where you can. For the love of independent media, and frustration with most of the rest.
The New Matilda Team.
The Challenges
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Cadet Donor
You'll help give four exceptional writers a regular paid gig, as well as supporting other contributors.
Junior Reporter
You'll help give four exceptional writers a regular paid gig, as well as supporting other contributors.
Senior Journalist
You'll help give four exceptional writers a regular paid gig, as well as supporting other contributors.
Investigative Journalist
One-year Slipper subscription, for yourself or a friend. Claim before Sep 2017.
Deputy Editor
One-year Burke subscription, for yourself or a friend. Includes 3 documentary DVDs. Claim before Sep 2017.
One-year Budgie subscription, for yourself or a friend. Includes 3 DVDs. Also gift a week's free advertising to an Aboriginal or not-for-profit organisation. Claim all before Sep 2017.
Managing Editor
One-year Bronnie sub, for yourself or a friend. Includes 3 DVDs. Also gift a week's free advertising to 3 Aboriginal or not-for-profit orgs. Claim all before Sep 2017.
'The Pilger'
One-year Bronnie sub, for yourself or a friend. Includes 3 DVDs. Also gift a week's free advertising to 6 Aboriginal or not-for-profit orgs. Claim all before Sep 2017.
Publishing Guru
One-year Bronnie sub, for yourself or a friend. Includes 3 DVDs. Plus $5,000 of advertising for yourself or to gift to an Aboriginal or not-for-profit org. Claim all before Sep 2017.