Marie Bell

Marie Bell Debut Album

of $10,000 stretchyrs ago
Successful on 25th Oct 2019 at 9:00AM.

My name is Marie Bell and I am a singer/songwriter based in Melbourne Australia.

The first time I realised I wanted to be a singer was around 7 years old.  I went to Johnny Young talent school, then participated in many school plays as leading roles.  I just loved to entertain people and bless their hearts. When I was about 14 years old I wrote my first song, and since then haven’t stopped!


The dream for this album “SEEN”, began to unfold, about 15 years ago with my story, that collided with a GREAT story of a REAL God.  I wrote these songs from my own experience, to help the BROKEN and those who have nearly lost HOPE, as I was one of those people. 


When I started out with God, I was so happy to be ON the path, I didn’t realise I needed to WALK the path to receive His Love, Healing and the process it takes for Him to take me to the other side of that brokeness into wholeness. 

I didn’t just let Him go deeply to the pain, I had to learn to TRUST him at a HEART level, and let him HEAL me, so He could fill my HEART with what I needed.


I made many mistakes, and learnt so much along the way.  I’m so grateful He put people in my life to help with that process.  Now, I still WALK that PATH, but I have experienced some DEEP healing, which my songs display about His LOVE, TRUTH and what He did through me!


These past two years God has been very obvious in showing me it’s time to step out.  I am grateful He has placed some significant people in my life to mentor, coach, collaborate and support me and what God wants to do with His dream through me. 

So, here I am!



I am about to release a single called “HIDDEN” Its all about coming out of Self-protection, into vulnerability, BUT then into the EMBRACE of the Fathers love and protection!


One way God got my attention was when my older two daughters were dancing in our lounge room (like any other day), giggling and freely glancing around the room.  I was reminded of when I was a child and how I was so confident, funny and spontaneous!  I asked God the question, where did she (that part of me) go? 

He began to reveal my true identity, before I was born.  He showed me that some of that was HIDDEN because of experience with trauma and abuse, but also His plan for me was corrupted by just being on this earth.  His perfect plan as He imagined was interrupted by a disease that corrupted His beautiful creation.  Though that sounds sad,  He created another PLAN to take back what was stolen from Him and from us.  Through His Son Jesus!  So He can be SEEN for who He truly is, Our true Identity can be SEEN, and HIS Kingdom SEEN by ALL!


My heart for this album is to help others where-ever they are on the journey to SEE and trust God for who He truly is, SEE who He made them to be and to walk the process of healing, freedom and transformation, and to release the Kingdom of God through them as they RISE in the purpose He made for them.  


My prayer is that these songs will help others to receive deep revelation and truth, straight to the heart of those who NEED Him deeply!

The bigger picture plan (I hope) is to write a three part series of songs, SEEN (5 songs), HEART 2 HEART (5 songs), and KNOWN (5 songs). 

(SEEN: Part 1) From HIDDEN into His EMBRACE in TRUST, SAFETY and LOVE, (Heart 2 Heart: Part 2) Allowing Him to go DEEP into our hearts to HEAL and TRANSFORM and (KNOWN part 3) Rising to DO His PLAN with HIM.

Budget Overview

I am in need of $7000 to cover the costs of recording and releasing 10 songs. However, I would like to do a film clip for the single HIDDEN, which means if I reach my original goal, then I can include a stretch goal ($10k) and if I reach that stretch goal, I can include another stretch goal of ($12K) to write 5 more songs.  If I do more songs it brings the cost down in the studio too!


All funds received will go towards the making of the album and any funds over the stretch goals will mean I can give away albums, pay my musicians more and continue writing and recording into the future.


The funding will go to: 

  • PRODUCING - I  have a wonderful producer who will help me prepare and arrange the songs and who will also look after the recording and mixing process
  • MASTERING - Each song will be professionally mastered.
  • MUSICIANS - I want to generously reward the musicians who will be using their talents on the album
  • PHYSICAL COPIES OF CD's - I am planning on printing 100 hard copy CD's
  • DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY - I want to hire a photographer and graphic designer to create the visual aspects of the Album. I will also be taking pictures throughout the process and creating some prints for the perks.
  • PERKS - It will cost a small amount to cover the cost of sending the perks to you
  • LAUNCH Album Release! – Putting together a small PLAY to release these songs in Theatre with my TALENTED husband Aaron!


You Could Receive These Perks:

  • Digital Download
  • Signed CD sent out to you
  • SEEN Identity Mirrors!
  • Lyric Prints!
  • SEEN T-shirts
  • "Beauty FULL" flower Print.
  • VIP back stage pass to the Launch
  • Free ticket to a House Party, Limited seats!

The Challenges:

It's been a challenge to get to this point, but I have decided to give it a go and believe God is in this! 


  • Co-ordinating the availability and schedules of myself, my musicians and my producer.
  • Connecting with a great CD printing company to produce the hard copies.
  • Organising and arranging the distribution of both the digital and physical copies.
  • Organising the launch Play
  • Making the Film clip, I have a producer, but will need to make plans for who is involved.
  • Reaching the stretch goals of $10k to make the Film Clip for HIDDEN then $12k to complete the whole series of songs (15 songs in 3 parts). 

If you have any ideas about how I can achieve these goals, I would love to hear from you. If you have contacts in any of these areas, have a venue or sound equipment I can use for the launch or would like to be involved in any way, please let me know.

Much LOVE, Marie x x 

No Reward

I choose to have no reward for my pledge.

10 chosen

Princess In A Castle

You'll receive a Digital copy of SEEN as soon as it's released!!

8 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 20

Ready for the Ball

You'll receive a digital copy AND a CD physical copy + card from Marie!

20 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 20

Beauty Arise

You'll receive a digital copy, a physical CD, a personal card from Marie, a printed lyric sheet as well as either a SEEN Mirror or a SEEN T-shirt.

30 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 20

Beauty & the King dance

You'll receive a digital copy, 2 x limited edition CDs, Lyric Sheet, a SEEN Mirror OR a SEEN T-shirt, and 2 x launch party tickets.

17 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 20

Let down your hair and Run free

You'll receive - a digital copy of SEEN, 2x Physical CDs, Lyric Sheet, 1 x Mirror, 1 x Tshirt, 2 x Launch Tickets

8 chosen / 17 available

Est. delivery is Mar 20

Princess Package

You'll receive a digital copy, 5 x limited edition CDs, 4 tickets to the launch party, 2 x VIP PASS to the launch party, 2 x SEEN Mirrors, 2x Tshirts, 2 x Lyric sheets.

1 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Mar 20