Evan Carydakis

Make Music Pozible

of $4,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 31st May 2017 at 2:00AM.

* * * * * Stretch Goal $4,250.00 * * * * * 

We made the target of $4000,00 with 24 hours to spare ! Thank you so much to everyone who helped %23MakeMusicPozible  ! For the final 24 hours of %23MakeMusicPozible we are aiming for a further $250.00 for a total stretch goal of $4250.00 ! The additional $250.00 will go towards the pressing of 250 CD's !

Imagine... a community without musicians.

No buskers on the street. No live band at the pub. No concert in the park. It is hard to make music a commercially viable career. But if you think about the value music brings to your life, I’m sure you’ll agree that life would be pretty boring without it.

Being a musician in a regional community is particularly challenging. There are limited opportunities for playing live music due to the small population. And if you want to have a ‘normal’ family life, going on tour to take your music to the world, is not really an option. But you can take your music to the world by producing an album. And for that, I need your help.

I have been lucky enough to learn from the greats. In the US I was mentored by famous jazz musicians: Charlie Banacos, Joe Viola, Jerry Bergonzi and Lee Konitz. I share my knowledge with Tasmanian’s through saxophone and music theory lessons. I want to show aspiring musicians in regional communities that you can make it.

The project  

I want to show aspiring musicians in regional communities that you can make life as a musician a commercial reality – by doing just that. But I need your help.

I need to raise $4000 to pay for studio time, and mastering in Melbourne, for an original Music CD ‘Will I see you again’, featuring the Saxophone of Evan Carydakis in the Smooth Jazz Idiom.


The album & the inspiration 

Will I see you again? 

Original Music CD Featuring the Saxophone of Evan Carydakis in the Smooth Jazz Idiom.

Release Date: December 2017


One of the reasons that music is so important is that it lets us express our emotions and ideas and communicate them with others.

This album is inspired by the memory of my Mother and Father, Maria and Nicholas Carydakis, who are now both deceased. They were first generation immigrants who selflessly gave everything for their four children.

As time has gone on I often find myself thinking about the laughs I had with my parents, especially towards the end of their lives. In that memory there is a longing in the form of a question, “Will I see you again?” literally meaning will I ever get to see my parents again? That inspired not only the title of my CD, but the title track, which I wrote in record time, 2 days.

It is also fitting, that the album is a family affair. My Nephew Nicholas Carydakis, named after my Father, contributed to writing lyrics on one of the tracks and my gorgeous niece Katherine Vjero will sing the song on my album. My twin Brother Stephan has also co-written two of the eight tracks, and will contribute bass guitar to a total of five tracks.

My Nephew Nicholas Carydakis My Niece Katherine Vjero

Track Listing:

  • WIll I See You Again
  • Paradise Beach
  • Groove House
  • Grand Central
  • Blue
  • Majorca
  • Ponderosa
  • Affinity

I have already written and pre-produced all of the eight original tracks which now need to be tracked, mixed and mastered. Therefore I need support to pay for studio time in Melbourne (at Toyland’s), and Mastering in Melbourne (at Crystal Mastering).

How The Funds Will Be Used

Funds raised will be used for the recording, mixing, and mastering of the album. These are detailed below. 

3 Days of Recording at Toyland Studios @ $500.00 per day  
3 Days of Mixing at Toyland Studios @ $500.00 per day  
8 Hours of Mastering at Crystal Mastering @ $125.00 per hour

Through the generous encouragement and support of my wife Teena, my brother Stephan, and Peter Kechayas of Pana Productions, the pre-production costs have been fully funded, and pre-production complete.

The Challenges

I have already written and pre-produced all 8 tracks. Having done this prior to entering the studio, means that I have limited the challenges I will face. 

Therefore the main challenge will be to ensure the CD is mixed, mastered and pressed by the release date of December 2017.

CD delivery

Thank you for helping to #MakeMusicPozible. As soon as the CDs are ready I will direct mail your copy.

20 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 17

CD benefactor

Thank you for helping to #MakeMusicPozible. Your support will be recognised with your name printed in the CD liner notes as a benefactor. I'll also send you a CD as soon as they are ready.

16 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 17

Happy Birthday

Thank you for helping to #MakeMusicPozible. As a thank you, I'd like to wish you a Happy Birthday played over the phone or via Skype. I'll also send you a CD as soon as they are ready.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 17

CD and T-Shirt

Thank you for helping to #MakeMusicPozible. As soon as the CD is ready, I will send your copy along with an exclusive T-Shirt.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 17

Launceston CD launch gig ticket and CD

Thank you for helping to #MakeMusicPozible. You're obviously a music fan, so please join us in Launceston to help launch the new album. Date to be announced. I'll also send you a copy of the new CD as soon as they are ready.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 17

Saxophone Lesson and CD

Thank you for helping #MakeMusicPozible. As a thank you, I'd like to help you to make great music. Choose a saxophone, theory or any jazz/instrument lesson with Evan Carydakis for an hour in Launceston - or via Skype (for you or a friend). I'll also post you a copy of the CD as soon as it is ready.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 17

A dedicated music composition

Thank you for helping to #MakeMusicPozible. I will compose a piece of music dedicated to you or the person of your choice delivered as an MP3, and presented as a framed musical score. I'll also post you a copy of the CD as soon as it is ready.

0 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Dec 17

Duo house concert

Thank you for helping to #MakeMusicPozible. I’ll travel to your country, to your town, and to your house, along with an accompanist and play an entire duo set for you for 45 minutes in total. This does not include travel and accommodation, which would need to be covered by you. This offer is subject to touring and promotional schedule. I'll also post you a copy of the CD as soon as it is ready.

0 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Dec 17

Executive producer

Thank you for helping to #MakeMusicPozible. You will appear in the album liner notes and on back of my album with your new title, "Executive Producer". I'll also post you a copy of the CD as soon as it is ready.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Dec 17