Fletcher Street Cottage
Where Byron Locals Find Support, Connection and Care

Help Reopen Fletcher Street Cottage

of $250,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 10th Sep 2021 at 1:00PM.

Help reopen Fletcher Street Cottage, a place for Byron's most vulnerable.

It's easy to forget your troubles in Byron Bay.

Just take a stroll on the world-famous beaches or go sit in the nearby world-heritage rainforest and it's almost impossible to worry about anything, except maybe what restaurant to visit next. It's the reason millions of people visit every year.  

But the reality is that the Byron Shire has NSW's highest population of people sleeping rough outside Sydney CBD with numbers on the rise, and an estimated 400 women sleeping in cars, some of them with children.

Responding to this growing crisis, Byron Community Centre and Creative Capital (the team behind Habitat) have joined forces to reopen Fletcher Street Cottage in the heart of town, as a hub for Byron's most vulnerable. The project is being run without any government support, so we need your help to make it happen.

Providing assistance with meals, mental health, physical health, legal aid, plus other basics like a safe place to have a shower or do some washing, Fletcher Street Cottage is a much-needed service being launched at a critical time.

"Byron's always been amazing at coming together and protesting. We're very good at saying no to things. Fletcher Street Cottage is an opportunity for the community to come together and say yes, we want to look after everyone in town." Fraser Williams-Martin, Creative Director of Creative Capital. 

"Fletcher Street Cottage will be a springboard for people to get the right support from a range of professionals: case workers, mental health teams, health practitioners, drug and alcohol workers and specialist homelessness services; the ultimate goal will be to house people with successful and manageable tenancies according to each person's requirements and capacity." - Cherie Bromley, Community Programs Manager

If you've ever holidayed in Byron, surfed, got married, partied, started a business, lost yourself, healed yourself, fallen in love, purchased an investment property, whale watched, meditated, written a novel, kayaked with dolphins, or even just passed through this incredible place, it's time to give something back. 

Please help by making a tax-deductable donation today. Any amount, large or small, takes us a step closer to our target, and towards reopening this much-needed one stop shop for those most in need.

Please Share! ๐Ÿ™

This campaign relies on word of mouth. Please take a moment to share it far and wide, on social media, via email or whatsapp, by copy & pasting our campaign URL: https://bit.ly/2VvvnsT

Want to stay updated? Sign up on our website or follow us on Instagram @fletcherstreet_cottage

Budget Overview

Fletcher Street Cottage is being reopened without any government support

We've already secured an amazing group of local professionals, from architects and planners to builders and engineers, who are generously donating their time for free to help design and consult on the project. 

But we need your help to get works underway and doors open by the end of 2021. Your kind tax-deductible donation will go towards renovating the Cottage from the ground up. 

(Artist representation, DFJ Architects)

Renovations to include:

  • Bulding a commercial kitchen and adding in showers
  • Fitting out the cottage with lockers, furniture and practical equipment
  • Cosmetic upgrades and structural improvements
  • Turning the front and backyard into a safe and welcoming refuge for patrons, with seating areas and veggie gardens

This is a substantial project and homelessness in the Shire is a deeply engrained issue. Our goal is to raise $250k, but we could certainly do with more - to fund the myriad of services at the centre and keep the lights on long into the future. 

If you'd like to help out in a big way or make a substantial donation, please get in touch! We'd love to chat in person, offer you a tour, and discuss what an incredible difference your contribution will make. Reach out at [email protected] or call Creative Capital on 0477 403 197.


This project is being brought to you by Byron Community Centre, Creative Capital and Habitat Byron Bay in collaboration with a core group of amazing local businesses, who are donating their time for free to get Fletcher Street Cottage off the ground.

Please see our full list of partners here: www.fletcherstreetcottage.com.au/partners 

We've also secured funding for a Homelessness Projects Manager, to head up operations at the Cottage. A role that's being generously funded by The Goninan Foundation. 

Thankyou for your support. Together we can reopen the Cottage and make a real difference to the most vulnerable in our community โ™ก

*Because weโ€™re raising money for charity, Pozible allows us to run this campaign for free, with zero platform fees. At checkout there is the option to leave a tip for the Pozible platform, so that they can continue to offer this service to charities and non-profits. Please note that this is optional, and you can choose to leave any tip you please.

Help us stock up on toiletries ๐Ÿงผ

A hot soapy shower is a basic human need. Help buy shampoo & toiletries, so patrons can stay clean and preserve their dignity.

Tax Deductible

40 chosen


Your donation, large or small, will help us get the project off the ground.

Tax Deductible

26 chosen

Buy two chairs for group meetings ๐Ÿ’ซ

Thankyou. Your kind donation will purchase the equivalent of two chairs for group meetings, so that patrons can be assisted in comfort.

Tax Deductible

47 chosen

Help buy kettles, toasters & desks โ˜•๏ธ

Your kind donation will purchase much-needed equipment & appliances - including toasters, kettles and desks for consultation rooms.

Tax Deductible

20 chosen

Buy us a washing machine โœจ

Wow! Your donation just purchased us the equivalent of a washing machine. A vital contribution that will help patrons stay clean and comfortable.

Tax Deductible

15 chosen

Build us a new bathroom ๐Ÿšฟ

Help us to renovate and furnish the bathroom. So that patrons can shower in privacy with new fit-for-purpose facilities.

Tax Deductible

19 chosen

Help build a new kitchen ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿณ

Thank you so much for your generous donation. Which will go towards building a commercial kitchen to serve nourishing breakfasts to the homeless. A critical component to what the Cottage will offer.

Tax Deductible

1 chosen

We're overwhelmed by your generosity ๐Ÿ™

Help support the reopening of the Cottage at every stage, from the ground up. Give us a call, letโ€™s meet (if you like!). Weโ€™d love to show you around and discuss in person what an incredible difference your contribution will make to this project.

Tax Deductible

2 chosen