Aviva Reed
Art & Craft

Eon. The Story of the Fossils

of $16,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 7th Oct 2017 at 11:17PM.

EON is a hard- cover art/ science book illustrating evolution on the planet. 

It explores how we got here.

From singular cell to biodiversity. 

From extinction to survival.

It is connection to our ancestors and our place in the world. 

Is it a blueprint for the future?

This book is a meditation, an art experience, a visual and poetic journey you can share with your loved ones of all ages.

A perfect gift for your mother, uncle or niece.

EON asks 

“What can we learn from billions of years of becoming with each other?

My name is Aviva Reed and I am a visual ecologist and storyteller.

I am also a scientist, artist and educator. A visual ecologist is someone who visualises ecology and brings together the interactions and invisible forces that shape and mould our world. My illustrations and artworks often become my teaching resources. This book will also be a useful addition to my kit for teaching ecology.

I have been working on my study of evolution for over a decade, illustrating multiple versions, studying extensive texts and fossils. This book is the culmination of all my work, both written prose and extensive illustrations, put together in an environmentally printed hard- cover book of

 beauty, discovery and imagination.

 Through this pozible campaign you can pre- purchase a book or an artwork, organise a workshop, or a school visit and support the publishing of EON: the story of the fossils…an illustrated adventure of time….by Aviva Reed.

For more information about me check out 



Budget Overview

The Eon Book's major costs are the printing on environmentally friendly paper stock. It's expensive to be ethical these days!! But it is of utmost importance to me, and I believe the more we support ethical industry, the easier it will be for these industries to thrive. So, no virgin forest in these books.

Other costs include the collaboration with award winning graphic designer Jaye Carcary, 

postage of the hard covered EON book to all you glorious pozible supporters 

and $100 in administration costs towards pozible administration.

Environmentally friendly Printing Costs: $12, 000

Graphic design: $3,500

Postage: $400

Admin: $100

Total: $16, 000

Potential Challenges

The main challenge here is making enough $$$ to print an environmentally friendly hard covered book. This is my most expensive option, though I feel it is really important that this book is printed sustainably. Hard covered books have a longer life span and since it IS the story of how life came to be, a precious art book that lasts generations feels like the right vessel for the story. But it is expensive.....

Other than that, 

the book is ready to go, the button for printing ready to be pressed and packages ready to be filled to make this long dreamed beautiful book a reality.

EON. A hard covered art science book.

This is your pre- purchase of this exciting book. Perfect for all ages, all peoples, all creatures. Thanks so much for being part of the creation.

138 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 17

EON book plus 5 art cards

An EON book plus five blank art cards from my 2006 Remember series, including images of the Hui, Bat Wing Gaze, Nautilus, Eel-tailed Catfish and my original Biodiversity evolution artwork.

38 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 17

EON book x 3 Gift Pack

A set of three signed EON books to fill up your prezzie draw. Perfect for mother, uncle or niece. Stock up on clever, beautiful presents here!!! Thank you!!

32 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 17

Precambrian Archival Art Print A3

A signed archival Giclee print on cotton rag paper illustrating the Precambrian era from the first series of illustrations on evolution by Aviva Reed.

1 chosen / 19 available

Est. delivery is Nov 17

Cambrian Archival Art Print

Signed archival giclee print of the Cambrian era on cotton rag paper. Illustration from first series of illustrations 2008.

5 chosen / 15 available

Est. delivery is Nov 17

Art print and EON book

A signed EON book and archival giclee print of either the Precambrian, Cambrian or Devonian Era prints from my "Preliminary Study of Evolution 2008" series.

10 chosen / 40 available

Est. delivery is Nov 17

Evolution Scroll Decal

The Evolution Scroll Decal is a 350 x 15 cm re- adhesive decal of a high quality print of the gaia evolution works, some of which are used in the book. This image spans from 4.6 BYA to the present. Perfect for a child's bedroom, classrooms or a hall way. It also comes with a mini info booklet. Thank you!!

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 17

Kids or Adults Art & Science Party

An author visited art & science party exploring evolution, science, palaeontology and art. Each workshop includes a reading, a Q & A and a session on watercolour painting. Also, a signed EON book. Max. 15 participants. Anytime, any place within Melbourne and within the next year. Options for interstate...message me....All ages!

2 chosen / 18 available

Est. delivery is Dec 18

EON school Incursion

A full day incursion to your primary or high school, including readings, interactive installations and art workshops for as many students we can fit into a day. Melbourne based, though options for interstate visits. Includes a signed copy of the book for the school. Message me! Aviva has completed numerous art/ science residencies in schools over the past decade.

1 chosen / 19 available

Est. delivery is Dec 18

One day team- building for your organisation

A day of team building exploring evolutionary thought and complex adaptive systems. This studio explores concepts such as cumulative change, adaption, resilience and how the distribution of energy has enabled diversity and thus resilience. Through this process we explore both survival (ambiguity, vulnerability and cooperation) and then construct collective ideas around perspectives, beliefs and assumptions.

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Dec 18

Original Painting by Aviva Reed

"Biodiversity" A framed original artwork by Aviva Reed. This work was my first investigation into evolution, painted in 2008. It is 100 x 75 cm with frame, painted on cotton rag paper using watercolour paints, ink, graphite and gold leaf. Get your self an original! Thank you so much for helping make EON happen!

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Nov 17

Co- creation of Art Project

Would you or your business, organisation, community, company like to co- create a project about ecology? It could be a mural, series of workshops, interactive installation, you name it! Let's create it. Be in touch with me to discuss any ideas you would like to collaborate on. My number is 0407618415. A great opportunity to make exciting things happen!

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 18