Riley Beech


of $4,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 2nd Aug 2016 at 6:10AM.

After a great start to our career, The Old Married Couple are ready to take things to a new level by making our debut album. We've been developing our distinct, quirky swing-folk songs and we're ready to this project.

By doing lots of research and searching, we've lined up the spectacular Adam Selzer as a producer for the project.

Adam is a producer/engineer/mixer from Portland who has worked with so many musicians that have been influential on our music and sound including Darren Hanlon, The Decemberists and She & Him among others.

Adam Selzer's production credits 

Here is a quote from Adam about the project - "I am honored to be able to work with The Old Married Couple as they embark on their new record in early 2017. I'm grateful to be able to utilize my studio, Type Foundry, located in Portland, Oregon for the project. The Old Married Couple and Type Foundry seem like a perfect fit, an affair that was destined to become a reality. The studio is home to much vintage equipment and decor, and since listening to the band takes us back in time, the coalescence of band/studio/producer is and exciting prospect. I've recorded many bands and artists that share a similar aesthetic such as M. Ward, Darren Hanlon, Decemberists, Alela Diane, and She & Him and I'm very happy to have the opportunity to create a beautiful album with songwriters as great as The Old Married Couple." ~Adam Selzer

At first we were worried about travelling all the way to Portland for the album but the more we think about it, there is no better place in the world for us (seriously, have you seen how many beards there are in Oregon?) to record.

We are working hard and saving lots and lots of money in order to travel and record but we need your help to guarantee it will be the best it can be.

We have worked out that the costs for recording/mixing etc are at about $21000 and we need your help to get us over the line and have us looking at promoting the album through videos, touring and publicity when it is released.


A word from Adam
"I am honored to be able to work with The Old Married Couple as they embark on their new record in early 2017.  I'm grateful to be able to utilize my studio, Type Foundry, located in Portland, Oregon for the project. The Old Married Couple and Type Foundry seem like a perfect fit, an affair that was destined to become a reality. The studio is home to much vintage equipment and decor, and since listening to the band takes us back in time, the coalescence of band/studio/producer is and exciting prospect. I've recorded many bands and artists that share a similar aesthetic such as M. Ward, Darren Hanlon, Decemberists, Alela Diane, and She & Him and I'm very happy to have the opportunity to create a beautiful album with songwriters as great as The Old Married Couple." ~Adam Selzer

Live Review - The Old Married Couple @ Memo Music Hall - December 2015
The first time I saw The Old Married Couple, it was a little messy. Riley had been playing for years, but Katie was new to it all. Nevertheless, she made up for her novitiate nervousness with plenty of charm. Since then, they've come to Melbourne every six months or thereabouts, so I have been able to get a pretty good dendrochronology of their evolution as a four-hander.
Every time they've appeared on our barren shore, the show has become more developed. First, one noticed the deftly written duets, full equally of piss-take and true sentiment. Next, one saw what can only be described as the kazoo revolution. And increasingly reasoned and suave harmonies.
Then, last week, I got to see this two-faced juggernaut land the only support for 90s legends, Things Of Stone And Wood.
Naturally, there was a crowd of Melbournians of "un certain age". When the OMC hit the stage, they ploughed through an audience that obviously had a lot of Friday night gab they had to impart. A hard crowd. However, by the third song, a magical thing happened. The OMC had, through sheer will, convinced this audience that they should shut up and pay attention.
By now, by which I mean 2015, this duo was cooking. The harmonies, at times, were the most intricate and sophisticated I'd heard for a long while, and hearbreakingly, or chillingly so (I still haven't worked out which) . The kazoo wigs had a beautiful swingtime vigour and sass. The lyrical punchlines (of which their are plenty) were hitting on cue. There were moments that I felt like I was getting slapped around by Cole Porter on one side, and Lorenz Hart on the other. Which is a kind of bliss.
To see this act go from zero to hero within forty minutes was a delight. I hear they are are coming to permanently darken our southern shores soon, and I look forward to them beating back against the cynical, hyper-ironic and jaded heart of Melbourne.
- Duncan Graham (Truant's corner, Duncan Graham and his Co-assused)

A word about Adam Selzer

"I sought out Adam Selzer because he was responsible for the sonic brilliance of many albums I'd been listening to. Knowing nothing more I booked a session, traveled to Portland OR and was happy to discover Adam to be a wonderful partner in creating the vision of my own album. Owning his own studio a Type Foundry- he has an ease of working within its space that comes through on the recordings. He's a great producer if called upon, with many innovative ideas, but I found him to be such a dogged quiet achiever that there's a productive flow to every day. I've since done many projects with Adam Selzer and have been spoiled for working with anyone else now." - Darren Hanlon

