The project has mapped two (2) dimensions of analysis: 1- Dynamics of cultural consumption towards the acceleration of enterprises and the co-creation of innovations based on creative industries, for the analysis, promotion and production of productive and phenomenological relations between the art, design and culture, especially; and, 2- In-situ aesthetic-cultural practices whose sociocultural DNA assets generate systemic conditions for the emergence of shared values for the collective construction of meanings and the social appropriation of public spaces adapted for the encounter.
Budget Overview
After a first iteration of production, carried out in 2015, the production of Lago Map has not generated new versions, especially due to the lack of financial budget for the achievement of such objectives. On that occasion (2015), the project Audiovisual Cartography Park the Lake was viable thanks to the investment of financial resources from the Grant for the Creation and Co-Production of Digital Contents of the Audiovisual Area of the 2015 Municipal Stimulus Program, through investment from public announcement of the Institute of Culture and Promotion to Tourism of Pereira.
Cocreates with us
Cocreates with us, conceiving convergent concepts of your activities with our laboratories (Imaginaries of the parks; resignifications of the characteristics of the place, etc.)
Supports living labs in living parks
Encourage the co-create and interact: If you live in our city, you can generate content (photographs, video clip, blogs or reviews, etc.) from the park; or, if you live abroad, you can create labels and post comments on social networks @lagomap on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ using the hashtag #ParqueElLagoPereira. In this way, you will meet people from our culture and your profile will be important in our life stories. It will be a pleasure to share with you.
Dare to know our park visiting our city
It would be great if one day you would travel to our city and make your own lab in the park
Be part of our labs
Be part of our laboratories by sending us your images and comments about your favorite park; in this way, we will publish in our networks, blogs, platforms, etc. your contents related to our project.
Connect with our living laboratories in the park
Connect with our living labs in the park and interact with people through some chats and videoconferences