Age Fit Wear

of $500 targetyrs ago
Successful on 13th Aug 2017 at 5:30AM.

We respect your right to fit in

"Caring for my elderly mother has made me acutely aware of the often problematic situations consumers find themselves in and the difficulties they face navigating through unfamiliar environments. Clothing is one area I can tackle personally and I have the greatest “Muse”… ie my mother, Gwen. She is my source of artistic and creative inspiration!" - Charlie

However, we feel these clothes may be snapped up by all ages; they will be effortlessly comfortable, stylish and versatile.

We believe you have a right to fit in; to look stylish and gorgeous while maintaining your upbeat attitude toward ageing and life… even if the body doesn’t quite behave. We can do this, your way, with dignity each day.

As people get older, fingers often are no longer as nimble as they used to be, bending and twisting is not as easy as it once was and dressing and undressing becomes more of a chore. But who said we wanted to become a bore?

Many elderly people have care staff who come in to assist with dressing and to make this activity as pleasant as possible. However, wouldn’t it be great if we could continue to dress ourselves, look good, remain stylish and manage it all ourselves.

Our project is set to introduce stylish designs, which are easy to manage during dressing however don't scream "mobility impairment".

And that’s just the start of the reasons why we support the general need for “fitting in”. It extends beyond dress sense – and into general community involvement.

How The Funds Will Be Used

We have come to Pozible to seek compassionate like minds who wish to support and challenge us to develop products to help our mobility impaired family and friends. 

When you pledge for our #agefitwear concept today, you will help shape our journey for the development of garments suitable for trial by people (generally) living within the age care industry, across a general spectrum of mobility impairement. 

We have partnered with Marino Uniforms, a local clothing manufactoring company, to develop concept sample designs. Our seed funding will be used to give us the best platform for trial and error in getting the designs right together! We will then test run and launch the product later this year (beginning our retail / for sale journey).

Part proceeds will also be used to market the designs, design a "supporter crew tee" and commemorative gift for sale in conjunction with development.

The Challenges

There are many challenges for people living in aged care. This project is set to help overcome one of them and return our family and friends to a place of dignity in being able to dress themselves (if they have lower mobility impairment) without their clothing screaming "mobility impairement" once it is on their body. The challenges are getting the garment to work - and remain stylish!

However, another hurdle is purchasing power - with many of our traditional retail buyers being located within the aged care facilities. So, we need to look at how we will market and distribute our products for effective outcomes (a win win). Initially, we expect this will be driven through a web portal, phone call orders and postal deliveries. Long term we hope to run fashion shows and social styling events to keep everyone fit, healthy and social active!

Just because

Acknowledging your support of the #agefitwear project.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 17

Just because with commemorative gift

Because it's nice to have a takeaway, so receive a thank you commemorative gift acknowledging your support of the #agefitwear project.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 17

Support crew acknowledgement tee

Colour; Grape Design; soft combed cotton unisex modern fit tee with logo embroidering on hem

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 17

Commemorative gift plus support crew tee

Because you can't resist it and you need to have both items. Colour; Grape Design; soft combed cotton unisex modern fit tee with logo embroidering on hem

6 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 17

VIP Support Crew and Launch Party

Attend our Launch Party as a VIP and receive a commemorative gift acknowledging your support of the #agefitwear project.

6 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 17

VIP Launch Party Sponsor

VIP welcome and sponsor acknowledgement at event and acknowledging your support of the #agefitwear project.

1 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Oct 17

Premium VIP Launch Sponsor

VIP welcome and sponsor acknowledgement at launch and acknowledging your support of the #agefitwear project.

0 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Oct 17

A day in the life of mobility impaired 'muse' Gwen

For this, we collect our 'muse' Gwen and take her out to lunch. We will hear her story and how the designs have helped her and what she would like to see on the design drawing board in the future. A day to discuss, chat and cherish. We will take a videographer with us and capture the moment - a great story which can be shared for years to come - as the starting point for great change.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Oct 17