Emma Burrows

Faith in Neuroscience

of $23,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 9th Dec 2013 at 9:00AM.
It’s likely you know someone with Schizophrenia or Autism. Having problems with memory means that you might not be able to work, or go to school and you will struggle with basic tasks like going to the supermarket. This causes a lot of distress, not only to people living with these brain disorders but also to their families and friends.

Our research team are hoping to understand how learning and memory is affected in brain disorders like Schizophrenia and Autism. If we can figure out the link between memory and brain changes in these disorders we can begin to develop new therapies to improve quality of life for these people.

We are training mice to play memory games on touch sensitive computer screens. They are like iPads for mice. Using touchscreens we can investigate how well our mice learn. Mice are genetically similar to humans, and use the same brain areas for memory as we do. We work with mice that have been modified to contain Schizophrenia and Autism genes. Our mice learn to chose between two pictures on the screen and get a shot of strawberry milkshake when they get it right. These games are similar to those being used to assess memory in people with Schizophrenia and Autism.

Faith has been fundamental in setting up this research in Australia and we need your support so she can continue this exciting work. Our aim is to make living with Schizophrenia and Autism easier and here is your opportunity to get involved in this ground breaking research too.

The Team

A/Prof Anthony Hannan (Head of Neural Plasticity Lab) is head of the neural plasticity laboratory at The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health in Melbourne and has been working in the area of brain plasticity for over a decade. He received a PhD at the University of Sydney before taking up a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Oxford and later establishing his laboratory at The Florey. His team studies gene-environment interactions and brain plasticity in various neurological and psychiatric illnesses, and is trying to use this research to development new treatments for these devastating brain and mind disorders.

Dr Emma Burrows (Post doctoral researcher) has been working at The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health in Melbourne since completing her PhD at the University of Melbourne on how genes interact with the environment to protect against psychiatric illness. Emma has recently travelled to Cambridge University to bring back important expertise for running touchscreen technology. She aims to use this technology to improve treatment for schizophrenia and autism.

Faith Lamont (Graduate Student) ventured over the Tasman Sea from New Zealand in search of science that excites her and is currently completing her masters with A/Prof Hannan and Dr Burrows. She has measureless enthusiasm for science and will be able to continue working on this exciting project with your support.

Keep informed
You can follow us on Twitter: @embws and @faith_in_NsciThanks to @showcasejase for the tune backing our video

The Challenges

While we have clues about what to expect, our research may go in a completely different direction. This isn't a risk, but rather, an exciting opportunity to uncover something new.

If we are able to show that mice with Autism and Schizophrenia genes have learning difficulties, we will not only learn about the role of those genes in memory but be able to explore new therapies to improve performance.

Signed print of a cartoon specially drawn for our campaign by Australian artist Eleri Mai Harris. Postcard size and printed on highest quality watercolour paper. See other work by Eleri http://elerimai.com/

16 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 13

A personal thank you from the team and a copy of Faith's first publication.

18 chosen / 582 available

Est. delivery is Dec 13

Admit one. A lecture held at The Florey Institute for Neuroscience and Mental Health on The Changing Brain. A/Prof Hannan, Dr Burrows and Faith Lamont will share exciting research on our brain's ability to change in response to the environment.

16 chosen / 84 available

Est. delivery is Dec 13

Name a mouse. Every one of our mice is a little different. Some are dedicated learners, some spend all day preening themselves, and others are more interested in roaming on Faith's labcoat. Name one of them and receive regular updates. Watch them learning in real time.

3 chosen / 17 available

Est. delivery is Oct 13

Dr Emma and Faith will visit your school/organisation (in Melbourne) and present a specialised lecture on their research on Autism, Schizophrenia and brain plasticity.

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Jan 14

Be our Angel Investor. To thank you for your considerable support we will include your name in the acknowledgement section of any publication resulting from this research. You also receive the $25, $50, $500 and $2000 level rewards. Note that you must be able to travel to The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health to attend the lecture and be based in Melbourne for us to present at your organisation/school.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Dec 13