Shane McLachlan
The Black Summer fires

Australia burns-silence of the land

of $5,500 stretchyrs ago
Successful on 17th Mar 2021 at 9:00PM.

I’ve just spent the last 18 months travelling, researching, writing, shooting and editing my latest passion project

 ‘Australia Burns…silence of the land’.

Between June 2019 and March 2020 Australia experienced a catastrophic bushfire season, one of the worst on record. The bushfires burnt an estimated 18.6 million hectares, destroyed nearly 3,000 homes and killed 34 people. An estimated one and a quarter billion animals were killed, and some endangered species may now be close to extinction.

In this documentary I didn’t just focus on the fires and their devastating effect on Australia’s unique wildlife and eco system. The film digs deep into whether climate change played a role, why were the fires so random and merciless and will this become the new normal?

‘Australia Burns….silence of the land’, is now finally finished. The whole project to date has been happily self-funded, but now I want to take it to the next stage.

With your valued support I’ll be able to premiere my film in the cinema with a live audience and cover the costs for local and international film festival entry and participation.

Because this crowd funding is all or nothing, if the campaign doesn’t reach its target amount, no dollar pledges will be processed.

On the positive side, every dollar raised beyond my minimum goal will allow me to enhance my post-production quality and expand my distribution plans for film festivals to reach the widest possible audience.

I’ve got just one month to reach my target so please, if you can, pledge now and get behind this project. 

Thank you, I really appreciate your support.

Budget Overview

  $800  -   DCP production - Digital Cinema Package or more commonly known as a DCP is the digital version of a 

                  35mm film print. Once I have a DCP I'll be able to present it to theatres to project it via a digital projector. 

$1500  -   Cinema Hire - Sydney location up to 95 seats

  $700   -   Local and International film festival entry fees

$3000  -   Total

No Reward

I choose to have no reward for my pledge.

0 chosen

We Care

Your pledge is much appreciated, Thank you.

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 21

Cinema premiere

1 x ticket to the Special cinema Premiere in Sydney

4 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 21

Cinema Premiere

2 x tickets to the Special Sydney cinema Premiere.

16 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 21

Bluray disc

A copy of 'Australia Burns...silence of the land' Blu-ray disc plus 2 x tickets to the special Sydney cinema Premiere.

8 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 21

Merry Crisis - Scomo

A Scott Marsh 'Merry Crisis' T-shirt to commemorate Scomos Hawaiian vacation while Australia was burning plus 2 x tickets to the special Sydney cinema Premiere.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 21

Special mention

For your generous support for the film, you will receive a special thanks in the credits plus 2 x tickets to the special Sydney cinema Premiere.

21 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 21