PJ Collins

Arts Party Federal Campaign

of $35,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 11th May 2016 at 5:01AM.



All donations up to $1500 are fully tax-deductible!


We have now reached a MAJOR moment, to take that mission to the 2016 Federal Election, where we intend to make supporting the Arts, our communities and our creative industries a MAJOR ISSUE. The election is expected to occur on 2nd July.


We need to raise a minimum of $35,000 to have a real shot at achieving our mission. The more we can raise the better! National Election Campaigns are not cheap to run. 

This is going to be a tight election. A million votes will be something no political party can ignore. Whichever one wins doesn't matter, because we can all win. By supporting this campaign, then together, we can change the future of Australia. This is the only campaign on Pozible that offers that as an outcome!

We wouldn't be doing this if the situation wasn't truly desperate. IT IS TRULY DESPERATE. 

The last 18 months have been a complete disaster for small and medium sized community organisations across the country and is only getting worse as the funding cuts keep biting. Arts in education has been equally sidelined by our current government and threatens the potential of an entire generation. Our museums, galleries and libraries are also being seriously defunded. Abbott, Brandis, Fifield, Turnbull - they're leaving quite a legacy. 

The Arts Party is the best and frankly ONLY option to show direct support for these issues when we’re all standing in the election booths later this year. No other party is going to even comment on the treatment of the Arts unless we make them. You can get regular updates as the election unfolds either through our Facebook Page or Website.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We have thousands of supporters across the country, a great policy platform, superb candidates, growing press coverage and access to every voting slip at the next election. We've already stood our first candidate in the North Sydney by-election last year and have plenty of experience to roll into this campaign. We just need a few more funds to make it all happen. PLEASE SUPPORT US TODAY.

This is the moment when the Arts Party will make a real difference in this country, by showing there's votes in supporting the Arts. 

PLEASE REMEMBER - This YOUR party, there’s no "Clive Palmer" behind us, only every day Australians who care about our shared future. Everything we’ve done up to this point, and we’ve done a lot, has been paid for through membership fees and supporter donations. Any donation up to $1500 is also tax deductible because we're a political party. Just request a tax receipt.

You will be contributing, not because of what you get, but because of what you can give. The rewards we're offering are pretty slim, but you will receive a special Arts Party t-shirt for all contributions over $100 and it's pretty awesome. 

So I sincerely hope you contribute. Because what’s the other option? The continued removal of the Arts from our schools, communities, healthcare, our future and collective intelligence as a nation. We cannot allow that to happen.

Click below to find out more about our candidates:


Our mission is to get a better deal for every one of us, whether we're the audience, in the production or the creator. We believe that Aussies care about their cultural life - music, film, dance, theatre, visual arts, writing, fashion, video games and so much more. We stand for artists, for audiences and for all the venues the two meet in. So support this campaign today if any of this matters to you.


As a political party, we’ve developed policies and positions on all the key issues right now in Australia, through the lens of the positive, supportive environment in which the Arts, like Australia, can flourish . We need new approaches and ideas to a lot of our problems. We pay taxes to the government to help each one of us be the best we can, as individuals as communities, as a country. That is reflected in our positions.

There's plenty more ideas to read about on our website, please go have a look and see what we're offering at this election. First off we need to get enough pledges to take part! Tell your friends, tell your family about this campaign. Contribute today.

We’re relying on your help to make Australia the Arts End of the World!

How The Funds Will Be Used

Election campaigns do not come cheap and we know this, we've been there.

We currently have 10 candidates to stand, with more to announce if we get enough funding. Each senate candidate is $2000 to register and each lower house candidate is $1000. We need at least two senate candidates in any state or territory to be an above the line voting option. 

Then of course there's the campaigning. We've got different campaign strategies for both the upper and lower house candidates and while we run a tight and effective ship, frankly the more money we raise the better in both situations.  As I said, $35,000 will put us on voting slips across the country, and everything beyond that will be paying for signs, flyers, advertising, online promo and most important of all, volunteers across the country come election day. Ideally, we'd like people performing at polling booths across the country, but artists and performers absolutely need to be paid! It's central in our policy!! 

The major parties will be spending millions in this election. How can we compete? Because while they'll battle to be the 'least worst option' come election day, we'll be offering people the opportunity to vote for something they actually believe in and are passionate about for a change. The challenge is for us to tell as many Aussies as possible about us as a voting option before they walk into the voting booth.

The Challenges

There is no real obstacle to our mission once this funding campaign succeeds. At this point, we simply need the support and generosity of Australians - like you - to help us, so we can make a stand in this election.

It's time we had some fresh voices in our democracy! It's time for a political coffee break!! 

Thanks for reading all this way, now to click something on the right!

Social Tip Supporter

As a thank you for contributing, we'll give you a shout-out on social media during the campaign. Every dollar helps.

74 chosen

Est. delivery is May 16

Membership or Top-Up

Take out a special 3 year membership or top up your existing one for an additional 3 years.

94 chosen

Est. delivery is May 16

$100 Supporter

You'll be contributing $100 to the campaign and receive a special Arts Party t-shirt! We can also offer you a complimentary membership or membership extension - just email us after pledging.

117 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16

$250 Supporter

You'll be contributing $250 to the campaign and receive a Special Arts Party t-shirt! We can also offer you a complimentary membership or membership extension - just email us after pledging.

12 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16

$500 Supporter

You'll be contributing $500 to the campaign and receive a special Arts Party t-shirt! We can also offer you a complimentary membership or membership extension - just email us after pledging.

6 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16

$1000 Supporter

You'll be contributing $1000 to the campaign and receive a special Arts Party t-shirt! We can also offer you a complimentary membership or membership extension - just email us after pledging.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16

$1500 Supporter

You'll be contributing $1500 to the campaign and receive a special Arts Party t-shirt! We can also offer you a complimentary membership or membership extension - just email us after pledging.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16

$3500 "10%" Supporter

You'll be contributing $3500 to the campaign, which is 10% towards our baseline target and of course receive a special Arts Party t-shirt! We can also offer you a complimentary membership or membership extension - just email us after pledging.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16

$5000 Patron

You're giving $5000 because you believe in the importance of Arts & Culture in all our lives, you legend! You also get a t-shirt!! We can also offer you a complimentary membership or membership extension - just email us after pledging.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 16