Halal for Hanson

of $560 targetyrs ago
Successful on 15th Sep 2016 at 7:00AM.

We are a group of concerned citizens from Melbourne's Campaign Against Racism and Fascism.


We are concerned that Pauline Hanson doesn’t appreciate the wonders of the great Halal Snack Pack.


On election night Labor senator Sam Dastyari invited her, live on air, to enjoy a Halal Snack Pack with him at a time of her choosing. Her response to this generous offer of hospitality was downright rude: “It’s not happening, not interested in halal, thank you” she said.


We want a society based on understanding, not ignorance. And Pauline Hanson clearly doesn’t understand how delicious and satisfying a HSP can be.


If Hanson will not go to the HSP, the HSP must go to Hanson.


This campaign aims to raise the funds required to provide Pauline Hanson with a hand delivered HSP, for the first month of her stint in the senate. We want these Halal Snack Packs, conveniently delivered straight to her!


We hope that this gesture, combined with the powerful appetite that Hanson will no doubt build through mornings of inflammatory rhetoric in the senate, will encourage her, finally, to give up her resistance and savour the delights ofthe HSP.

If we succeed, it will of course represent a significant step towards a better life for Pauline Hanson herself. But more than that, we hope that by educating such a prominent political figure in the wonders of the HSP, we’ll strike a blow against racism and ignorance, and, in our own small way, help build a better, more understanding, and more delicious Australia.


Any money raised beyond our target will be devoted to the broader project of opposing racism in all its forms.

How The Funds Will Be Used

The funds will be used to deliver the HSPs direct to Pauline Hanson during the senate sitting period.

Deliveryroo costs $5 flat fee per delivery

 Halal Snack Packs: $10- 15

Costs for comedians and film makers to go to Canberra to film the attempts to get Pauline to finally sit down and enjoy a HSP - $400

Any money raised over and above the desired amount will go direct to the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism in Melbourne to campaign against Hanson's divisive policies.

The Challenges

The challenges to this project are 

  • Finding an actor or comedian who is prepared to help with the project in Canberra
  • Ensuring that the campaign is capable of being transformed into broader activism 
  • Finding a way of keeping in touch with the supporters after the project. 

Halal not Hanson badge

If you donate $8 to this campaign you will receive a classy Halal not Hanson badge sent to your door.

8 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Badge collection

If you donate $15 to this campaign you will receive a mini set of anti Hanson badges sent to your door.

13 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16

Personal HSP

If you donate over $50 to this campaign you will have your very own HSP named after you and your name called out as it is delivered.

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 16