Generation Why? - The Pilot
What is Generation Why?
Generation Why? is a new Australian web-series that follows the story of Stella, a twenty-something-year-old University graduate who is stuck in the same checkout chick job she's had since she was 16, with no new job prospects and lacking direction. Stella runs into Melanie, a zany, bright former high school classmate who invites her to a "party" to reconnect. Upon arrival, Stella meets a bunch of Melanie's friends who put her at ease...that is until they all gather around in a circle (literally) and invite Stella to join them. Melanie welcomes Stella to The Millennial Support Group.
This series is an ensemble comedy that includes themes of identity, career, relationships and politics. It presents issues that millennials experience in a way that makes you laugh but then question the importance and actual effect of.
Two Braids Collective is excited to be working with 13th Street Films to help bring this pilot to life. With their expertise and equipment, we are committed to producing a high-quality episode that can then be entered into film festivals and submitted to councils and funding bodies for financing. The ultimate (future) goal is to produce the six-part series and make Generation Why? a living, breathing, actual thing that people watch, get overly emotionally attached to and spend all their free time viewing!
Our team is still expanding as we find the perfect people to bring Generation Why? to life, but check out who is currently involved!
Creator & Writer Aimee Duroux
Co-Director Samantha Bull
Co-Director Joel Stephen Fleming
Producer Two Braids Collective
Crew 13th Street Films
Aimee Duroux
Geena Schwartz
Rainbow Wedell
Peter Wood
Emma Black
Nathan Kennedy
Pre-Production Right Now!
Shooting August
Post-Production August-November
Viewing Party Late November
Film Festival & Funding Submissions 2020
Budget Overview
Here's what we need to make this pilot episode!
$2600 Target
Crew and equipment costs
Hair & Make-up
Poster Design
Location Hire
$3600 Stretch Goal
Viewing Party
We are so excited to make Generation Why? a reality and cannot begin to express how thankful we are for any support you can give!
Facebook Shoutout
Once we launch our Facebook page in July, we'll give you or your business a cute lil' shoutout!
Socialite Shoutout
Get a mention from creator Aimee Duroux on her personal Instagram account (to her 9000+ followers #whatamillennial). + Once we launch our Facebook page in July, we'll give you or your business a cute lil' shoutout!
Thank-You Video
We'll film a thank you video just for you while doing something super millennial-y (eating avo on toast, taking selfies, crying over uni debt, you name it!)
Viewing Party
Join the cast and crew for the first ever viewing of the Generation Why? pilot. The night will also feature a few top Brissy acts and nibbles, so come along and celebrate with us!
VIP Viewing Party
Have a seat reserved for you at the first ever viewing of the Generation Why? pilot. Join the cast and crew for a night of fun featuring a few top Brissy acts and nibbles. Come and celebrate with us!
Lil' Bit of Poetry
Generation Why? creator and writer, Aimee Duroux will pen a poem just for you! All you have to do is tell us a little about you and some word magic will be delivered. + Once we launch our Facebook page in July, we'll give you or your business a cute lil' shoutout!
Hidden Easter Egg
Want to be in the pilot without having to get in front of the screen? We'll let you personalise a prop to be featured in the episode!
It's In The Name
We will rename one of the characters in the pilot episode after you! Please note, there are two female and two male characters that can be named. Based on the order of purchase, if your name does not suit a remaining character's gender, we will message you and ask you to pick another name you love!
Preview The Pilot
Want to watch the pilot before everyone else? Of course you do. You'll be one of only a handful of people to see Generation Why? before its online release. The link will be sent to the email associated with your pledge.
Name In Lights
You'll be credited in our pilot! As the episode ends, see your name or business scroll through the closing credits.