A Shared House Season 2
After months of writing, casting, rehearsing and gearing up our marketing, we launched into production and filmed Season 1 in 7 days. It was a blast - and really hard work.

Every production is a learning experience. You learn about yourself as a filmmaker, actor or technician and you learn a great deal about the universe you've built; where you went right, where you went wrong.
We get A Shared House now, and we don't just want to make more, we believe it needs more. There's more to the world, the characters - so much to explore! As such we think of Season 1 as our pilot; we know how to deliver a greater sense of entertainment and satisfaction to our audience and that's what we're working towards now.

We've assembled a writing team for Season 2 to avoid traps encountered by using a single writer in Season 1.
There is a plan in place for the new batch of episodes, which will see a show come to life with more humour, greater depth to the characters and a broader universe as we explore the characters outside their lives in the house.
We've put in a lot of hard work, but to make something with more depth and higher production values we need your help.
As with Season 1 we will make regular updates on social media - across our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts - and keep backers in the loop on what we're up to.
We'll also post any interviews and behind-the-scenes content on our YouTube channel.
Here are some samples from last time around!
Cast interviews:
Crew Interviews:
Stretch Goals
At $9,000 we'll be able to fully reimburse our make-up artist.
At $10,500 we will dedicate the additional money to the Production Design Budget.
At $12,000 we will increase the scope of payment to our crew, namely our First Assistant Director, Cinematographer and production assistant, who have all been magnificent enough to work within our original goal.
At $15,000 we will add a Holiday Special to the production, which will be released near Christmas 2016.
Anything above $15,000 will be put towards festival entries, rehearsal spaces, marketing and advertising Season 2 - all of which has been coming out of the pockets of the Producers.
How The Funds Will Be Used
With Season 1 out in the wild we know where improvements can be made, but we need some help.
Our objective is to lock down the best team we can get and do right by them as they did by us the first time around. Our funds will be used to hire a professional sound recordist, pay our actors, pay for make-up and production design, catering and purchase production resources.

We'll be working with donated equipment, with the exception of that hired through our sound recordist and boom operators. What we will need to buy is a bunch of hard drives, because we're shooting at 4K resolution to save precious time by cropping for close-ups (a practice Joshua is familiar with using the Panasonic GH4, BlackMagic 4K and Red Epic).

The Challenges
As always the key obstacle to achieving our goal is the ever-present time pressure involved in independent ultra-low-budget production.
We're an efficient and enthusiastic team, with plenty of filmmaking experience between us, but things still go wrong and making a quality product demands every moment of your attention throughout the production process.
We know we can do as well as we did last time, but our challenge is to do better. We're going to achieve that by sourcing better equipment, putting the extra work into the script - which will include a number of Writer's Room sessions - and rehearsing with extra parameters, such as script timing and continuity.
We're determined to overcome the challenges ahead, and will be delighted to take our backers along for the ride.
A Shared Snap
The cast of A Shared House will add you as a friend on Snapchat and update you every day on set.
A Note From Charlotte
'Charlotte' will mention you in a beautifully crafted thank you letter that will be posted to you and downloadable on the A Shared House website. She'll surely spend a lot of time on it.
Michael Does Laps
'Michael' will cycle a lap of a sports oval for every donation. It will be filmed and put online for you, and if you live in Sydney you're welcome to come along! Date and location TBC. Make him sweat. You will also receive: A Shared Snap A Note From Charlotte
A Shared House Shout Out
Your name will feature in the Special Thanks section of the credits in every episode of Season 2. Charlotte will mention you in the letter on the A Shared House website. Michael will cycle a lap for you.
Happy Holidays!
You will receive a card in the mail for the 2016 holidays signed by the cast and crew, with a photo from behind the scenes on the front. You will also receive: Michael Does a Lap A Shared Snap A Note From Charlotte A Shared House Shout Out
A Shared Panel - Q & A
You will be invited for tea and biscuits with the cast and crew of A Shared House in Sydney*, who will do a Q&A about web series production, acting, filmmaking and more! Bring questions! You will receive a printable PDF copy of the Director's script from the shoot with all his changes and notations! Charlotte will mention you in the letter on the A Shared House Website. Michael will cycle a lap for you. *Backers will need to make their own way to the session.
Liz's Art Class
'Liz' will send you an autographed drawing of your favourite animal that she will complete in art class. They mightn't be good, but there'll also be a video of her making them as a part of her video blog. You will be invited to the premiere in Sydney* (location & date TBC). You will also get get: Printable PDF copy of Director's script from set A Shared House Shout Out A Shared Panel - Q & A Michael Does Laps *Backers will need to make their own way to the session.
The Lucas Serenade
All of the above + 'Lucas' will send you a personalised video where he replaces lyrics of a song of your choice with "[Your Name] is awesome!" You will be invited to set for an hour!* Sydney Premiere invite!* You will be featured as an Associate Producer in the credits of every episode in Season 2. You will receive a printable PDF copy of the Director's script from the shoot with all his changes and notations! *Backers will need to make their own way to set & premiere.
The Charlotte Massage
To reduce the awkward, we'll send you to a proper spa for an hour-long massage - but it'll have Charlotte's tick of approval. You will be listed in the credits of every episode of Season 2 as an Executive Producer. You will be invited to the premiere in Sydney* (location & date TBC). The cast will sing your favourite song in Pitt Street, Sydney, with a sign saying, "[Your Name/Twitter/Instagram] is a friggin' legend." Michael will cycle five laps for you. *Backer must make own way to event.