Fifteen Trees
Supporting Community Tree Planting Projects.

Black Cockatoos of WA

of $6,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 27th Jun 2020 at 2:00PM.

Hello, my name is Colleen Filippa (Director of Fifteen Trees) and with your help I want to raise funds to purchase 500 habitat trees for the Black Cockatoos of WA.

Carnaby's, Baudin's & Forest Red Tail Black Cockatoos are only found in the south west of WA. Due to loss of habitat; through land clearing and a reduction in suitable feeding and breeding habitats, all three bird species are threatened with extinction. 

Working in conjunction with Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre in Perth, WA, money raised via this campaign will go towards the purchasing 500 eucalyptus trees. These trees provide habitat for the Black Cockatoo, shelter, protection and food. Last year we raised funds to purchase 300 trees (Habitat Trees for the Black Cockatoos) for this fabulous group, this year we would like to 'up the ante'. 

It takes 20 years for the trees to be mature enough to provide the nuts for the birds to feed on. So it is vital that plantings are undertaken now to ensure food supplies are there for them in the future. 

Kaarakin is a specialised rehabilitation centre for Western Australia’s native black cockatoos and is planning to revegetate 2 hectares of land with 2000 native seedlings. We (Fifteen Trees) are aiming to help out by purchasing 500 of the 2000 needed. Kaarakin is a volunteer-led organisation who host a dedicated black cockatoo rescue service, supplying a home and rehabilitation for injured and sick birds, travelling up to 350 kms per week to rescue over 200 black cockatoos annually.

Fifteen Trees is a social enterprise company in the Central Highlands of Victoria, established in 2009. Social enterprises are not your typical businesses. We exist to 'intentionally tackle social change, improve communities ... or to help the environment' (Sustainability Victoria). My background is in education, science and sustainability. Four women are employed by Fifteen Trees - Sarah Hart (Creative Writer), Lynn Ann Wedley (Project Manager), Melinda Tant (Office Admin) and Lou Ridsdale (Marketing/PR). Together along with numerous native plant nurseries and community planting groups (such as Friends Groups and Landcare) we have helped plant over 184,000 trees since establishment in 2009.

Colleen Filippa / Founder and Director / Fifteen Trees

Budget Overview

At a price of $12.00/tree we are looking at raising $6,000.00 to purchase 500 eucalyptus seedlings. The trees will be planted this winter/spring by Kaarakin's staff, friends and community members. Should we raise more than the target (how fantastic would that be) the extra money collected will go towards providing more trees and tree guards for this special project. 

If you require an invoice or receipt for taxation purposes, please contact [email protected] and we will email one to you. 

Rewards for this campaign come from these fabulous companies and organisations:

  • Organic teas from Tea Associates (Bendigo, VIC).
  • Black Cockatoo cards and A4 posters from Hattie and The Wolf (Ballarat, VIC),
  • Black Cockatoo 2021 calendars from Kaarakin, Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre (Perth, WA).

One tree

One (1) habitat tree planted in WA on your behalf. Shout-out from the roof tops. Image Kaarakin.

14 chosen

Est. delivery is May 20

Two trees.

Two (2) habitat trees planted in WA on your behalf. Shout-out from the roof tops! Image Kaarakin.

44 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 20

Five trees.

Five (5) habitat trees planted in WA on your behalf. Shout-out from the roof tops! Plus a beautiful Black Cockatoo card posted to you. Image Kaarakin.

32 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 20

Ten trees.

Ten (10) habitat trees planted in WA on your behalf. Shout-out from the roof tops! Plus a beautiful Black Cockatoo card and A4 poster posted to you. Image Kaarakin.

8 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 20

Twenty trees.

Twenty (20) habitat trees planted in WA on your behalf. Shout-out from the roof tops! Plus, a beautiful Black Cockatoo card, A4 poster and 2021 Kaarakin calendar posted out to you. We will also throw in a packet of organic tea from our friends at Tea Associates in Bendigo (VIC). Something to sip upon while you fill in all those birthday dates on your new calendar. Plus, there is more ... an individual blog written up about you and/or your company and your trees. This can be shared at your end to promote your green credentials. Image Kaarakin.

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 20

Fifty trees.

Fifty (50) habitat trees planted in WA on your behalf. Shout-out from the roof tops! Plus a beautiful Black Cockatoo card, A4 poster, 2021 Kaarikin calendar and a pack of 4 gift cards, all posted out to you. We will also throw in a packet of organic tea from our friends at Tea Associates in Bendigo (VIC). Something to sip on while you fill in all those birthday dates on your calendar. Plus, there is more ... an individual blog written about you and/or your company and your trees. This can be shared at your end to promote your green credentials. Image Dave Catley Photography.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 20