Lylliths' Tarot
Hi! I'm Leah, "Lyllith Dragonheart" and I am freaking excited to show you my first Tarot deck!
I have been working on this deck for a while now, getting the coloured pencils out whenever I've had some "me time" and after quite a few months (technically a couple of years if we're being honest lol) it finally feels right to get these cards published and out into the hands of others :)
Creating my own Tarot deck has been a dream of mine ever since I picked up my first deck at the young age of 10 or 11.
I am so close to achieving this dream and I can't wait to see it come to life!
This deck is inspired by the Rider-Waite tarot imagery with my own spin on the cards.
Major Arcana - Each of these cards features a scene relevant to the cards' message. Some are visually similar to the traditional Rider-Waite, while others are completely different and unique to this deck. I have included Astrological symbols for reference, along with the use of colour and other symbology within the images to highlight the meanings and messages of the cards.
Minor Arcana - I decided to keep the "suits" fairly simplified for a couple of reasons. The first being that over the past couple of years teaching Tarot to beginners, I've noticed just how overwhelming it can all be, I beleive that by keeping the suits simple with colour and the arranging of symbols on each card will help those using this deck in readings - particularly anyone who has never used tarot before which makes this deck perfect for all levels. My second reason for this is quite simple in itself - I just wanted to keep the Minor Arcana more simplified.
Suits are colour coded to represent the Elements along with the tools of magick - Pentacles, Cups, Wands and Swords (Athames). For some these will be reversed, as I associate Swords with the element of Fire and Wands with the element of Air. Directions are according to the Southern hemisphere.
I also incorporated imagery with the Aces and Court cards, the Aces feature plants associated with their element while the Queens and Kings hold crowns and the Page shows letters. The Knights are a tad unique as I've included the image of a Labrynth to represent change of direction.
This deck is quite personal to the way I use Tarot in my professional readings as well as how I teach Tarot to my students and will hopefully one day be included as part of my course material with tarot courses based on this actual deck.
Budget Overview
Unfortunately self-publishing isn't cheap, that's why I've decided to give crowdfunding a go and need your help!
I ordered myself a sample copy of my Tarot (see photos) - just incase it needs any changes, or I decide to add an extra card as well as to see how the colours print and of course the quality of the cards, booklet and box. This in itself cost me much more than I'd ideally like to sell the finished decks to everyone else (just under $60 omgs!)..... so clearly printing one deck at a time on demand is well and truly out of the question! (I'll post more photos over the duration of this campaign!)
In order to keep the costs right down to offer the best value pricing to those puchasing one of my tarot decks, I need to buy a whole bunch of decks in bulk upfront.
For me to order at least 100 decks, I need at least $3500 to keep costs and pricing down as low as possible.
I am hoping to raise at least $3000 as our little family can't afford to come up with this amount ourselves, If successful, I will cover the remaining amount myself along with the campaign fees and any other charges incured (such as PayPal fees, shipping costs for rewards etc.) from utilizing this crowdfunding platform.
Should I be lucky enough to raise more than my goal amount, it will not only be received with immense gratitude, but it will be put to good use as well, I've written a guide book for my Tarot deck which I am also hoping to get published as soon as possible and will need to gather a fair bit to order even the first run of these books.
As a thankyou for helping me raise money toward having my tarot deck published, I've included a few reward options including original artwork from my deck, psychic and tarot readings with me and of course your own copy of my tarot deck as soon as it arrives!
I have listed the delivery dates between December & January - Artwork will be posted as soon as campaign funds are received; Readings will be completed within a few weeks of the campaign ending and I'm allowing a few weeks for delivery of decks with the usual Christmas delays and postage out to you so listing as January but hopefully they'll arrive earlier ;)
*If this campaign is not successful - pledges do not need to be paid, no target no money*
Donation + Mini Reading
For helping me get my tarot published, you'll receive a mini 3 question psychic reading via email from me!
Tarot Deck
Receive your own Lylliths' Tarot deck as soon as the first run is printed! Includes postage within Australia
Tarot Deck & Psychic Essence Mist Spray
Be the first to receive a Tarot deck AND a bottle of my Psychic Essence mist spray - Includes postage within Australia
Deck & Tarot Reading
Receive a Tarot Reading with Lyllith via email AND your own Tarot Deck as soon as they arrive!
Signed Original Tarot Artwork
Receive a signed ORIGINAL drawing of one of the cards in the deck. Artwork is in coloured pencil on paper and measures on average 12cm x 20cm may include handwritten notes / the name of the card. Selected at random from the Major Arcana