How The Funds Will Be Used

Funds from our lovely supporters will be used in conjunction with every cent and ounce of energy we have to record, mix and master the album. This works out to about $22,000 overall including travel. This also works out to about 2 litres of sweat from hard work but we're happy to cover that... please don't send us sweat.
The estimate breakdown looks like this:

Price (estimates)
Session musician - Drums and bass - additional musicians (estimated 2 days)
US $1300 - AUD 1800
recording and production/mix 
us 9000 - AUD 12465.46
us 720 - AUD 997.24
est AUD 5000
Est AUD $22 000

If we're able to reach our goal, we also plan to produce a video and promotional materials for the album with anything that isn't spent on the recording.

The Challenges

Making time to prepare: The process of making album includes a tonne of demoing, editing, writing, rehearsals etc. Gigs, work and life can often call for a lot of time. We will be creating a strict schedule of time to work on the album and communicate with our amazing producer. We plan on sharing the process with everyone which will make us accountable. You guys will make us get to work.

Getting to the studio: America is REALLY far away. Thankfully, we love travelling and are really excited to do Christmas in winter. We will be buying tickets nice and early and getting super fit in order to help us carry musical luggage through airports and to lower the amount of damage that will inevitably caused by the need to try American foods.

Choosing songs: We know its old fashioned, but we really feel that albums should be cohesive while still being interesting. As we are constantly evolving and writing, it is going to be hard work as we sift through the songs, write new ones and leave some great songs 'on the bench'. We may need to buy these songs a pizza or something so that they're feelings aren't hurt.

Feeding our cat: We adopted a beautiful ginger cat who will have the house all to herself but may get very lonely and hungry with us being away. We're going to have to figure out a way to fix this... P.S if you live in the Moorabool region and want to hang out with our cat Patti, you might want to drop us a message.

Shout out!

You just want to help out. You'll score a shout out in the 'Thankyou' edition of the 'Pozible song'. Everyone who pledges will get a shout out on our social media

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 16

Digital download

You'll get a digital download of the album when it is finished.

11 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 17

Album artwork tea towel

You're a person who collects or uses tea towels. You will receive a big thankyou by getting the album artwork on a tea towel.

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 17

Post card: Be our pen Pal

We are going to take lots of photos while we make our album. If you choose this option, you will get a one-off photo from our adventure with a personalised letter written in the studio and sent to you with our signatures and love.

5 chosen / 15 available

Est. delivery is Feb 17

Let's get physical (CD)

You love some quality artwork and linear notes. You get a physical copy of the album + a digital download of the album to share with a friend.

10 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 17

Join the family portrait

Your pretty face will be animated (much like our logo) and you will be included in our 'Thankyou' family portrait on the album artwork. You will also receive a signed 'Thank you' poster of the family. Also includes a digital download of the Album

13 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Mar 17

'All the merch' pack

You're incredible so we're going to give you everything we've got. The pack includes - The album CD - Tea Towel - 'Old Married Couple' Kazoo - 1 Old Married Couple Magnet - 'Join the family' animation and poster Whatever new merch we come up with

10 chosen / 20 available

Est. delivery is Apr 17

Fascinator by Katie

With your input, Katie will make you a personalised, amazing fascinator to wear proudly.

2 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Jul 17

A personalised song

In addition to your copy of the Album, Riley will also write a song with you or with your ideas. The Old Married Couple will then record the song and give you a digital download of the file to be shared with the world or just someone you love.

1 chosen / 9 available

Est. delivery is Aug 17

House concert (NSW & VIC)

The Old Married Couple will come to your house (or a home venue of your choice) and perform for you and your nearest and dearest completely unplugged. You may want to team up with a group of friends for this one. You'll also score a merch pack as an extra thanks - Includes a 'Family portrait' animation and poster

0 chosen / 12 available

Est. delivery is May 17

House concert (Australia)

The Old Married Couple will come to your house (or a home venue of your choice) and perform for you and your nearest and dearest completely unplugged. You may want to team up with a group of friends for this one. You'll also score a merch pack as an extra thanks

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Jun 17

House concert (earth)

The Old Married Couple will come to your house (or a home venue of your choice) and perform for you and your nearest and dearest completely unplugged. You may want to team up with a group of friends for this one. You'll also score a merch pack as an extra thanks - Includes a 'Family portrait' animation and poster

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Jan 18